I did not do the tutorial socks in the book, but started right away with these plain, and simple socks, but really, with those colors, what else could you do? No stitch pattern could bring out those gorgeous colors any better. I wanted it to be simple. I think this is the first pair of socks, with the exact same amount of rows. I don't count the rows with my other socks, I know I should do it, but I don't. Well actually, I think if I remember correctly, one sock is half a row shorter, it's just the way the technique works.
I did not have major problems, even without checking the errata for this book, I could work it out, because I was not new to sock knitting. I later discovered that what I thought was an error in the tutorial, really was one. The only time I got stuck for a minute was picking up the gusset stitches, there I was thinking I knew it all, and did not read the instructions properly, so entirely my fault.

That's the painting, which inspired the sock colorway.
needle: one 2.5mm circular addi turbo
size: US 9.5, I cast on 60 sts for the cuff, decreased to 56 sts for leg and rest of the sock
technique: from book: 2-at-a-time socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes
start-finish: February 22 - 25
destination: Hannah's feet
For the dog lovers:
How is Biko doing, you ask? Well, she's doing fine mostly, but at the end of the day she still is sore, almost every day, that's due to her being too wild, when outside. Even without playing fetch, she's just enjoying herself in the snow too much. In the evenings, when she's climbing the stairs, she yelps sometimes, or when getting up. I hope this discomfort will disappear too. It's been six weeks since her surgery. That would be Sam underneath my legs, happily snoozing, while I knit. As soon as there's a pause in the click click click, his head comes up, and he's ever so hopeful that we'll go outside now. I must say, he's a very patient dog.
And what would a spring break be without some delicious cake? I saw something similar in a magazine, and since I like strawberries so much, I wanted my own version of it. I've used store bought angel food cake. This has been the second time I used store bought stuff like that, but I've never baked angel food cake myself. Anyway, I know it would never win a beauty contest, but this was not for show, but to be eaten right away. I've made the strawberries happy by letting them soak in sugar and some balsamic vinegar (I wish I had a bottle of real old balsamic vinegar. Once I made a reduction with regular balsamic vinegar, and it was divine, can't even think of how good the real deal must taste).
And yes, it's real whip cream, no fakey, fakey stuff. This is a wonderful combination, and it didn't last long at all. I'm kinda getting into baking again, I'm just sick of how the store bought stuff tastes. I think I have to look into how to bake Angel food cakes, because I liked this combination, but don't want to use the store bought stuff, if you know what I mean. So, now that I've watered my own mouth, I'm going to pour another cup of tea, and try to remember the taste. I think I'll bake Sacher Torte today, just because. :o)
PS My Blog Anniversary is coming up in April! :o)
Wenn ich mich beeile, bekomme ich noch ein Stück der Sacher Torte ab?
Stöhn, ich habe ja mal wieder nur die Hälfte verstanden (In Englisch war ich noch nie gut ;o))
Deine Socken schauen toll aus. Diese Farbe fehlt noch in meiner HW-Sammlung. Bei der HW darf man nicht wickeln. Ich finde sie so "falsch" viel viel schöner!
Mit Deiner Strickmethode gäbe es bei mir nie wieder Sinlgesocken. Irgendwo habe ich mal gelesen, wie es geht, mal sehen, ob ich die Seite bzw. den Link wieder finde?
Liebe Grüße Juli, manchmal freiwillig einige Tage nicht am PC ;o)
I did miss your blog posts and need a little more patience like Sam! I'm glad Biko is healing well. I too have the same sock book and I purchased it for the lovely patterns. I have already created 2 socks on one circular needle (32in long) so I may not try the 2 circ. process. And you're right, it is not faster and I find it a bit more fiddly to work with. I did have fun creating the 2 socks at the same time and watching them progress together on the needle. I will definitely try this again. I like doing one sock at a time because it is a little more zen like to focus on one thing and is very portable when I have to travel. My next project is knitting my first toe up socks using Judy's magic cast on method. I love knitting because there are so many things that can be learned and different techniques to try out.
