The trail to the lake goes right through some privat grounds, an old farm, where we found pieces of old rusty fences still standing. Pretty, isn't it?
Part of the trail was a little swamp like, but since it was very windy it kept the mosquitoes at bay. We had to watch our steps, or we would have been knee deep in mud.
Here's a rare picture of me in FRONT of the camera. It was at the beginning of the walk, and Biko was still hyper excited. On the way back she was walking in a straight line, not looking left or right, pretty tired out. We should do this more often.
Beautiful pictures!
I'm sure you ahd Biko enjoyed this hike! She seems very happy =D
It was a beautiful day for a hike, looks like. Not getting bitten up my mosquitos is even better!
I'm glad the family had a nice day.
Very pretty pictures! I am normally behind the camera, too. I hate to have my picture taken.
Nice outing for all of you. Just what you needed, I think.
What a pretty girl! Looks like you guys had a great time.
Great photos!
And you have SUN - it's been raining here for a week now, and it's going to rain for another week due to the weather forecast *sigh* The kids been climbing the walls around here the last couple of days. I'm so glad it's school tomorrow!
Looks lovely in those woods!
Beautiful, beautiful photos! It's also nice to catch a glimpse of you too :)))
I see lots of walks ahead of you this Summer!
Gorgeous pictures! Hiking is so much fun.
Oh she was looking so very happy! What a wonderful time and the photos are all gorgeous!
hiking with a dog is just wonderful. something about the big goofy grins they get. glad biko got to get worn out! :)
Liebe Monika,
schön, dass Ihr einen so herrlichen Spaziergang gemacht habt. Scheint ein wundervoller Ort zu sein, die Gedanken fliegen zu lassen und durchzuatmen.
Ihr solltet das wirklich viel öfter tun.
Ganz liebe Grüße von
I'm glad you guys had a nice time. Looks like everybody is doing ok. While you were hiking my kids got a sun burn and I got a lot of knitting done at the pool. I was in the shade. I know better, because I lobster.
What a beautiful spot you have for a nice hike! Such a happy pup!
Sounds like a great hiking place. Great picture of Biko in front of the fence.
Biko looks like the happiest dog in the world! Those pictures are great and it is so beautiful and green where you live.
So happy that you had such a good day. Looks like Biko enjoyed her adventure as much as you did.
Biko looks like she was having a blast! Nimitz does that excited back and forth thing when we get to a trail but does eventually chill out. Eventually...
(somehow I missed out on this log...)
How lovely these pictures are. It must have been a very nice walk. A picture of you! Too bad I still don't know what you look like....
Gosh! It looks like you almost have summer! We're barely into spring! Nice to see a shot of you! Maybe you'll smile next time? (hint! hint!) :o)
Lucky Biko, it looks so green and sunny and I love the last picture of you and Biko with her little frisky jump!!
Oh, I love this photo of the two of you! :)
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