This trip was very important to me, since my life has become narrow, confined, cut off from the rest of the world. I discovered that there IS a world outside the knitting world, where people have no clue, nor interest in knitting or any other fiber activity, even the only yarn shop owner in the small town of Fuerstenfeld, where I stayed with my parents, knew nothing about knitting blogs or Ravelry. I tried to explain to her, but in the end she just called me weird in my face, which had me stumped, but I had to laugh too. Poor woman, she doesn't know what she's missing. Her store is a one room store, with one half stuffed with yarn, the other half was reserved for all kinds of needle point stuff and other. She did not have a single Knitting magazine, except some from Lang Yarn, which she was selling. I was only interested in sock yarn, but there was not much to choose from. I was looking for Regia Silk, which she didn't have. I still managed to buy a few balls of self patterning sock yarn, because I liked the happy colors. And there were new Hundertwasser sock yarn colorways I liked too. I was surprised to find, that she did not have Steinbach cotton thread at all! I was so sure I would find it there, since it's an Austrian company, but no luck there. I did not want to leave without any cotton thread, still thinking of knitting Franklin's 1840 Nightcap. I choose a different brand, in these colorways. Not all are meant for Nightcaps, but for lace shawls as well.
Out front there was some sock yarn on SALE. I took one ball of 6-fach sock yarn and knit a pair of socks on 3mm needles for my son. I just managed to finish them on time. They were meant for bed socks, and he wore them before I could take a picture, so you get a picture of worn socks! :o)
By the way, I took some lace knitting with me to the airport. I started to knit a shawl while waiting for the flight. I had no problems whatsoever with security, but since it was a night time flight, I did not knit on the plane at all. I think I'll rip what I have so far, but it was good to have, to keep me occupied while waiting.

... sometimes Biko got to use the bed as well. When I returned Sam ignored me until the next day. He's so funny.

... next post I'll show you some goodies I've brought home with me, or I might squeeze in a post about places I went ...
LOL isn't it funny how our furry babbies like to punish us for going away on them? My cat used to be like that.. but she couldn't hold out a whole day.. usually by that night she had made up.. but when I first arrived home... it was the back to me and ignored... LOl then when she couldn't help it anymore she would start telling me or complaining to me about being alone and then snuggle up with me for the night! All because they love and miss ua!
Oh I was thinking schoolgirl German in my head looking at the shop's sign. Isn't it strange that you can't buy local things in local shops!!
I laughed at Sam, The Labradors sleep like that too, he's a dog who likes a routine obviously. I am sure they really missed you a lot. Were they over their pique soon?? The Labradors didn't sulk at all when I left them when I had to go to Hospital. They were as happy to see me as I was to see them. Hope The Dogs are both feeling well- and you too!!
Yeah, the silent treatment, I know that one too. Thanks for the inspirational sock picture for socks in very simple patterns. I guess that's what I need right now. I guess people ourside of blogs and Ravelry think we are addicts, but it's funny that that was the owner of a yarn store.
What a hoot!! Milo sleeps like that, too. In fact, I think he spends more time on his back than on his tummy when he sleeps. So glad you had a good trip!!
Look at that sleeping position! That is just TOO FUNNY!
Griiiiins! Solche Schlafverrenkungen kenne ich eigentlich nur von Katzen!
Solche kleine Lädchen kenn ich auch hier aus Deutschland. Aber ich denke, auch die haben ihre Berechtigung. Zuviel von dem www erzählen bringt nix. Und manchmal finde ich gerade auch sowas schlichteres sehr entspannend!
Schön, daß Du wieder da bist!
LG Heike
I used to get the silent treatment from Bingo as well , but lately he seems to have got over it . He's happy as can be when we get back . Guess we're not such bad humans after all ;-) .
The pics of Sam are priceless , too funny !
Knitting blogs and Ravelry is weird?? Odd, I'd say...
And the doggie pics are hysterical!
Welcome back! The photos of Sam are hilarious.
Can't wait to see your goodies and the places you went. I've spent 6 months total in Europe and I'm aching to go back.
What a bright, pretty shop! There are shops in the US that don't care about the internet or online community too, and that's their choice, but I do think it cuts off a huge opportunity for them.
Glad you're back!
Note to self: No need to go to Europe to buy European yarns. Think internet purchases ...
And my cat punishes me every day just for going to work. Thank goodness it doesn't last long.
i don't think your life is narrow at all. the world wide web is a beautiful thing!
sam makes me smile. he's just a big goofy dog! and biko, so reserved and sweet. :) i'm glad that david thought to take a photo (or two) to show you upon your return.
Surprising that shops like that can survive! I'm glad you found some yarns as souveniers despite there not being a huge selection.
Love the pictures of Sam sleeping upside down. So cute :) Glad he's not ignoring you anymore - LOL
Worn socks are good socks. Your son must have really loved them to wear them right away :)
Too funny about the knitting shop owner...very surprising she didn't know anything about ravelry...her loss ;)
Even though he may not show it I'm sure Sam missed you! Great candid photos!
Happy Knitting :) ....now that you're back and hopefully recovered from your trip....
Yeah, our cats ignore us for an hour or two when we get home from being away as well, to punish us for leaving them, I suppose! :)
Sam looks like he really missed you. Why would he ignore you if he didn't? It's nice to get away from the whole knitting world sometimes. I am still surprised though when I find knitters who don't know about the online knitting world!
It is hard to imagine never having heard of blogs or ravelry.
I love hearing about your trip, but I'm glad you're back home safe. Can't wait to hear more.
Ach, das war sicher sooo schön für Dich, mal wieder zuhause zu sein.
Die braune Sockenwolle ist wunderschön und passt im Winter schlicht zu allem.
Deine Hunde meinen wohl, sie seien Katzen - solche Fotos kenn ich von meinen Katzenrackern :-)
Grüßle, die Bea
How funny pictures of Sam. Does he always sleep like this or just because you were away?
Sam is too funny.
*lol* Great Sam pics! How's he feeling?
I'm loving hearing about your trip. It sounds like you had a wonderful time--I'm so glad!
Mir scheint es auch, dass in Österreich und Deutschland einfach nicht so populär ist, wie in Amerika/Kanada ... Es gibt nicht so tolle Bücher, Strickmagazine und nicht soviele tolle Strickblogs. Zum Glück gibt es ravelry, wo man sich mit guten u8nd abwechslungsreichen patterns eindecken kann ...
Liebe Grüße
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