I like the look of vintage-style bikes, like this one:
I rode this one. It was totally awesome, except soon my behind hurt like that time, when I fell of a horse and cracked my tailbone, well maybe not as much but close.
I've had problems with my knees since I was seven years old. Riding a regular bike hurt so much, that I could hardly walk afterwards. With this little electric motor the BionX bike helps out with power-assist, whenever I want or need it. The motor is on the back wheel, then there's this little battery in the middle, and a computerized console on the handle. As always I learned by doing, because as soon as someone tries to explain something like that to me, my head feels like a big vacuum. (push this button, then wait, switch that on/off, push that one, peddle ....)
I admit the throttle was my favorite switch to press. This power-assist got me up to 29 kph, without peddling that is, I might have squealed "Wheeeee" a few times, and I was too fast to see the look on peoples faces (and they WERE starring). I did not care. I stopped squealing though, right after a bug hit my throat. Did NOT want to swallow any critters! Since I wear glasses anyway, I did not get any in my eyes either, like DH did. I did enjoy my rides quietly from then on.
Maybe my old, unused bike can get transformed into an BionX bike, DH will have a look, whether it's possible. That would be so cool!
Coole Räder!!
Radfahren macht echt Spaß, auch wenn man es lange nicht gemacht hat. Man verlernt es eben nie. Ich wünsche Dir auf jeden Fall noch viel mehr Spaß beim radfahren. Ich tue es auch sehr gerne.
Ist ja Klasse - bin auch schon die ganze Zeit am Liebäugeln mit so einem Teil. Und dann noch ein Hundeanhänger und ihr könnt alle zusammen touren.
viel Spass wünscht Sabine
Cool Bike!!
I think I don't ride on since I was a child!
Enjoy =)
Jaaa!! So´n Rad ist super! Habe ich mir auch schonmal angeschaut, aber dann habe ich mir doch lieber die VESPA gekauft und radel weiter auf dem normalen Rad durch die Gegend.
Blöder Weise knirscht mein Knie aber auch oft und ich kann nicht immer so wie ich gerne möchte. Aber Spaß macht es...
VG von Heike
That's an awesome bike! I've never even heard of one. You'll have to get a padded split seat for your rear. :)
Maybe Lance Armstrong should think about putting you on his team for next year's Tour de France!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
My behind hurts just looking at that bike seat. But, what fun it must have been to ride. There are a lot of mountain bikers here. Once again, I missed your last three posts due to Bloglines. I have got to start checking your blog every single day. The Friday Handspun is just gorgeous. And I love those pics of Mr. Happy. Also love the crochet cotton. How lovely!
I guess the saying is true - it's like riding a bike - you never forget! I'm thrilled for you that you had fun ~ life is a gift and meant to be enjoyed :)
I showed the bike to Steve - he remembers when this type of bike was common early last century. I would think that in addition to the recreation market there would be a demand in developing countries.
That looks like so much fun! I've never riden one of the electric bikes but they are popular around here. I see them often. I have a road bike that I put one of those gel covers on the seat to help for the behind issues. It helps some. My beach cruiser bike has a much wider seat that seems to help a lot.
All the stories about Happy make me so happy!! I love the video. I cannot believe how fast dogs grow. A year ago Ysja wasn't even born and now she looks like a full-grown dog.
The bikes seems very nice.
And of course your knitting and fibres are lovely.
how fun is that?!?! i've not had much time to go bike riding this summer. so enjoy for me, too! :)
Fun, yes!! That BionX sounds pretty cool.
Wow!! I need one of those ;) Very new to me...I've never even heard of bionx bikes before...very cool :) You better get yourself a pair of those padded bike pants so you can keep on riding....
I want to try one. I tried a Segway once and that was lots of fun.
Haven't biked in such a long time! And New Delhi is definitely the most unfriendly city to bike in, but next time I am on a holiday I shall definitely give it a shot.
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