The first thing Sam did, when he came home today was drink a bowl of water, the second thing was to have a sit on the sofa and watch the world go by. He had a little shave, did you notice? ;o)
He was such a good boy at the vets. No howling or whining. He did take his meds like a gentleman. They think it's because he's used to it all. But I say, he's well raised.
In the evening he had a little fever, I think, because his head was warm and his nose was dry and warm too. He's moved into the living room, with a special place reserved for him. He likes it. Dinner was devoured in an blink of the eye. So his appetite is good.
Can you tell that I'm happy?
Too bad that the weather turned nasty tonight. It's raining ice pellets right now. It's hard enough with good conditions to get him outside for a pee, but now, holy cow, getting up and down the stairs is a debacle.

Clearly he likes to sit on the couch! The pic of him November 8 was exactly the same. Except for the "naked" bit of course! I'm glad he's ding well after the surgery.
Ich freue mich für Dich, dass Sam die OP gut überstanden hat. Jetzt kann es ja nur noch Bergauf gehen. Ich hoffe, Du hattest einen schönen Geburtstag. Deine Blumen sind wunderschön.
Glad to see that Sam is doing well! He looks happy to be home.
Your flowers are beautiful.
Hello from Finland! I have visited in your blog many times before. Looove the doggie on the sofa :D Happy birthday to you!
Glad to see Sam safely home. Waiting for him must have been tough. And happy birthday
Best wishes to Sam for a speedy recovery; what a brave guy!
Happy Birthday!!! :)
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