As soon as I found out about them, I had to pay them a visit. The store front was very pleasing and with a smile on my face I entered. What a nice yarn shop! You can actually breathe going in there. It's not overstuffed, you have room to walk around, and still, they have everything which is liked by so many right now. They have all the good stuff. I think my heart rate went up just looking at all the goodness.
The day I was there, there was still a SALE on the sock yarn going on. You can always use more sock yarn, right? Especially since they had Trekking XXL (bottom of next picture), Trekking Pro Natura (middle of picture), and Mega Boots Stretch (always wanted to knit at least once with this one). So I deposited it at the counter and kept looking. The Lady was nice, and I told her, that I thought I'd found my new favorite LYS.

And of course, nobody can resist Koigu. The colorway on the left is just gorgeous! They had a finished Clapotis in this colorway, and even though I was never fond of the Clapotis, this one was so pretty, and showed off the colors so beautifully. I couldn't decide what to take, so I bought three different ones. They just wouldn't get back into the shelves. Naturally, as soon as I was at home, I realized, that I don't knit socks with this stuff, since it's a waste of the beautiful material. But you can knit anything else, with less or no friction. But with only two skeins of each color? I have some ideas! ;o)

Now, so far it was all very pleasant. I was happy like a kid in a candy store. Now we come to the LYS versus online shopping part of this post. As the Lady was adding up my purchase, she asked me, if I wasn't going overboard with my purchase! Huh??? All the joy of this visit trained away in that instant. Do you think this was too much? The sock yarn was 20% off, and I haven't purchased yarn in a while. When I order online, I don't have to put up with the opinion of the store owner/sales person. Mostly people are happy to sell their stuff! Sigh. When I look at my haul, there's some bittersweet feeling now. Am I too sensitive?

Have to pet my Sammy some, to get my blood pressure down again. I'm so glad that my dogs and my craft stuff fit together so well. They don't destroy stuff. New things get a good sniff, and that's it. I can leave everything out and don't have to worry. Good dogs!
I've gotten my ravelry invitation a few days ago. (I'm "yarnloopie" over there.) I found it in the junk mail box, so if anybody is waiting for theirs, check your junk mail as well. It seems I've signed up sometime in May, that's what they are processing right now. I was curious about it, since so many people were so excite about it.
I haven't done much with it yet. To tell the truth, it's a great new toy to play with, and a time sucker, which I don't need right now. Posting projects will take forever. If you are prone to have startitis, be careful. There are over 89,000 projects uploaded already, and there are so many beautiful things, you'll get sucked right in. So I closed my eyes, signed out, and took a deep breath. I have to do this slowly, because I mainly want to "produce" myself, and not look what others do (well, of course I want to see it, but in small doses). ;o)
So, what am I doing right now? I have one more square to knit for my blanket! Yes, ONE! Somehow I didn't get to show you the squares, but I will wait now, until the blanket is assembled. You could see the single squares on my flickr account. The last square will not be a magic mosaic square, but a square with the letter "H" on it. I wanted to personalize the blanket, since it's for my DD Hannah. Sybille made me the design, thank you very much. That saves me a lot of time. BTW: Happy Birthday, dear Sybille!
After that it will be sewing in ends, sewing together the squares, and I'd like to knit a border as well.
Besides that, I've finished spinning, and plying some lace weight yarn. As soon as it's dry I'll take pictures. I've already chosen the next roving to be spun.
I also have to make a few more mini socks, as gifts, but have to make some "stitch markers" for the connection, I'm all out.
It's still very hot and humid here. No rain. The thunder storms passed us by. There could be some this afternoon. The pool is closed. We are in stage 1 of preserving water. Stage 1 is voluntarily. Not everybody is helping out though. But I'm thinking, what is more important to me - green lawn, a sparkling pool? - or enough drinking water down the road? Anyway, one does, what one can. Did I mention that I don't like summer much? Don't throw stones now, be nice! ;o)
What a silly thing to say, especially since your purchases pay her salary!
Are you on Ravelry? I entered yoru Smoking Hot Socks pattern because it is on my to-do list.
