This is 4.5oz Romney wool, pindrafted roving, with some sparkle added from Homestead Wool & Gift Farm, the contributing sheep is called Baaxter.
Since I've been spinning a lot of Falkland lately for my blankets, I wanted to spin some very different fibers in between, and it is so much fun to get all those different fibers in my hands. Last week it was Bond, which was new to me. I think I've spun Romney before, but can't be sure.
Romney is normally not for next to skin items, but this one was surprisingly soft, and will be a shawl some day.
I've got 475yds, 2-ply of it.
Although I'm into textured shawls right now, this one has to be something lacey.
I have a few contesters, but have not decided yet. There is Gail aka Nightsong, which I've been wanting to knit for a long time now, and 198 yds of Heaven, another one on my to-knit list for ages. Then there's Little Arrowhead, and Flaming Kerchief which is probably not lacey enough. I think Moulin Rouge would be wonderful, but it's not yet available. I also like Kuura, and Zetor another lovely one. I thought about Shetland Triangle Lace shawl but I've knit this one twice already.
It has to be a top down shawl, which can be made bigger or smaller depending on the yardage, so I can use up all the yarn. Any ideas?
I thought this was cute and funny. A while back, I was sitting at my desk, when I heard the dogs making noises in the background, but I didn't pay attention. Then I looked down to the left side, and saw this:
Maggie was looking up at me. I don't know if SHE or Denny dragged the dog bed next to my chair, but she was the one curled up in it. Normally the dog bed is wedged between the table legs.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
That really is a hard choice! Lovely yarn! Quite like the Shetland.
Bimbi x
Beautiful green!!
Oh Maggie is just so sweet and I love that she wants to be right next to you!!!
beautiful spinning, it looks perfect. My mum breeds Romney sheep for their fleeces and I find their wool surprisingly soft and snuggly even though I would think it might be coarse. Your lovely green will make a stunning shawl.
Have a happy weekend XXX
I saw 198 yards of heaven at my LYS and it looked like a napkin instead of a shawl it was so small!
Ole Mags just wanted to hang with Mum for a while ;)
Monika- Ahhhh- that shade of green and the sparkle. Love it.
Dogs make me laugh.
Beautiful yarn. I love Romney, too. One of my favorite fleeces to prepare.
I'm drooling over the color of your newly spun fiber. It's beautiful! Which ever shawl you decide to do with that yarn, I'm sure it will be the right choice.
As for Maggie and the dog bed mystery - no matter which pup dragged the bed to your feet - when it's true love, close is close.
You spun that Romney so beautifully! It's hard to spin Romney that consistently and fine.
Maggie just wanted to be close enough to sniff you with love.
oh my! what beautiful yarn! the color screams spring!
i think it would look lovely made into gail aka nightsong. that shawl is begging for a few tastefully placed beads! (ok, i'm obsessed with bead knitting...but they're so pretty!!)
looks like maggie wanted some 'girl' time! =]
Love the yarn. You can always send it to me if you can't decide which shawl to make.
I'm currently knitting 198 yds of Heaven using Blue Heron Rayon Metallic. It's easy to upsize this shawl/shawlette which I've done.
I vote to hold out for the Moulin Rouge.
Grüß dich Monika,
ich bewundere deine schönen Garne immer wieder was du aus so einem Knäuel Flausch zauberst.
wünsch dir ein schönes Wochenende
It's beautiful yarn. I'm knitting a bottom up shawl right now.... but with that sparkle element and light color I might be tempted to consider Citron ~ I think what happened was that Denny gave Maggie a sled ride :)
Only suggesting shawls that I have knit that fall into the "lace" category: Summer Flies is relatively adaptable. (I made some modifications on mine - Also, with Woodland Spring you can easily add extra repeats, especially if you weigh your yarn. ( It would look great in more of a solid.
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