edited to add: I should have said it earlier. When it happened, we thought Maggie was injured, because she had blood smeared all over her face, and neck, but we couldn't find the source on her. Then I looked at Happy, and saw blood running down his face. She must have rubbed up on him, when they fought for the Frisbee. During the next days, he scratched off the scab twice, opening up the wound again, with his usual goofy "Frisbee on his head" way of carrying it.
I still love him! ;o)
Poor baby. Though I'm glad it missed his eye...
Ouch! Ouch! The owie looks so painful! I'm glad he's okay.
Poor Happy. At least it missed his eye!
Now he's got that ruggedly handsome look!
Poor Happy!
Poor Happy! At least nothing more serious happened.
Good thing it wasn't any closer to his eye. Poor boy.
Poor guy! One of mine is very scar-producing-incident prone so I empathize. He's still quite dashing!
such a sweet pup. so cute.
Merciful heaven! Thank goodness it missed his eye. Scars add character, so they say.
Poor guy. Nimitz has a matching one from before we got him. Good to hear that it doesn't seem to be bothering him!
Lucky he didn't injure his eye! Poor fella.
Chicks dig scars. (It's a country western song!) Ach, poor Happy! But I'm glad he's okay. I almost totally missed this too.
Oh no, how scary for both of them and you. I am glad everyone is quite OK, even though happy has a scar. It makes him look dashing and I love my girls' scars as well!! Vundy the German Shepherd had a scar at the outside of her left eye.
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