My grandmother is teaching my mother how to knit socks! I'm delighted! :o) That warranted a trip to the LYS
Serenity Knits to get some sock yarn for my mom. I was lucky and got a great deal on Lana Grossa Meilenweit. I'll send it over when my DH is going over to Europe on a business trip. Watch out mom, sock yarn is on it's way!
Claudia said, I should mention that we have now four generations of sock knitters in our family! :o) (Omi-Mutti-Moni-Hannah) Ha! :o)

It's such a warm and beautiful day today. I opened the door to the balcony. Biko is enjoying the sun, even on the hard wooden boards. It just dried enough to go outside. Yesterday there were huge icicles, and snow coming down from the roof.
Sam wants to be outside as well, but he needs to know, what I'm doing at the same time. :o)
Good luck with those socks Mamma of Monika!
Nice pictures of the dogs in the sun.
How fun to have three generations of you knitting socks! Biko looks like she is doing so well - very nice to see her enjoying the sun.
awww how awesome! She will have lots of fun!
Now where the devil is all the snow from your decK???
I'm glad you don't have to pay to ship it to her. And a good price too, I hope.
4 generations of sock knitters...that's fabulous! Too bad you all don't live closer...what fun you'd have :)
Checked out Hannah's projects on "R". She is quite the knitter just like you!
I wish her well with the socks! Those dogs are just TOO CUTE!
That's a lot of sock knitters. I hope she enjoys the yarn! Same looks sort of grumpy in that photo. Sort of like he's wondering why you don't come outside so he can relax. :-)
It's never to late to learn!
I wish her goos luck and many happy times with her needles!
That's great that your mom is learning to knit! My mom just learned last year and now can't stop.
Isn't it funny how dogs have to check in on you at all times?
It's amazing what my definition of "warm day" has become! 28 degrees feels downright balmy :-)
Oh, I just love that pic of Sam! Glad to see them both basking in the sun.
And your mom learning to knit! Four generations at one knitting bee.
What a lovely shot - nothing more gratifying than seeing our own parents and grandparents come to that which we love : )
Must be something going around in the air making everyone learn to knit socks this week. I'm working on my first sock using one circular needle and Magic Loop. My friend, although not a sock newbie, is learning how to do two socks on one circular. And, I exchanged comments just the other day with a blogger doing her first sock using DPN. A couple more are doing new sock patterns. I hope your mother is enjoying it. I still think of knitting socks as work.
Sock knitting is taking over the world muahahahahahaha!!! :)
I have to tell you Monika, no matter how crappy of a mood I'm in or how horrible a day I'm having, your pups always make me smile!
Four generations in a family is wonderful, but four generations of sock knitters is even more wonderful. We once had five but only two were knitters.
How fantastic to have four generations of sock knitters in your family!
Das sieht ja sehr gemuetlich aus mit der strickenden Omi und Mutti.
Tolles Bild !!
Die (Strick)Kunst liegt bei euch wohl in den Genen :-)
Those look like some happy pups.
Such happy dogs!
Wow, vier Generationen von Sockenstrickerinnen in Eurer Familie, das ist Wahnsinn.
Liebe Grüße
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