As I've mentioned before, I'm nuts about this stuff. Not especially the roughness of Jacobs fiber, but how this was blended and dyed. It's a pleasure to spin, which is weird, since this was the first time I had to pick out guard hair and vegtable matter throughout, but it came in such intervals, that it did not stop the spinning process. I feel always a little wonderment, when I pick out the straw, thinking this comes from far far away (UK), and now it's in my living room. I feel the same wonderment picking out straw from Noro yarn, which of course came from Japan, even farther away!
If you look at the photos of the yarn enlarged, you can see it's fuzziness, it's roughness, but look also at the wide range of colors! Isn't it beautiful?
fiber: Kettle Dyed Jacobs Humbug from Shunklies Etsy Store , 3.5oz or 100g
yardage: 323yds, navajo plied
I've decided to spin all my different Humbug colorways at (hopefully) the same weight, navajo plied, to make it into - wait for it - a blanket! This is a big project, which will be doable since it will be worked on in small installments as each colorway weights (3.5oz)100g. This will be my first skein, put into a specially marked box, together with the unspun fiber. I don't want to start with the blanket until I've spun the last of the fiber for it. I'm really looking forward to it.
Speaking of blanket. After finishing my first two-color test knit sock (this is a non ravelry link) (Meeresrauschen by Bea, now available in German and in English, this is the ravelry link), I rewarded myself with the beginning of - wait for it - another blanket. Yes, yes, really, I can't help myself. Even my son noticed the vigorous wielding of the crochet hook around here. I've had this yarn in my stash for a while now, and now was the time to play with it.
Of course the second test sock is in the works as well.
Wish you all a wonderful weekend!
your jacob is just gorgeous. the colours are jewel like and your spinning is lovely
hallo Monika,
die Farbenkomi von der Decke schaut gut aus.
ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir
Oooh, that yarn is scrumptious! I love the colours, and the depth from the humbug is gorgeous. It must be so fun to watch the colours meld and mutate as they go by. It's on my every-growing list of things to try.
Hi Monika!
Gorgeous yarn!!
And these crochet blanket will be very beautiful, for sure. Love the colors you used!
Oh yes, the colors in that yarn are beautiful! I look forward to seeing how the blanket turns out.
I really like Bea’s sock pattern and have placed it on my want list.
Lovely, even plying! Gorgeous yarn- what are the plans for it?
Oh, sooo viele schöne Dinge!
I love the colors of your Jacob's wool. And the test socks are adorable!
But I ask you, can you really have too many blankets? I think not!
Enjoy your weekend.
ooh, i love the colors of the blanket.
your handspun is very pretty. the colors have such depth and are so and rich. i'm sure the finished product will be beautiful.
That`s the prettiest yarn I have seen in a long time. Love the structure and the colours!
Wishing you a great weekend.
ich glaub, ich setze jetzt meine Kopfhörer auf, genieße Monika Felten und werd ein bisschen spinnen.
Deine gesponnene Wolle inspiriert :-)
Liebe Grüße,
die Bea
I just love that yarn. Love love love. The polka dot afghan is super cute too. I might have to make one for me in more girly colors. :-) And you're right about it looking like the robot fabric.
As always beautiful projects. The jacob is gorgeous. I'll be waiting to see the blanket you make with this.
Gosh, so much going on at chez Smoking Hot Needles!
Love the spinning and like you I am fascinated by the pieces of vegetable matter (in small doses) in some skeins.
The *green* crochet blanket is a stunning color piece.
But those socks. Do I love those socks :) Hurry up with your test knitting. Of course, you know me, it will be at least 6 months before I'm ready to cast on!
A blanket! How unusual.;) That's an inspired choice truly, it will really display the spun colors nicely and oh yes, that spun up so prettily.
Na Du bist ja wieder voll im Handarbeitsfieber. Dein Jacob ist fantastisch. Bin mal gespannt, wie die Decke werden wird.
LG Susi
Yes, the colors *are* gorgeous.
Can I come visit you and have you show me how to spin? ;-)
The Jacob is delicious!! Kudos on the spinning too! Superb!! I can hardly wait to see the next lot!!
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