We've been lucky to watch this little cutie for a little while. She's Truffles, a Yorki/Malteser girl, almost four month old, and has a lot of spunk! She scared the boys a little, and Maggie too, because lets face it, it would freak us out too, when our toys came to life all of a sudden.
Eek! It's alive!
One thing's for sure, I know that I don't want a fourth dog, no matter how cute they are.
Ohhh Monika, ist der süüüß. Aber ich kann Dich gut verstehen, drei große Hunde reichen, einen vierten auch wenn er noch so klein und niedlich ist, ist schon auch Arbeit.
Aber die beiden haben doch erstmal Spaß, sieht auf alle Fälle so aus. Ich würde so einen kleinen gerne noch nehmen, aber ich habe ja auch "nur" zwei.
Viel Spaß mit dem Zwerglein und liebe Grüße
Came here from "The knitting seaman":if the word "puppy" (or dogs or cats) appear I just have to look...
Lovely pics! Think I almost can see what your dog (Happy?) is thinking:)
"WHERE did it go???" And he looks a bit tired in the last one.
Lovely colours in the one below also!
Ha, ha, a wind up toy!!
Bimbi x
Haha, herrlich! Ueber das vorletzte Bild musste ich laut loslachen.
Liebe Gruesse
von Birgit
lol oh my goodness she's sooo tiny compared to Happy!
Very cute!! I love how dogs interact with other dogs.
Those pictures are adorable!! Especially the third one done. She looks like she is prancing - queen of everything! Bet everyone slept soundly at night.
Third picture down .....that little prance= PRECIOUS! An entertaining day for your pups I'm sure.
Third pic down.....love the little walk.An entertaining day for your pups Im sure.
Oh my goodness! She's adorable! Will she get much bigger than that?
Nun, im Verhältnis zu den großen Hunden ist der kleine ein "Drei-Camembert-Hoch".. ;-)
Aber süß ist er schon! Bloß hätte ich Angst, ich überseh ihn mal und fall über ihn drüber..
LG Elena
I need one of those little doggies.
The size difference between Truffles and your full size dogs is even greater than between my donkey and the horses!
I bet all 4 dogs are exhausted after a day together (humans too).
Oh but she is so adorable!! And your action shots of her and Happy are amazing.
She is so cute!
Kinda of inspires me to get a small dog. She must be superfast to knit sweaters for.
She's so much smaller than your dogs! Adorable!
She is just too adorable! When the hubby and I get a house, I want a second dog.
Awwww, what a cutie pie! I want one! No I don't. Yes, I do.
I like little peanut sized pets.
Oh she's so tiny and I love Happy investigating the tiny alive thing. He looks so gentle, but giant next to her.
No 4th dog? You should try 6 and throw in a cat for good measure. That little one is precious but so are your big ones.
Gruesze aus Indiana
Oh dear, this was almost too cute for me to read! How sweet that dear Happy was so intrigued!
Thank you SO MUCH for this post! I have been ill for nearly a week now and needed something to perk me up! Awesome, I love the photos. ;) Anita
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