I was in the kitchen, chopping veggies. I saw Denny from the corner of my eyes, lying there, waiting for some veggies to fall off the counter, as usual.
All was quiet, the White ones were downstairs, sleeping, not doing anything bad for sure, when it suddenly hit me!
Wait, that's not Denny!
Where the heck was Denny? Never a good sign, you can't let him out of your sight (still, maybe once he's 8 years old?).
Well, I found him in the dog bed in my studio, chewing a dish towel. No photographic evidence for that one. I asked him to join me in the kitchen, for real this time.
Anybody could have made that mistake, right? Meanwhile, Happy has come upstairs to check on things. I threw Denny a veggie, to keep him from getting bad ideas.
Celery? Are you kidding me?
That's not one of his favorite treats, that's for sure.
♥ ♥ ♥
edited: I forgot to say, and this is quite important to the story, that it was Denny who dragged the stuffed dog downstairs, from Maggie's room into the kitchen. Did he do that on purpose, to fool me? Placing a decoy, so he could slink off, to do bad stuff, with me off his back? ;o)
Hahaha!! At least it was a toy DOG. I've often thought Rascal was sitting in the room with me, only to find it was actually my backpack/a pillow/some shoes/a shadow...
Oh - I totally think Denny put the stuffed dog there as a decoy - crafty as a fox that one is!
He's a smart little weasel and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he put the decoy there heheheh
Denny is such a handsome dog! And that's kind of the look I get when I toss my pups a healthy treat, like a slice of cucumber.
He definitely did it on purpose...getting all set for a career in secret service I suppose :D
He's a trickster and who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeves. I love that The Whites are sticking together!! Gilly loves a piece of celery and will steal a bunch, Peri turns u her nose!!!
He's too smart for his own good! lol Too cute. :)
Dogs are smart. So smart that they make you think they're not smart, just so they can outsmart you.
Glad you enjoyed the music I posted on my blog. :)
It is Denny we are talking about...he put the decoy there! :) I love this post a whole lot!
It does look like Denny ~ an easy mistake to make :) He's a smart one and could well have placed that there to confuse and mislead you. No doubt about it. But I'm surprised he doesn't like celery. There isn't a vegetable that Simcha doesn't like.
Knowing another heeler, I am pretty sure he did it on purpose, and I think you must correct your numbers, 8 is definitely too early for them to slow down :-)
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