yarn: Panda Wool 46% Bamboo, 43% Wool, 11% Nylon (wonderful to work with, love the color# 9573 Ultramarine) This yarn is squishy and I'm glad I have it in another colorway, so there's a chance I can make myself a pair.
needles: 2.5mm 5 DP
size: even though it's called "Child's First Socks" the pattern is written for adult feet, in this case a women's medium
pattern: Child's First Socks by Nancy Bush from the book "Knitting Vintage Socks, New Twists on Classic Patterns", (wonderful written; the shell pattern was easy to memorize; I did only 5 repeats on the leg, because I worried about having enough yarn - as always)
This pair is going to a friends home. It was pure pleasure to knit it!

I was also gifted by Monica with this gorgeous 100% mohair hand painted yarn. It's 112 g, I don't know the yardage, but it's a lot. I've used a mohair/acrylic blend once for a scarf. Any idea what to knit with mohair? It doesn't matter if I get to it soon or not, because I love to look at it as it is! ;o)
ohhh those are beautiful!!
That colourway is very rich, gonna keep an eye out for some Pwool!
Fabulous socks! Isn't that pattern fun? That color is dreamy!!
Gorgeous ! You make my head spin , every time I check in with you , there's another pair of socks ! Beautiful colourway , lovely pattern .
Wow! Those socks are awesome! I love the subtle colour changes.
What beautiful socks - love that ultramarine color!
Lovely socks. As for the mohair, to me it says: Shawl. It's beautiful and I'll bet there is a ton of yardage.
that colorway is stunning! They look great. I've got to learn to knit socks.
No recommendations on the mohair, sorry.
I think the last time I actually fit into a women's size medium sock was when I was in middle school! :) The socks are beautiful! I love the swirl like pattern on them and the color is beautiful. The color actually reminds me of some of the iridescent birds feathers that you see on birds in the rain forest. I love them!
The colors and pattern are a perfect match in these socks. Well done, once again!
Oh Monika,
sind die Socken schööön! Das Muster hat mir auch schon von Anfang an in dem Buch von Nancy Bush gefallen. Ich glaub, ich muss mich diesen Herbst doch mal an so ein hübsches Paar Sochen machen. Sie sind wirklich ein Traum. Ein schönes Garn und auch wunderbar gestrickt.
Hab lange nicht vorbei geschaut, war immer was anderes zu tun.
So ein farbenfrohes Mohair habe ich auch noch in meinem Stash, allerdings kein handbemaltes. Also ich würde daraus bestimmt einen hübschen Schal machen...
Ach, ich hab so viele Ideen im Kopf - allein, es fehlt die Zeit, sie alle schnell in die Tat umzusetzen.
Bis bald und ganz liebe Grüße
Those socks are gorgeous! I'm going to have keep my eye out for that colorway, it's amazing.
That's a very pretty pattern. Such a great color choice too.
Beautiful socks, the pattern and yarn together remind me of a mermaid's tail.
Very Pretty! The pattern would be well suited to toe-up if, like me, you have a long foot and always worry about running out of yarn!
When I first looked at the socks...I thought to myself "boy, that child must have big feet!" Glad you clarified it ;) I love the pattern. You always have the best socks on your blog!
happy knitting :)
I just love those socks, the pattern and colorway are simply beautiful.
Those are really beautiful socks! The colorway and the pattern were made for each other.
Those socks are gorgeous!
Beautiful socks!
Well you have been busy while I was away!! These shell socks are gorgeous in the Panda Wool! and since I'm catching up...I love your newly spun sock yarn/I'm jealous you have "the book"/ and I bet your Omi will be thrilled with her oh so soft baby cashmere Crosshatch socks!!
I love those socks! what a great design. Panda yarn is really great for socks. I have a pair made from it and I have washed and washed them and they wear really well.
Wow - schon wieder soooo schöne Socken! Die Farbe ist supertoll und das Muster, erste Klasse!! Die sind einfach rundum perfekt!
Liebe Grüße
Those Socks are FABULOUS. The color is to dye for and the pattern is lovely.
OOOOOOOHHH! Was sind das schöne Socken! Die sind Dir supergut gelungen. Die Wolle mit dem leichten Farbverlauf und auch das Muster gefallen mir sehr gut. Wirklich tolle Arbeit.
I love those socks!!! That panda wool is a great colorway!
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