I've some Perendale on my wheel right now, and it's going slow, because it's not easy to spin, and my fingers start to hurt fast. I wish I had it off my wheel, because I've dyed some merino/bamboo/nylon myself, and am itching to spin that.
I had this handspun yarn in the same dye bath as the fiber, but not all fiber take the colors the same. I LOVE this shade of green!
Even though all my handspun yarns get a hot water bath after finishing, this one puffed up quite a bit after half an hour in the dye pot.
My May socks have been done for a long time. I'm not quite happy with them.
After I've knit down the leg of the first sock, I was ready to rip out the needles, and frog it all. I took a picture of it though, because I wanted to ask for opinions, and after seeing the photo, I decided to just go ahead and finish them.
The multicolored yarn gave me a hard time. I've tried to use it for several patterns, but nothing worked out. This is the kind of yarn, which looks fabulous in the skein, but is hard to work with.
It also bled out quite a lot, and it made the white yarn look dirty.
Did you know that corrugated ribbing takes forever to knit? Boy, those where the longest 2o rounds I've knit - twice!
So, yesterday was the hottest day this year so far. I let the boys swim until they didn't want to swim anymore. Then we bunkered down inside with the A/C. I'm glad it's fixed. In the evening I let the dogs out again, to rinse and repeat. Since they carry out a lot of water every time they went in, I had the hose hanging in the pool to refill. Happy loves the hose, as you've seen in pictures before. He went to where the hose was hanging in the pool, and stuck his head in to get the nozzle out, dragged it all to the lawn, and played with it until the nozzle separated, and the fun was over.
Wait, what was it I wanted to say, ah yes. Maggie had to take it easy the last few days, and she was bursting full of energy. She got pain meds until Monday, nothing yesterday, and she did not limp, so we let her outside, to run around a little. Boy did she ever run! She still does not go into the pool on her own, so we just hosed her down to cool off, and sent her inside early. She's still going to get x-rayed, because I think the pain meds are still lingering in her system.
Oh, and I've knit another shawl, it's a tiny one, so that went fast. Here's a pic as I was working on it.
It's the Shaelyn shawl, and it's done. Just have to take pictures. This is the most easy shawl I've knit in a long time, but at the same time a lovely one. I think I'll knit this one again, it was just too much fun. I've used some handspun of mine.
I think your May socks are so beautiful, but I can well believe they gave you trouble. Gorgeous green!!!
So hot where you are already?? It is so good you have the pool, and the hose!!
I hope all goes well with Maggie's x-ray.
Gorgeous heap of beautiful yarns! And those socks are really great too :)
Everything is just beautiful, Monika. Handspun, shawl, socks. I am starting Shaelyn today. Glad to hear you like it.
you are a spinning machine! I have to say I felt the same way when I was spinning my perndale roving that I bought off etsy, oddly the fleece I bought and processed myself is super easy to spin. I think the socks look great and I love the corigated ribbing but it probably would be easier if you did that crazy "hold yarn in each hand" thing.
Liebe Monika, ich bin heute durch Zufall auf Deinen Blog gestossen und ich muss sagen, ich bin restlos begeistert. Die vielen wunderbaren Anleitungen die Du allen zur Verfügung stellst. Das finde ich ganz grossartig. Die traunhafte Wolle die Du färbst, wunderschöne Farben.
Ganz lieben Gruß aus Köln, Ruth
Love your handspun. It is gorgeous.
Too bad about the socks. I think they look good.
I am so full of admiration for your hand spun, I know I have said it before but it is worth repeating. I like your socks but can see how disappointing it is to have the colours run
And a great MAY if I do say. Just look at those fun sock and all that yarn
That first photo is an award winning picture!!! I love your socks and can totally see why they took a long time to knit.
Sorry to hear Maggie injured herself. Hope that resolves quickly!
AND I just spotted your Shaleyn on Flickr and LOVE it in your handspun. Like you I can see knitting it again. I only have done that once before and I've actually just finished knitting my 3rd Diamond Fantasy - I must like diamonds - LOL
I can't believe how quickly you get things done! Beautiful, as always. I like the socks too and wouldn't have noticed the bleeding dye if you hadn't mentioned it.
I think the socks are beautiful. But I know what you mean about the hard to knit with yarn - some skeins are just better un-knit (even some of my own creations)
Wasn't yesterday brutal - I'm pretty tolerant of the heat, but that one was tough - poor Dave was absolutely melting.
Your May socks are really nice! I love the circling. Wow, prolific spinning in May and all so gorgeous? Slow? Ha.
Glad to hear Maggie's better and running around!
I like your socks...they are awesome despite your yarn troubles :)
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