I'm with you. I don't like summer, either. Much more comfortable the rest of the year. And the lady in the yarn shop was poking her nose in where it didn't belong. What was she trying to do ? Keep you from spending money? Ah, customer service isn't what it used to be.
Dont feel sensitive about your yarn purchases - who cares - enjoy it! all the yarn looks so lovely.
Holy cow - you'd think she'd be happy to make a large sale! It's entirely up to you (and your budget) how much you get!!
I can't wait to get my Ravelry invite. I signed up at the beginning of June, so its coming! :-) Just to get ready, I was photoging my stash this weekend! Got get a leg up, so I don't end up spending so much time.
You have GOT to to be kidding me! I can't believe she said that...but on the other hand, let's cut the poor woman some slack, and chose to believe that she is a VERY sloooow knitter and looked at what you purchased and calculated it would take her 4 years to use up the yarn you bought!!
BTW if you are having ill feelings about the quantity of fiber you just bought, what the heck am I supposed to be feeling after the motherload windfall?!? Tell me, just tell me!!!! LOL
I'm with the others - I can' believe she said that!!!! My LYS owner is so happy with every sale and never questions anyones intentions.
Have to get in a comment about the LYS vs. online shopping: I don't even go to my LYS anymore or to knitting culture events. I am now a devout recluse knitter and online buyer. Reason? I don't like the manipulation, the pressure to use store-owner-approved yarn. I could be sitting there knitting something that requires 50 charts and a Ph.D. in Geek Knitting to master, and someone will come and say those words: "What kind of yarn are you using?" And if it isn't sufficiently expensive, by THEIR standards, I am dog poopie. And then when I go to the LYS, in addition to the pressure to buy the most expensive yarn, there is also the laying on of the guilt: "Where have you been? We haven't seen you?" I just want to have fun with my knitting, which means something to me, so now I shield it from others who want to spoil my pleasure with their prohibitions. And then there is the patronizing attitude: "Well, it's good to keep your mind active as you get older...." I have three college degrees. Is that keeping my mind active enough for these people? So much judgment!
Wow, what a haul! I'm especially envious about the Seasilk, I'd love to make a shawl out of it one day. That's funny what the LYS owner said, I wouldn't worry about it, she probably just said it because if she put herself in her shoes, such a big purchase would make her nervous :) Maybe it's one of those things, when you walked out, she was like "Why did I say that?"
Your money, your choice I say. I love the colours of the items you've purchased. Well done.
I, too, am not a fan of heat and humidity. It's been in the 30's (C) for the past 10 days and that's enough for me.
I don't think that's overboard at all! How could you not do it for 20% off???
Was the LYS lady just trying to be funny? Give her the benefit of the doubt. Next time you go in, if the same sort of thing happens and you get the same feeling, then you can choose not to go anymore. Or you can let her know how you feel about her comment(s). She certainly doesn't want to run anyone off! My closest yarn shop is 45 miles away. We used to have one run by a lady that was brusque with everyone. Her business didn't last. Now there are 2 nice ones that replaced her. Beautiful yarn BTW. Don't feel guilty about the purchase, I say!
Maybe she was trying to be sarcastic? Is there a spell check for the comments section? LOL. Maybe she was jealous? Maybe she wishes you'd spread the purchases out over the month? Who knows! But that's some beautiful yarns you got there!
A friend of mine brought me two skeins of Koigu from her recent trip to New York. I agree it is way to special to wear on my feet but I am a bit stumped on what to make - another scarf? Let me know if you have any ideas I can use too.
And don't worry about shop keepers. Silly woman. But sometimes you just have to feel before you buy! Rhonda
Hmmm...what a strange comment for that lady to make. I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Maybe she was just coveting your purchase!
Wow. I can't believe the clerk said that to you. First of all: it's none of her business. For all she knows, you were buying things for friends.
I wouldn't feel guilty about it. However, if she makes another comment like that in the future, I would call her on it.
Oooooh. Gorgeous yarn eye candy! :) Enjoy it all and ignore the negativity. It's not worth your time or energy!
WHAT?! Pet Sammy some for me. I'm petting Mugsy too, but all I can do is keep shaking my head...
