pattern: Merope cowl by Romi Hill
I'm the worst pancake flipper of all times! But that didn't mess with the taste at all. I've read about pumpkin pancakes here at TobyKnits, and had to give them a try. I did use a real egg though, and just butter and Maple syrup. I added a dash of cinnamon as well. I've made it three!!! times since I first tried it (probably because now I've got an open can of pp filling to use up too), and I'm still not tired of it.
Last week I've finished another test knit for Stephen West. That's the left over yarn. It's Wandering Cat Yarns Jungle Cat, a Bamboo blend yarn. There would have been nothing left over at all, but I decided to do the bind off with a contrasting color. I think the pattern will be released at the end of this month, so no other pictures until then.
I took these pictures back in February! The sofa is long gone by now. There was always something else to show you.
Nom, nom, nom!
Happy was there first, enjoying his bone, when Denny parked himself right beside him, and started chewing a bone of his own. Sadly that never happens anymore.
I love your pets, they are very tender.
Have a nice week! :o)
I'm glad I could pass the pumpkin pancake addiction on to you. :)
If you get tired of the pumpkin pancakes, a scoop of pumpkin (with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger) is pretty good in oatmeal too.
I love the Merope Cowl - very beauty!
That's a neat cowl. Are you on a red kick?
Love the cowl! The red is fantastic, and the pattern looks lovely.
Mine do that cough/hack thing too when they're chewing rawhides. It doesn't seem to matter how many rawhides are kicking around the house, there is one that everyone wants because one of them has got it good and soft. It becomes quite the powerplay at times.
That's such a pretty cowl! I can't stand tight necks either so I hear you.
Can't wait to see it. I never get tired of seeing those pups.
I'm not really a cowl-wearer, but that one is so pretty that I might have to give them a shot!
I can never leave my doggie with a rawhide bone for too long, because he tends to gorge on it and then throws it up later, even the small ones. He's used to us taking it off him after about ten minutes, but it makes him very possessive of his bones!
The Cowl looks lovely!
And now I know what to in the evening...pancakes :)
Denny is as lovely as allways. Our Klaus is in that ages when they destroy everything...furnitures, house, all. I am not so happy for that, but still I love him!
Hugs to everybody!
Turtlenecks drive me crazy too but the cowl is very pretty!
No more bone chewing love fests? It's all about mine, mine, mine now?
Ich melde mich mal auch wieder aus der Versenkung und muss sagen... ich liebe Deine Hunde und deren Erlebnisse. Du schreibst immer so herzerfrischend, dass ich doch innerlich lachen muss.
LG Susi
It's a beautiful cowl and I love the points and the lacy pattern!!
Oh pumpkin pancakes/pikelets sound delicious!! the first couple that mess up are called Dog Pikelets here!!!
Happy and Denny look so sweet, I know that cough sound and Happy's lick is very cute!!
The cowl is GORGEOUS. I admire your blocking skills.
Mmmmmmm... pumpkin pancakes sounds fabolous! I must try those as soon as humanly possible!
Lovely cowl!
Don't they cuddle anymore? Was it because Maggie was introduced? That makes me sad. Is Denny mellowing with time?
I really love your cowl. I think that would look amazingly cool on. Hannah will love it!
I am terrible at flipping pancakes too ~ those pumpkin ones sound delicious!
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