This year, they were back, trying even harder to built a nest, schlepping on material for at least ten more nests, but the spring winds would blow everything away. Obviously in the end they did succeed, building one nest that would not be destroyed by the wind.
I can see the nest when sitting at my downstairs desk, and it was a pleasure to observe this little family over the last few weeks. I even got very protective of them.
When it was clear that there were eggs in it, and later I could see little wobbling Dinosaur heads appear over the edge of the nest, even the dogs had noticed them. Whenever we were out on the deck, Denny and Happy would run to the spot, where the chicks were right underneath, they started digging, and chewing the boards to get to them. Adding to that it was really hot, and the sun was burning down on the little birdies, through the cracks. Well, I put a towel on the boards, and put the drying rack on it, so it would not be blown away, giving them some shade. I did have to shoo away Denny every time we were out there, because a towel could not stop him from trying.
I watched the parents feeding them. Bringing on worms and caterpillars en masse, stuffing them into the waiting peaks. I noticed that they made sure every one of them got their throats stuffed, even if the strongest stretched out their neck above the others.
Over the last few days I saw that the nest was quite crowded. The three birdies lived in cramped space, and today one was pushed out of it. It was sitting beside the nest, wanting back in, but the other two would not allow it. Here he's watching me from the front. Then I walked to the other side...
... and here he didn't notice me yet.... (his chest is starting to get the brownish-red color of Robins), AND can you see how they managed to smear poop on the roof of their home? :o)
... but it didn't take that long, until he spied me.
It was funny, because the two still in the nest thought, the one pushed out was now in a position to feed them, since it was the place where the parents sat when bringing home food.
After I took this last photo, and turned away, Maggie dropped a squeaky ball right underneath the nest, and with a startling whoosh, all three of them took off, barely clearing the surface of the pool, but they made it into the nearest tree.
Will be interesting to see if they come back to the nest for the night. I don't know if birds do that, once they are out of the nest, but I guess not.
♥ ♥ ♥
How lovely to see them from egg to flying chick!! We have robin red breasts here. Well flame robins, I have seen them quite often they are tiny compared to some other birds. You are so kind to look after them and how in the world did they manage to get pooh on the roof???!!!
I was told that they only stay in the nest for 12 days before they are booted.
Wonderful pictures! I love watching birds too.
Monika das ist ja voll lieb eine Amsel bei uns waren sie auch immer und heuer seit 4 Jahren haben sie wieder auf der Pergula gebrütet.. mein Sohn hat sich so gefreut weil sie zurückgekommen sind.
noch schöne Tage mit den Amseln
LG Herta
I remember having baby robins in my backyard in Calgary, and they ran all over the show at that age, darting behind trees until mom came back to feed them big, juicy worms. I suspect they go back to the nest to sleep (if there's room), but they roam about freely otherwise.
What a fun story to read! I can see you as a surrogate Mama bird helping to protect them ~ I don't think they'll be back to the nest now that they've launched.
Love your cucumber socks ~ so refreshing.... and I'm very very tempted to jump in that KAL :)))
How neat!! It was also nice that you were able to get some great pictures. Buddy would definitely have been trying to get at the birds too.
Aw, how cool that you could see all the action in the nest. I have to keep an eye on my dogs when the hatchlings are just learning to fly. I've had to call them off a few times to give the little robins a chance to get away but not this year yet.
That's really cool! I recently got up close and personal with a chipmunk (which I put on my photo blog). The little creatures are fun.
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