Before I go back to my wonderful Christmas presents (apparently I was very good this year), I'll show you the secret knitted gifts I made this year:
Newfoundland mittens (as requested) for my parents, with Maria & Joseph.
Striped scarf for DH, with Trekking XXL socks. I wanted to see if you could use a different yarn for the Noro striped scarf. I like it. I used Rowan Tapestry in two colors. They go very well together.
The socks are very simple, because the yarn is so busy. I tried several stitch patterns, but nothing showed up clearly, so simple it was.
Chevalier mittens for my DH too. I LOVED knitting those!
Shetland Triangle Shawl for my sister. Made 14 pattern repeats instead of 8. It's still a itty -bitty - tiny shawl. Next time I'll use thicker yarn.
Well, all the other items I gave away, you already saw pictures off. These were the only secret knitted items I couldn't show before.
The years almost over. Here's a glimpse of what's to come. Two color knit socks, and two color knit mittens for a friend. I have a couple of other finished projects, but I don't want to spoil you too much.

Oh, you are so sly! All those lovelies just waiting to be revealed! How do you manage to get it all done? They're all so special!
I hope you are having a terrific holiday. And I'm really looking forward to seeing all the new stuff you're working on and planning to work on.
ALL of those handknits are having me saying 'mercy' over and over... gorgeous! LOVE the Newfoundland mittens!... well, I love them all.
Your striped scarf is heavenly... I'm making one using 2 different colourways of BOKU that daughter Havala chose and it's working up great (of course we're going to sub other yarns!)
Having a quiet day here also, family gathering last night as well... not so quiet though, it's gotten larger :^)
Enjoy and make good times!
All things wonderful as usual. :o)
The DH mittens are incredible. They are perfect for a man and your kind of knitting. I can just imagine how much fun you had with those!
Most of Christmas is done here too. We also do most of the celebrating on xmas eve. All that is left is dinner tonight....guess I better get cooking!
Such lovely hand-knit gifts! Frohe Weihnachten!
Oh, was warst Du fleißig! So viele schöne Weihnachtsgeschenke und eines schöner als das andere. Alle Sachen gefallen mir sehr gut. Besonders schöne sind die Newfoundland Handschuhe.
Such beautiful gifts! I LOVE those cabled mitts. We just
finished the chaos of present opening...the kids are playing while I'm taking a break before starting to cook. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas!
I love the Newfoundland Mittens. And the striped scarf in Tapestry is a great idea. I am rather sick of Noro Silk Garden, so I'm going to use your idea for one of my own. Gave away all the rest. Lovely knitting, of course. Merry Christmas to all of you, and Milos say Arfy Christmas to Sam and Biko.
Wunderschön, Monika - die Geschenke hätte ich auch alle genommen! Besonders die Newfoundland Mittens sind ein Traum.
Viele liebe Grüße
I'm sure all your gift are well received. Your new years knitting looks great too. Merry Christmas.
Monika, what a bounty of knitted goodness! They're all so beautiful. I know the recipients will appreciate the result of your effort.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas! What lovely gifts! The Shetland Shawl is especally gorgeous - so light and airy. I also like the striped scarf in Tapestry and it must be so soft. And the cabley mittens must go in the queue!
A very nice assortment of handknit presents indeed. You did well.
Merry Christmas to you & yours.
Lots of beautiful gifts you've made!!! I bet there was some happy faces opening presents :)
Each and every gift is so beautiful. Your knitting always stands out as very special!
Merry Christmas and Happy Knitting :)
Oh my, your "secrets" are all so lovely!! I also LOVE those red and white mittens, what pattern is that?
Just discovered your site today - wonderful presents! Look forward to
having a good look at your site when
the chaos all over!
i'm sure they will all be very well loved!!!
Awesome knits! Love the Newfoundland mittens. I've only ever made a very small pair that went to a charity. I have problems with the thumbs for some reason.
The pressure is off on knitting for me for the most part. My Dad's birthday is Sunday, so I did start a pair of socks for him. Hopefully they'll be finished in time!
My my my! How on earth did you keep all of those secret! They are all so gorgeous!
I'm wishing you and your family (including Sam and Biko) a happy 2008.
My you were busy ! All beautiful hand knits . Love your substitute for the striped scarf and your shetland triangle shawl is simply lovely. Looking forward to seeing more of your knits in 2008 . Wishing you and yours a very happy , healthy and wonderful New Year !
Beautiful gifts!!!
Very lovely, I think you made a few people very happy with these knits.
So langsam wirst Du mir unheimlich! Wannn bitte hast Du den all diese herrlichen Geschenke gestrickt!??
Am tollsten finde ich die Farben des Schals. Ich habe das Garn damals in Berlin im Original gesehen und da fand ich es schon so edel!
Deine Familie hat sich bestimmt gefreut über die schönen und ausgefallenen Sachen
Liebe Grüße von Heike
You are superwoman, all those gifts are so incredible! The colors and the patterns all make for classic gifts, the recipients are extremely lucky!
Your FO's are all so lovely! What a lucky DH to get those beautiful gifts! The shawl is very pretty, and those 2 color socks are intriguing...
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