hahahaha I could tell where this was going from the very first picture!!!! I have finally found toys that Simcha does not immediately destroy - made by Planet Dog here's a link:http://www.planetdog.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=TENNIS%203PK
PS that carrot cake does look wonderful ~ glad you had a yummy Mother's Day!
Toys for my two always end up decapitated. In fact, I often find the head carefully placed in the room's centre, with the inside-out body in a bed somewhere, and fluff everywhere else.
I live in Canada now, but I'm originally from Austria.
My White Shepherd Happy, and Denny the mutt, are my constant companions. Maggie is my sons dog, but she's with me most of the day. I have two grown kids too ;o) by the way.
Poor birdy......:-)))
The Short Frenetic Life of a Toy in theaters near you. At least he served his purpose well!
And what a fine toy it was!
lol Doh!
It's apparently not easy being a new toy in your house! LOL
Glad the pups had a good time with it. May it now rest in pieces.
At least Denny got to hold it for a few seconds. :)
hahahaha I could tell where this was going from the very first picture!!!!
I have finally found toys that Simcha does not immediately destroy - made by Planet Dog here's a link:http://www.planetdog.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=TENNIS%203PK
PS that carrot cake does look wonderful ~ glad you had a yummy Mother's Day!
NO, it was Danny`s!
Toys for my two always end up decapitated. In fact, I often find the head carefully placed in the room's centre, with the inside-out body in a bed somewhere, and fluff everywhere else.
Hah! Perfect depiction of the toy dealings in my house.
Thanks to your dogs and your photo and editing skills for the Opening Laugh of my Day!
I am laughing here as I scroll through the pictures. This is just how every toy we buy look within a few days. Sometimes a few hours!
Oh no, poor Denny, his new toy beheaded. No wonder Happy looks so pleased!!!
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