I found this cheap sock yarn. It's Mary Maxim's Gemstones. I liked the colorways, but the yarn itself feels like elann's Sock-It-To-Me, which is also made in Turkey. I was so curious how the socks would look knit up, that I decided to knit one sock with each colorway. The first one was the far left. It will be socks for DH. I made this one with 2.5mm needles, but the knit fabric is a little bit too loose for my liking. The second one will be mine, knit on 2.25mm needles. The third one will be for DD, and the last one, the far right, will also be for myself. My DS didn't want a pair. All of them are cast on with Italian cast on. I changed each heel, so it would not be too boring. Now I have the "pleasure" to pair them up. I've started with DD's sock, that has to be done by the end of August, when she will return to University.
Of course it's hard to post without a doggy story. The other day, while I was taking Happy outside to pee, Biko thought she'd reclaim some space in the kitchen, which Happy took over with his arrival. The crate seemed to be as good a place as any in her mind. I have no idea how she could get in there AND TURN AROUND! This is a medium sized dog crate! As you can see I could not close the door if I wanted to. There was a rawhide bone in there as well, which normally does not interest her at all.
So, when we came back inside, this is what we saw. She looked a little guilty, but also a little smug. They started to fight for the bone right away. Since she didn't care for it, she let Happy have it.
But that was not good enough for him. He had to get into the crate with her, which made it a little claustrophobic for her. She just wanted to get out, but he was in the way. There was a lot of rumbling, and snarling, and yapping until they sorted it out, he was in the crate and she was out.
I don't think she's figured him out yet. I had to laugh hard the other day. She had this little game with Sam. When they were fed, she would start eating her food. Sam always was done first, very much like Happy now. She would walk out the kitchen with half her food left, turn around quickly and look back inside to her food bowl. If Sam would even look at it she would run like a fury, snarling and bareing teeth to shoo him away. Poor Sam didn't even glance in her direction anymore. She did that every time, it seemed she could not enjoy her food, without this game.
Now she tried this game several times with Happy but he refused to play along (like she was used to). As soon as she stepped away from the bowl, he hung his head in there gobbling up mouthfull of her food. No snarling could stop him now. She always looked at me in wonderment, whining in disbelief. She tried this several times now. I wonder when she'll understand that Happy is not Sam! He doesn't even wait sometimes for her to step away from her food bowl, he just sticks his head in there with hers until she really gets mad, then he backs off a little.
Wow! I am the first one on this post. Great! I love DDs sock the best, lovely winey tones. Biko is surely confused with the little one :-)Probably can't figure out why is he so different...
Die Socken sind echt schön. Mir gefallen alle Färbungen!! Und dann noch preiswert? Besser geht es ja garnicht...
Die Hunde-Geschichten sind immer klasse. Besonders Happy im kleinen Pool! Die Videos sind so schön und ich habe sie mir schon mehrmals angesehen. Danke dafür!
VG von Heike
Poor Biko, driven to such lengths!! How lucky is Happy to be getting a free run at her food too?? Lorelai very quickly learned which was her dish. She did try to get her nose into the other dishes though. Nice of Biko to let Happy have the chewy bone she didn't fancy!!
Nice socks, the wool is has very pretty colour and pattern repeats.
Nice socks, I like most the first (green) one and the fourth (darkest)one!
awww Biko wants her own domain back :)
We always tell Boston to put the heat on Molly because she sometimes doesn't want to eat at all. Boss will stand just in her sight staring at her food lovely which then switches her into an eating mood. There's the occasional i'm gonna bare my teeth like the big bad wolf and snap at u but for the most part she eats :)
I expect Biko misses her game with Sam and wants to try and start it with Happy too.
I wondered what that sock yarn was like. I saw it in their book. Pretty colors.
Your dogs are funny!
Great colours for the socks.
Poor Biko, but I'm sure she'll find some other game to play with Happy
Lovely Socks!!
That new dog story is very funny! It seems that Biko wants to show who the house belongs to! hahaha
Have a nice week!
As I see it you have 2 finished pairs of socks! Love the gemstone colors :)
So cute hearing about Biko's adjustment to Happy. I think she needs a little extra cuddle time.
That is hilarious. Poor Biko can't play her same tricks but taking over Happy's crate is just too funny.
Cute socks! they all look good.
I saw signs for Mary Maxim stores while driving through Ontario last week and I would've loved to have stopped if it were for the other people and the dog. Poor Biko. I wonder if she's missing Sam still and projecting her Sam memories onto Happy.
I guess Biko thinks that possession is 9/10s of the law! It sure seems that Happy is a dominant little dog.
Have you washed those socks or the Elann ones yet to see if they soften and bloom? I have some of the Elann yarn in my stash that I haven't used yet.
Love those socks!
Poor Biko, so abused! ;)) I love your dogs, and your socks!
I'm sure it's hard to replace Sam, but Happy sure lends a lot of distraction. I love the socks. They all look so perfect.
Ich kann gar nicht sagen, welche Färbung mir am besten gefällt? Ich finde alle vier einfach klasse. Gefallen mir sehr gut!
Leider habe ich im Augenblick viel zu wenig Zeit, um hier regelmäßig deine hundige Geschichten zu lesen. Wo ich deine Fotos dazu doch so gerne anschaue.
Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt den Sommer schön genießen?
Liebe Grüße, Juli
na, einen schönen Gruß an Biko - sie soll mal mehr auf ihren Hinterbeinen stehen und Happy nicht aus ihrem Napf fressen lassen. Am Ende tanzt er ihr noch auf der Nase rum *gg*
Grüßle, die Bea
Love those colorways :)
I think Biko is really getting jealous of Happy moving into his crate like that even though it couldn't have been comfortable...too funny. Love those photos...you must be very quick to get such great photos!! Don't you wish they could talk...well, maybe NOT!!
I really like the sock yarn colors. I may have to try it.
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