I've finished one little skein of "Awesome Boyfriend" colorway, and I've put it in my shop.
I truly love this colorway, and I've more of this fiber to spin.
This is one skein, ~ 195yds, true 3-ply, 2.5oz/73g, BFL. It's enough to make a pair of fingerless mittens. Enjoy!
I'm hoping to get more spinning done soon. I really miss it.
Hannah came home from University for a short while, before she leaves for Australia. We were surprised by the pups reaction.
Denny could not get enough belly rubs, and enjoyed it very much. Look at his face! It says it all. :o)
Meanwhile these two were hiding out under my new desk. Happy is still spooked by Hannah (and her boots, her bags, everything belonging to her), but he's a little better now, because he's staying in the same room with her, or even right beside her, as long as she totally ignores him. No eye contact at all, or talking directly to him.
Maggie reacted the same way as Happy. Running away and hiding, and she's never met Hannah before. So I don't know what's that all about. She was leaving the room whenever possible, when Hannah was there.
Both of them were stressed out, and stayed in their crates, even after I opened the doors. Hannah left for a few days this evening, and soon after they realized the "air was clear" (Happy ran through the house looking for her, and settled down after he could not find her), they returned to their crazy playfulness.
I've put away my knitting for tonight. I'll go and read for a change. I hope you all had a nice weekend!
Look at the expression on Denny's face! It looks like he's thinking this is the life, lol.
Nice yarn - I dyed up some yarn for Dave with similar colours.
Too funny about the dogs and your daughter. My cat Rocky loves everybody but my Aunt Lee. She comes and he hides.
I love your Awesome Boyfriend yarn. The colors are wonderful.
Love that colorway. That's so funny that Happy still doesn't like Hannah. I guess that means more attention for Denny.
Love your spinning. It's inspired me to pull out my wheel for some lunchtime spinning.
i adore those colors. gorgeous!
that last pic is so cute. aww.
Beautiful color and spinning ~ at this time of year everyone needs more mittens!!!
I think the pups are just used to having you all to themselves and don't know what to make of Hannah or what role in the "pack" she has. I think by the time she leaves all of them will be begging for belly rubs :)
Sounds like you pulled the easy shift - LOL
That last picture is just adorable!
I wonder if Maggie is using Happy as her barometer for what's safe in life. She'd be a fool to trust Denny in that regard.
That's so weird about the pups and Hannah. Go figure. And people say cats are weird... :D
Looooove the spinning. Love it.
I think you need to face the truth - that Hannah is an space alien. A demon? A zombie? an angel?
Oh too funny, my word is golim. Close enough. ;)
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