Looksie here! My Bedbugs Lacey Scarf is a-blocking! I finally got to it this morning. Taking a deep breath I tool a book with grafting instructions and went to it. Let me tell you (and I'm sure you know it already) grafting is not too bad, unless you are grafting for the first time and lace at that. What a mess! It was not very stretchy and for some reason I had more sts on one needle at the end (even though I've counted and they were the same in the beginning). Anyway, this scarf will stay in the family, so it doesn't matter if it's a master piece or NOT. I've learned a few things, and that's important to me. More about the Bedbugs as soon as it's dry and ready for another photo shoot.

In the meantime I've amused myself with E.Z's Christmas Fiddle-Faddle from her book "Knitter's Almanac". I've wanted to try the tree and the star for quite some time now, and having signed up for Zimmermania, it gave me the excuse to do it. It's such a fast knit, you have to be careful, because if you blink, it's all over!

How much fun was that?! There are many more E.Z. projects I'd like to do. She's had such a great mind. How can you come up with something like that on a camping trip?- or at all?
Anyway, onward!
I've got a triangular shawl on the needles. It will be a present for my grandmother. I've searched for an easy one through all my books and found one which is quite easy to memorize and knit. More about that as soon as I have something to show you (blocking stage and after). It's just a red blob right now.
Knit her Surprise mittens. I'm dying to see someone else make them.
Fiddle Faddle is gorgeous.
That scarf looks really pretty! - can't wait to see the whole thing. My Trellis is blocking in the hallway right now.
I like the Fiddle-Faddle. I've put aside the Mystery Blanket for now, as it's been too warm to knit with the wool I chose, and I'm afraid that I also let myself get distracted!
oh der Baum und der Stern sehen ja toll aus - wie hast du die denn gestrickt - gwundrig bin?
Liebe GrĂ¼sse aus der Schweiz - Manuela
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