The dessert looks very tasty!
Kann ich zum Kaffee kommen?Die socken sehen gut aus.leider hatte ich nicht so viel Glueck mit Melissa's Methode.Kindersocken und an den Seiten hatte ich big ladders,obwohl ich mir Muehe gab,die 2. Masche fest zu ziehen.I enjoy your blog and missed while you were gone
When you did the socks, did you use two balls of yarn, or both ends of one ball? I have been thinking of doing 2 at once; I have a couple of yarns that are one ball per pair....should I wind off a second ball or just use both ends? One is a self striping, one is a handpainted....
Of course we missed you ! I'm curious to see your shawl. That's a very nice colourway for the socks, so bright and cheerful . Thanks for the Biko and Sam pics ; I was wondering how Biko was doing . Hope she continues to heal well.
The yarn and the inspiration photo are right on. Wow. I always feel like the socks take longer than doing them separately, but I've never timed it. Cook Illustrated did a yummy looking Strawberry Cream Cake, but the recipe is only available to subscribers. Oh well. Sounds like Biko is getting better, albeit a little slowly.
YUM that looks waaaay to good!!! Slurp!
I like doing two socks at once also, but I usually do mine toe up. After a few rows you have a very handy pouch to place each ball in. :o) Actually I put the ball in the toe whether I'm doing two at a time or singles.
The socks are so bright and cheery - just what is needed on this dreary day :-)
I'm drooling over the strawberries!
I'm glad that Biko is healing well - hopefully will be back to self soon
I love those socks! Very Eastery and spring looking. Love the bright, vibrant colors.
I do hope Biko's discomfort passes soon! Poor thing.
The strawberry shortcake looks SOOO good! Wish I could reach inside the monitor and grab a slab. :)
Of course we missed you :) Love the socks - such happy colors! Biko and Sam are looking well and, as you say, Biko will probably continue to improve but he had a major surgery and the recovery takes time. The angel food cake and strawberries, and whipped cream - I bet was divine. I much prefer Strawberries on a cake that sponges up the wonderful strawberry juice than the dry shortcakes some make.
Wow!!! The socks look gorgeous but two at once???!! I am very impressed. I like the HundertWasser but they don't have one that is green enough for me!!
Dogs do tend to overdo it once they feel the tiniest bit well. Glad they are having a pretty good time though. I saw a baby German Shepherd at the vet yesterday: he was so very lovely!!!
I love the color of your socks. They are the perfect happy feet socks.
The strawberry shortcake looks divine and angel food cakes aren't that hard to make. I love homemade cakes and rarely buy store bought ones.
Hmmmm, dieser Kuchen!! Leider zu viele Carbs *ggg*
Diese Hundertwasser-Farbe gehört zu denen, die mir gefallen. Manche aus der Serie sind mir einfach zu schrill, aber diese und die blauen mag ich :-))
Ich frage mich auch praktisch täglich, ob ich (privat) nicht zu viel Zeit am Laptop verbringe... Hat Dir die Pause etwas gebracht?
Viele liebe Grüße
I just can't get up the courage or interest to try the two socks on one circular technique. I know it works and is the very latest in knitting techniques but I still prefer my dpns, even for plain vanilla socks. But your socks are wonderful. Absolutely love the colors!
I missed you but I'm glad you had time to take a little break. IT is hard. The socks looks great - so colorful and vibrant. I need to try the one needle technique. Did you use a 40"?
I missed seeing Biko and Sam too. Hope she continues to improve quickly!
I did miss you but you seem to make it up with this nice log!
The socks turned out nice. I really want to try to knit two socks at one circular needle.
I always like your stories and pictures about your dogs.
The cake look delicious!!
That colourway of the socks is sooo cheerful!
We love the real thing too -- real sugar, real mayo ... so there is no diet soda, no light version here ... except the spreading butter, for that we use the healthy version. We love the guilty pleasures! :)
I know exactly what you mean about the internet being like a magnet. It has the same effect on me. I hope you enjoyed your small spring break. The socks are gorgeous. Maybe one day I'll try the two at a time method.