Your new yarn looks lovely. I can hardly wait to see what you make with it. As for the comment by the sales person. It does sound a bit odd. Not sure why she would say something like that.
I've been hearing about Ravelry for awhile now and put myself on the waiting list. I hope I get an invitation soon. I'm looking forward to seeing what all the talk is about.
pheffff What a daft donkey! You're lucky I wasn't with you :)
Your yarn purchases are fabulous and you can buy as much yarn as you want no matter what anyone says. We NEVER have sales at our LYS :( booooo
I especially love the orange sea silk you picked up, beautiful colour!
We've had rain rain rain, I don't know why you aren't getting any of it!
What was she doing, planning an intervention? Sheesh!
Ok Monika, I MUST HAVE that green Trekking...what's it worth to you?? :)
beautifull, gorgeous yarn! enjoy it all!!!
two skeins of koigu will make the arm warmers in sally melvilles book. is it "the knit stitch" or in the second one? they look very elegant. i do agree that koigu is too precious and too fragile for socks.
silly woman!
where is this LYS?
Yea I pretty much got the same thing when I had ordered yarn to make a sweater. Then I received my pattern soon after and went back for a skein to swatch with. The lady looked at me like I was crazy.
But what really upset me was that when my order came in, and I called to say when I would pick it up, I wasn't told of the sale coming up. I bought all that yarn and the next day found out they were having a sale. I am on the list to receive sales alerts, but somehow I didn't hear about this one until after a major purchase. Not to mention that I actually talked to the owner on the phone.
I haven't been back since.
Sam looks so very cute hiding behind there!! We only have one LYS and depending on who is working that day, the service varies, so we buy lots online. I do like to develop a good relationship with shops: I have a wonderful local bookshop!!! What lovely sock wool you managed to buy!!!
What a great stash enhancement buy. No need to feel guilty, that is some beautiful yarn.
Liebe Monika,
die blöde Äusserung der Verkäuferin scheint Dich ja wirklich zu beschäftigen. Versuch es abzuhaken - es ist ganz alleine Deine Sache wieviel und was Du kaufst. Und ich finde es ganz und garnicht übertrieben viel - da habe ich schon ganz anders zugeschlagen *räusper*. Vor allem wenn es noch ein Sonderangebot ist. Die Bambuswolle habe ich auch. Die ist spitze! Und die Sea Silk Stränge...mjam, mjam. Die hätte ich auch gerne.
Freue Dich an Deinen Schätzen!
Liebe Grüsse von Heike
I do think her comment was odd, especially since it wasn't that and hello, she works there she should be encouraging you to buy more. Maybe she's new and getting the hang of things.
btw I saw that very light colored Hand Maiden in Lace Silk yesterday and I couldn't' pass on it either! Such a rich creamy color with subtle variation.
I would have said something like, "You are right..." and walked out without purchasing anything (the hardest part).
not because I think you were, but because she was rude and it would result in lost $$$ for them/her.
That LYS owner has obviously not seen the name of your blog! I think you made really beautiful and wise purchasing choices. When someone knits as much as you do, it just makes sense to buy when the product is on sale.
Deine neue Wolle ist superschön, ich könnte mich mal wieder nicht entscheiden, welche am schönsten ist ist. Das Sea Silkgarn wäre auch nach meinem Geschmack. Übrigens, ärger Dich nicht über solche bescheuerten Äußerungen der Verkäuferin. Erfreu Dich und habe Spaß mit Deinen neuen Schätzen.
The salesclerk? Poopyhead. I mean, really..... it's a sale, and don't you feel guilty about it, missy!
Koigu is sublime in socks! I have several pairs... not a problem at all, for me, but your mileage may vary. I love Koigu.
Don't let anyone ruin the joy of buying new yarn!!!
I'm avoiding Ravelry for now ...I think I will spontaneously combust if I add that to my list!
Of course you didn't go overboard! If she's got the yarn and you've got the money, everything's dandy! Enjoy your yarn!
(I don't like summer either, and neither do the Ts. We're all looking forward to autumn weather.)
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