This is 2-ply, 193.5 yds, both skeins together. I tried to spin thick, really, really thick, and thought I'll be needing at least 8mm needles to knit this stuff, but once plied, it might be called chunky, or heavy worsted. I have to check the WPI, but it's thick and thin spun, thanks to the mohair/wool blend, which was a PIA to draft and spin. It had lots of dried veggies in it, could have fed a bunny with it. I do not blame the fiber, or even Amy for providing this colorway, it's not her fault, that I didn't understand until it was too late, because after I finished this yarn, I read the little label, which comes with the fiber, it said: Think Spring!
" The grey skies are parting for the pink sunrises and the brighter yellow days of spring. Can you feel it coming?" Amy

Anyway, Maggie did the best you could possibly do with this fiber, have a look!
It blew me away. Doesn't her yarn look a little like clouds, and it also reminds me of colored Easter eggs.
It has been a few days now, and I've settled down. It IS yarn I produced, and it will be knit eventually. I want to be more careful in the future, and try to think a little before I get to work.
This was my last fiber from a fiber club. I'm officially Fiber Club free. I still have to spin the last installment of Electric Sheep Fiber from February:

I don't think it's ugly!
In fact, I've been impressed again and again with what beautiful yarn you turn out. it's hard enough for me to visualize how a given multi-color yarn will turn out when knitted up, and I think it must take lots more practice to be able to visualize what unspun fiber is going to look like as yarn, let alone as a knitted fabric. You do wonderful work, Monika. Can't wait to see what your next yarn looks like!
It's interesting seeing how onther people interpret an inspiration. I would have never matched that painting and the roving.
I do get your point about snap judgements though - I've done that myself.
Well, I do like how you've spun it, but agree the Raspberry sort of overpowers the pale cloud colors. Amy's colors have been a bit challenging for me as well. But that's why I signed up, to get outside the colors I would normally choose.
You could overdye the skein to get less of barber pole effect. I've successfully overdyed bright pinks like that with a pure blue. I though I would get a purplish colour but it was surprisingly just blue.
Pictures of the results here: http://wovenflame.blogspot.com/2007/09/ugly-and-cute.html
Hi I think it's lovely. I thought you had bought it for a project. I'm a newbie to your blog and enjoying it
I don't think your yarn is ugly, but we're our own worst critic, true?
Off topic, I started the Vertigo scarf a couple of days ago and it's about 20cm long now. I've been working the two colours at the same time as I wasn't able to concentrate enough to remember which colour I'd just done and which was up next! Pictures when it's a bit longer...(but looking good so far!)
I really like it and think that it will look quite nice when you knit it up.
Oh, it's beautiful. Sheesh.
I love your shopping spree yarn too! Lambing season put your daughter off sheepies, eh? lol.
I actually really like it... and I am not just saying that to be nice. Maybe they are just not your colours.
I was SO disappointed when I received the yarn - I joined cause I love looking at what you did with all your fibre club stuff but really - those colours were just not me.
I see what you say. Her yarn turned out really cute, but yours is NOT ugly. I can't wait to see how the next one spins up.
Diese wunderbaren Farben.
Genau passend zu Ostern !!
I think the color are really nice together. It reminds me of happy summer moments to come. I think it is a lovely yarn. Your spinning is always amazing!
Oh, I feel your pain when it comes to trying to spin with veggies. Let's just say I had a bad experience once ;p.
I think if you don't like it then overdying is a good option.
We're always hardest on ourselves. I think it looks like happy yarn with the pink. :-) I'm guilty myself of jumping into a spinning project without thinking thinks through. I'm guessing that I can always make doll clothes for my nieces if necessary.
You couldn't make ugly yarn with such pretty roving! I also looks like strawberries to me. I also like the way it came out looking like an easter egg - but yours is more for an adult and the other way it's more suitable for a baby.
Not ugly at all. Looks like peppermint stick to me :) I love peppermint stick! Mind you it probably wasn't what you had in mind, but it is definitely not ugly!!
I am sorry you feel this way about the yarn. I quess you had other expectations of how it should have turned out. The yarn looks fine to me though. But maybe it is difficult to see at the picture.
Personally I love candy canes! LOL! Experiments are really just that - trying things out. Sometimes we are not too thrilled with the outcome but fibers clouds DO have a way of being silver-lined! After all, we never stop learning, do we? Congrats that you're feeling your way around thicker singles! I knew you'd find your groove! :o)
I rather like it. It reminds me of the candy canes my grandmother use to buy us - the all different flavor ones. That one reminds me of the tutti-fruti I think.
Oh, that yarn is definitely NOT ugly! I think it will look great knitted up!
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