I'm not the first one to knit this scarf, and I'm sure I will not be the last. On ravelry it says there are 613 Baktus projects. Baktus is a lovely, easy, and fun scarf to knit. And there are all kinds of different versions popping up all around blogland. Want to see some?
Go here for a striped version, or Hege's Baktus or Heike made even two Baktus scarves. I like this (non rav link) lacey version (rav link) too, might want to knit one of those.
Here's the ravelry link to many more, but I'm sure you all know this pattern already.
pattern: Baktus by Strikkelise
yarn: Knit Picks Bare, 70% merino 30% silk, dyed by me , 1 skein
needle: 3.25mm
size: widest point (deep): 12.5 inches, length: 55 inches from tip to tip
I found the instruction for the little yarn balls at the ends in the book "Domino Knitting" by Vivian Hoxbro
start-finish: March 28 - 30 yeah, I'm behind in showing you my FO's.
conclusion: It's a fun knit, except I didn't like to have to weight the yarn ball so I would know when to turn back.
How did you who knit that scarf deal with that?
This is also a wonderful pattern for the wildest sock yarn, the one you can't seem to knit socks with, or anything else, because it's so wild. Baktus can take it!
Thank you!
Bea, for this beautiful yarn and the cute sheep mug! I love both!
Herta, for wonderful lace knitting patterns. I saw several projects I'd like to knit from these magazines! It's amazing to think you've knit some of them, even the curtains!
I'm very grateful to have such nice online friends!
Beautiful! I love the colors you choose for your projects!
This scarf is so different! I love the way the color gradually goes from the blue to white!
Very Gorgeous!
And I couldn't forget to mention how cool the scarf looks on the 3° picture. Very nice photo!
I definitely need to make that scarf! One of these days..
I *love* it! Your embellishment of the balls on the ends give it that little extra pizzaz :) Another great knit ~ thanks for sharing!
Your Baktus is lovely, but mostly I'm impressed with the yarn dye job - absolutely lovely!
Did you dye the yarn after you knit the project? You are too clever!
Huhu, Monika,
tolle Farben hat dein Baktus!!! Und weil du dein Erdbeerfeld jetzt auch schon hast, kann ich ja meine Erdbeersocken posten...
Wir werden kurze Spaziergänge machen, bis Freddy 6 Monate alt ist. Bis er ein Jahr ist, dürfen wir dann schon eine halbe Stunde laufen. Ab März 2010 ist er dann ein richtiger Hund und kann mit mir wandern gehen.
Liebe Grüße, Sabine
I love the way you dyed the yarn for your Batkus -- very cool effect!
Hallo Monika,
weißt du, wann mir die Idee mit dieser Tasse kam?
schön, dass sie dir gefällt.
Grüßle, die Bea
That scarf is really pretty! I love that the colors are two sided.
I don't know, maybe weigh it? Compulsively?
Love the sheep mug! Nice yarn and scarf, too.
Lovely...I love the graduated shades of blue.
And now I'm eying all my sock yarn, itching to make a Baktus of my own.
Der Bakus scheint ja momentan richtig "in" zu sein. Habe ihn jetzt schon so oft im Web gesehen. Irgendwann werde ich ihn wohl auch stricken. An Deinem Bakus gefällt mir die Farbe supergut und die Idee mit den Minibommeln ist auch klasse.
That is one lovely scarf. You dyed the yarn perfectly, nice effect. I just might have to try to make one myself.
I love the lacey version of the Baktus too and I think I will be casting on shortly for one in handspun!
I love the color variation of your scarf & those 2 little balls really added to the final touch.
Garter stitch...my favorite...I really like your scarf! Looks very comfortable :)
spät spät ;o) ich weiß, aber Deinen Baktus wollte ich wenigstens noch besuchen. Ein wunderbares Exemplar. Mir gefallen da nämlich nicht alle!
sei mal wieder lieb gegrüßt
Ute, die aus dieser Schaftasse auch mindestens jeden 2. Tag einen Kaffee schlürft *g*
Hi from Russia :) I've just finished my first baktus scarf and I have the same question you do! I had only one ball of yarn and I ran out of it before I finished the scarf... Well, I just used another yarn (black - while the whole scarf is black-white-grey), and it turned fantastic!
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