I'm aware that I might bore you with these shawl updates, but have a look at those tiny fringes! 100 little knitted fringes, waiting for their siblings, another 100 of them! I've decided if I really run out of yarn, I'll see that before hand and I will work this almost solid blue color in. It's Koigu as well. While rummaging around in my Koigu stash, which is not that big, I found out that I had accumulated a few single skeins, and some colorways I have 2 skeins of. All lovely for sure, but what was I thinking?
Sue was so kind and offered me her Koigu in the same colorway, but different dye lot for exchange, but I've decided against using a different dye lot. Thank you very much, Sue! I appreciate it!
So for the next day or two, I will knit on and knit some more fringes. It will get exciting when it comes to braiding them and pick up all those stitches again. I'll let you know how it goes! ;o)

Meantime, I finished spinning the fibre from hell! That's right, I said it. This is 4 oz of Lincoln fibre, single spun. I didn't want to spent any more time on it as necessary. The initial start was horrible, but it got better to manage. This is a very fuzzy and rough fibre in my opinion. Nothing to cuddle up to or rub against your bare skin. So I decided to use it for felting some day. I DO love the colors though.

I've put it on my Niddy Noddy and soaked it in water as it was. Then I let it dry in the sun for fast results. I really didn't care what happened to this fibre. I think I have to smooth the wook of the Niddy Noddy now, it was unfinished. Not a smart move, but what's done is done. There was no overtwist to start with, and now it looks O.K. to me. Can you see the fuzz in the picture below?

This was Spunky Fibre Club August installation "Harvest Haze". I didn't measure it, but it's 4 oz. I'm glad it's off my wheel now, because I want to finish my wool/mohair I've started and fill two more bobbins as quickly as possible, so I can move on to nicer roving. The next installment for the fibre club will be here in a couple of weeks, can't wait to see what's coming.

Well, I'll leave you with that. Have a nice weekend you all!
happy 300th post monika! congratulations. you're shawl is looking beautiful! i can't wait to see it all finished up. those little fringes look gorgeous-but tedious! i very much admire your ability to stick with projects. i could surely take a page out of your book.
You're so welcome. The shawl looks gorgeous. Your patience on those braids is amazing. Congratulations on your 300th post. Quite an accomplishment. Have a terrific weekend.
congrats on 300!
You can definitely see the fuzz, but the colors should make a nice felted project!
Oooh..nice! 300 posts!!! Congradulations! The shawl is coming along nicely, I like all the little fringes. I'm excited to see it blocked though, that way I can really Oogle it. :D
Yeah, I can see what you're saying about the yarn. The colors are pretty, but what would you make with such a hairy coarse feeling yarn? It would be pretty as a felted bowl. You could use it as a catchall bowl. Sorry it wasn't what you had hoped for. Maybe some BFL or Merino on your wheel might brighten your day.
Congratulations on your 300th post :)
The yarn you have spun have beautiful colours.
Have a great weekend :)
The colors on your spinning is really nice. I like it and I can't wait to see your fringes braided up. The colors will make it so interesting.
300 posts! Yay!
the yarn is very pretty, but yes, I can see the fuzz in the pictures.
And what cute fringe on your shawl.
I really really love how that shawl is knitting up! I also think the blue contrast color is a great choice if you run into trouble. Seeing that you have all those Koigue skeins of 2 - I'll be interested to hear what you do with them since socks are out and I've got 2 skeins too!
Was, schon 300 Posts? Ich kann das gar nicht glauben, dass es schon so viele sind. Ich gratuliere Dir dazu und wünsche Dir noch mindestens 10x so viele, weil ich schließlich nicht auf die schönen Fotos und Beiträge verzichten möchte!
Dein Shawl wird super. Was ein gewusel mir den vielen kleinen Strickstreifen. Bin schon mächtig auf den fertigen Shawl gespannt. Ich hoffe, das Garn reicht doch. Auch das neue helle gesponnene Garn gefällt mir super.
Congratulations on your 300th post.
Yeah, I can see the fuzz in the picture of the fiber from hell. Even though it gave you a hard time, it is pretty.
Congrats on the 300th.
It's looking awesome. Can't wait to see how the fringes turn out together.
not at all! bored , i mean.
just full of admiration at your patience and perseverance. it is going to be a lovely shawl.
happy weekend!
happy 300th post! I look forward to many more! Those fringes on that shawl are so pretty! I can't wait to see you modeling it. You definitely tamed that roving into some beautiful yarn. I agree with you that the colors are great and it can definitely be felted into something wonderful!
beautiful shawl nice blue contrast love koigu color.
Congratulations on 300 posts! What an accomplishment. I love the color of your shawl. My knitting buddy and I have a saying we always laugh about, but it comes up frequently and so often is fits the bill "Just keep going". Good luck!
Happy 300th - I've loved all of it. May your next 300 be as wonderful and may your yarn last! The shawl is wonderful - can't wait to see it finished.
The fringe looks very very cool!!!
Congratulations on your 300th post! wow, all those little fringes, can't wait to see them braided.
Congrats on the BIG 300!!!
It takes a lot to be so consitent and dedicated to a project! :-)
Beautiful colors in that shawl, and the solid blue is a good fall-back. I hope you'll have enough to finish without it, though.
And I agree--the colors in your fiber-from-hell are very very pretty. It will be interesting to see what it becomes in the future. ;-)
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