In the cage next to him was another White German Shepherd, female, older than him. He smells like a pharmacy, very strange. Biko doesn't even want to go near him. Right now he's sleeping under the desk. I'm just glad he's not licking his wound. We are supposed to discourage it.
This was a very exciting day for him. He started out vomiting in the car on the way to the Vet's. He slipped out of his collar, when he was supposed to go with the nice Lady, and he refused to step on the scale. He behaved like a brat. We'll see how it will go tomorrow.
Now we are all going to move to the living room, and cuddle.
I am so glad that Happy is OK, sounds like a bit of a production all round. The Labradors left at home always sniff and then growl at the one who has been to the vet. Bit scary about his heart, he looks so sweet all asleep.
Gilly went to the vet this morning to practice being a blood donor!!!
Poor sweet baby! Hope he's feeling better soon.
Oh, thank goodness Happy is ok. The heart thing sounds worrisome. I sure hope he has a good night, poor baby!
Lots of cuddling is in order! Poor Happy had a very upsetting experience - but all for the best. That's concerning about his heart. Hope you find out more about that tomorrow.
poor poor baby! I'm so glad he's home where you can keep an eye on him. I'm sure he will be up and crazy by tomorrow
oh ,poor pup , bet he's glad to be home ! Wishing him a speedy recovery...
Was the heart problem related to the anesthesia?
Glad to hear that Happy is resting at home. I'm sure he will be much more settled at home than he would have been at the vet overnight.
Thank goodness it all went well! Now is time for the extra love & affection.
We'll all know he's better and on his feet when he gets back to shredding paper and stealing your fiber. :)
Mine's at the vet too. Cruciate ligament done on Monday and she'll come home tomorrow. Glad Happy is doing well. It's nervous-making.
Bless him - love the photo!
It's a dog's life.
awwww - poor puppy
He'll feel better tomorrow.
der Ärmste.....
schön, dass happy es einigermaßen gut überstanden hat!!! lg
Oh je, das haben wir auch schon bei zwei Tieren mitgemacht, und als ich den Text las, hatte ich sofort diesen medizinischen Geruch in der Nase. Aber die stecken das ja schnell weg, in ein paar Tagen ist alles (fast) vergessen.
Liebe Grüße und hugs to Happy!
awww poor happy! Hope everything goes ok with the EKG! Hugs for the boy :)
Poor Happy!
But I'm glad he's ok now... he'll feel better soon =)
Auch von mir ganz viele Streicheleinheiten für den Buben!!
lg Henny
Glad Happy is ok! I hate operations, even those that are routine for the vets, there is always this risk of the anasthesia... I am glad that at my old vet as well as the new one I can be with my doggies until they are asleep and be again with them when they get back around. The time inbetween is pure stress - for me!
I'm glad he is fine and is acting just like a real kid would. :)
Aw, bless his little heart. (I'm sorry I'm so behind on reading) Did his EKG turn out okay? Did they do another one today? (I think this is the 29th...) I'm glad he's feeling fine now!
Oh, I want to give Happy a little snuggle and wishes for a speedy recovery. On a side note, one of my boys (cat) had minor procedure done last week. When we brought him home, the older kitty took one sniff and treated him terribly. He apparently smelled like an interloper.
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