I'm glad to hear the update on Biko. That's funny that Sam notices when the clicking of the needles stops.
Your strawberry cake looks delicious. Have fun baking the Sacher Torte.
ohhhh I love that colourway, Hannah has great taste!!
I'm sure Hannah will enjoy wearing your "simple" socks...very colorful!!
Your strawberry shortcake looks yummy. I make a "hot milk cake" (sponge) which is similar to angel cake except it has whole eggs in it for our strawberry shortcake. Angel cake is pretty easy to make...lot of egg whites.
Wow, those socks are like a burst of Spring color! You know what is delicious, chocolate angel food cake! It's easy, but you do have to beat a LOT of egg whites since the cake is mostly air.
Da bist Du ja endlich wieder *freu*.
Oh auf Rundnadeln stricken, das hab ich auch erst vor ein paar Monaten gelernt. Das Problem ist nur... wer Knitchicks hat, der legt die Rundnadeln "leider" wieder weg. Obwohl es ja schneller geht.
Ich kann aber leider nicht mit 2 Knäueln gleichzeitig stricken. Das hab ich noch nicht hingekriegt.
LG Susi Knitchicks
Those socks are what I would call "brightly goodness". ;-) I can't stand knitting 2 socks at the same time though...it just takes forever. :-/
Oh, you are such a tease. Sacher Hmmm. I like the socks, but I like my DPNs and the bad thing about the two at a time technique I don't like is, that the color repeat is backwards on the second sock. I like mine the same, if at all possible. I'm picky that way, sorry. :)
So many yummies! Bright and happy socks, cute doggies and delicious looking deserts! Not sure about the two socks at once... I think I should try just once at least!
those socks are beautiful! the colorway is just fabulous. you can see it, in the painting.
the cake looks yummy! from what i hear, baking your own angel food isn't hard, but you need the right pan.
the dogs...what can i say? stunning as ever. i just love them. don't you wish dogs would understand why they are sore so that during the day they'd not over-exert themselves?
missed you. :)
wow sind das schöne Hundertwassersocken!!!!
einen lieben Gruß
Tolle Socken. Habe die Wolle auch schon mal verstrickt. Die Farben sind einfach genial.
Liebe Gruesse
I love the Hundertwasser socks! What wonderful colors! That's the kind of yarn where you make plain vanilla socks and just stand back to let the yarn do its thing.
Poor Biko--does your vet have her on any restricted activity? Like on-leash to potty and leash walks, until she's had time to heal up a bit more? I hope she's 100% very fast.
Bless Sam. Taenzer is exactly the same way. She lies on the couch beside me while I'm knitting, but if I make one tiny move that isn't knitting, her head and ears come up and she gives me that hope-filled look. I always feel like such a meanie that I'll sit in one position until my feet go to sleep so as not to rouse any false hopes in her.
Hey, in my part of the country, it ain't strawberry shortcake unless it's made with, erm, shortcake. My mom used to just use the recipe off the side of the Bisquick box. There's a Southern food writer, whose name I can't recall at the moment, who explains that the charm is in the contrasts of texture, temperature (you serve the shortcake warm from the oven and the berries cold from the fridge), and taste. My mom was Southern, so maybe that's the Southern version of strawberry shortcake. I'll see if I can find his essay and post it on my blog--he includes recipes for both shortcake and spongecake.
Angel food cake is easy although I once had one take over my oven. Only real whipped cream! It's so easy to make, I can't imagine why people buy it in tubs or cans.
That cake looks good though!
I'm so happy to hear about Biko and Sam. Six weeks? Already? Wow.
Two at a time socks? Knit Mistress.
Oh, those are beautiful hundertwasser socks! I have a skein waiting in my stash to be used but I keep "saving" it. Biko and Sam look very cute, and oh my gosh that strawberry shortcake looks delicious!
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