(this photo cracks me up)
We all like it. I'm not good at baking beautiful cakes, but they taste good.
I cut it in half once and filled it with Apricot jam.
Everybody wants a piece of it!
(I asked Happy to smell the cake. He usually does not jump up on the counter like somebody else we know.)
Some want it more than others...
(I pushed it out of his reach.)
If you don't get it from the one side, try the other ...
That was close!
Wish I could share this with you!
This cake really NEEDS whipped cream.
Happy Birthday to your DS!!! Hope he has a wonderful day. Nice cake, it looks so nice, I would love to have a slice with whipped cream. Those pups crack me up too, All the shenanigans with the cake. I wonder if Denny leads Happy astray?? I love their little white faces popping up above the table and their eagerness for Cake!!
Denny's earnest little face, not quite believing that the cake won't jump off the plate and into his mouth....
Counter surfers!! Just like Milo! So cute and the cake looks yummy!
I can't blame the dogs, I would've been up on the counter with them if I was there.
Hee Monika, das ist wirkliche und echte Tierquälerei ;oD !!
Nicht nur für die Vierbeiner sondern auch für die Zweibeiner! ;oD. . . . Viiiieeellll Schlagrahm drauf. . . . Jaaaa, da bin ich mit Dir einig!!!
Grüessli Hanne,CH.
Oh Monika... my mouth is watering! Oh how I wish I was sitting in the cafe of the Sacher Hotel eating a piece of that cake again... YUM! It looks absolutely beautiful!
Happy birthday to D!
That looks so good. I think it's high time you bake them a doggie cake.
Oh I think Denny deserves a piece.... don't you?
Birthday cake and puppies!!!!! Best way to spend a birthday
That first photo put a big smile on my face! Happy Birthday to your DS!
That cake looks decadently delicious - yum yum!!! DS must have been VERY HAPPY and felt duly celebrated :) Denny Denny Denny don't you know chocolate cake is not good for you :(
Happy Birthday D! How you had an awesome day and enjoyed that yummy cake!
I haven't had Sacher Torte in years. Now I want some.
Hee hee, I love the pictures!!!! I don't blame them, looks delish!
Looks lovely and delicious! Me too, my birthday was on the fourth!
Happy birthday (belated)!
That cake looks AMAZING!
Boy, that cake does look delicious. Hope all three of your boys got a piece ;)
Happy birthday to your son :)
Happy birthday to your son!
I would "help" you with that cake if I were there ; )
Lovely pictures! I hope the cake tasted good, it sure looks like it did. Happy birthday to your son.
I just loved Denny's enthusiasm...I can actually relate to it looking at the cake! Lol!
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