It's my birthday today! I found this picture while looking for another one. I wish I was still that girl, but wise beyond my years, with my life ahead of me, making different decisions at every crossroad of my life. I'm saying Goodbye here for the time being, I don't know yet, when or if I'll be back. But I'm sure we'll meet at ravelry and I'll continue to read your blog posts.
Happy knitting, spinning, and whatever you enjoy doing!
Happy Birthday to you! Unhappy to hear that you may not be blogging. I really look forward to your posts with knitting and the dogs. Hang in there.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Monika!
Ich wünsche Dir alles, alles Gute - lass' Dich gebührend feiern!
Liebe Grüße
von Birgit
Liebe Moni,
ganz ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deinem Geburtstag!!
Bleib´ wie Du bist und lass´ Dich heute ein bisschen verwöhnen und feiern.
Das Foto ist richtig niedlich und genau den Haarschnitt hatte ich in dem Alter auch!!
Besonders leibe Grüße von Heike
Happy Birthday, Monika. Sorry to hear you are done blogging, but I know how you feel. It can get to be just too much. I'll surely look at your beautiful work on Ravelry.
Liebe Monika, herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Geburtstag. Ich hoffe es gehen alle deine Träume und Wünsche in Erfüllung !
Schade, das Du erst mal nicht mehr bloggen willst. Ich hoffe es ist nur eine Pause.
LG Eva
Well, happy birthday young lady!! I hope you have a great great day!
Love and hugs,
Happy birthday!
What a cute photo. And Happy Birthday! Here's wishing you many more years of happy knitting. I'll certainly miss you on your blog but I understand wanting to go in a different direction. I'll see you on Ravelry. :-)
Hallo Monika
ich wünsche Dir von Herzen alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag. Dass Dir weder Wolle noch Iedeen jemals ausgehen werden - zwinker - wird wohl bei DIR nicht der Fall sein gel....
Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Happy birthday! I'm disappointed you won't be blogging - I only just found your blog, and am 3 repeats from the end of Three Sisters Scarf #2. (Which, in my house, is Two Aunts Scarf #1, hee.) Good luck.
May you have a wonderful birthday full of joy and love. You'll be missed and I hope you don't go away forever.
Monika, I hope you will keep in touch. Maybe you just need a break from the regular things, a change. I hope you find some clarity.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to You!
At schooltimes I had a friend Anne, who was also born on 11.11.
Sad to hear you'll stop writing here, but I'm happy to see your works at Ravelry!
Happy Birthday!
I have been a loyal reader for quite a while. Please know that you'll be missed. Wishing you much happiness in whatever you do.
Happy Birthday! What a lovely photo.
Did I read that right?????
You're leaving blogland??????
Ooops sorry, I should have said Happy B-Day first.
Happy birthday!
And good-bye? No more blog posts? Oh, I'll miss you. Thank goodness for Ravelry.
Love the photo, sweeeet.
Happy Birthday!
A very, very Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday! When one door closes, another opens. That's what makes life such an adventure. Best wishes in all your future endeavors.I'll miss your blog and your animals.
Happy Birthday! Although I don't comment much, I have always enjoyed your blog. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and if you blog again, I'll be reading! :)
Happy Birthday!!
Are you really giving up blogging??
I'll miss reading your post!
Happy Birthday Monika!!!! That's a darling picture of you.
But I am so sad.... Your posts have been such a pleasure to read and inspiration to my knitting. I do want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your blog over the years that have made it one of the best knitting blogs out there.
Monika, I don't know why you decided to break or quit the blog, but while I'm selfishly sorry because I love your blog, I won't add guilt to your plate. Take care!
First of all Happy Birthday to you~
2nd of all - what?? Are you just burnt on blogging (I certainly have been there as you well know!) or is it something else? Best wishes to you in everyway, Monika!
Happy birthday! Thanks for your terrific patterns; I've loved watching your knitting!
ähm - wie soll/muss/kann ich das verstehen?
Soll das heißen, dass du nicht mehr bloggen magst?
Wenn ja, bist du bereit, es dir nochmal zu überlegen?
büdde, büdde
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Gestern hatte meine Mama. Heisst das, dass Du Deinen Blog jetzt vernachlaessigen willst? Bitte schreib mir weiterhin Emails und bleib in Kontakt.
Alles, alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Monika!
Just celebrated mine too, am still in Austria and read with interest about your trip. Sounds like it was a whirlwind tour that stirred up a lot of feelings and thoughts in you. After a long absence a one week stay is just too short and I hope you will be able to go back soon for a longer stay.
I remember my first trip back after a 12 year absence, it was tough, very tough, very,very tough indeed.
Now that I am going back more often it is much better and I would highly recommend it to you!
One of the toughest things for me was to accept that I was seen as an "american" even though I never felt like one, I really questioned then who I was and where I belong!
Hopefully time will heal whatever troubles you now - this is what I wish for you!!!
Take your time, fest durchwurschteln hilft, und denke an die Worte "auch das wird vorübergehen"!
Ganz liebe Grüsse schickt Dir
PS Some day we will hear from you again, in the meantime I will miss your postings with their great projects, help and insights.
Thank you for all you have done!!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag liebe Monika! Ich lese da etwas von "goodbey"?! Ich hoffe, ich habe da was falsch verstanden ...
Was immer du tust - geniesse es und lass dich nicht unterkriegen! Auf jeden Fall wird mir dein Blog fehlen!
Alles Gute und liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
Happy Birthday Monika!
I will be sad if you (and your blog) go away, but in life things change and parts of old life shed so that parts of new life can unfold.
I wish you health, happiness and wisdom.
happy birthday, friend. i understand your desire to not blog, it often times hits me, too.
i am just glad i get to see all your knitted goodness at ravelry...
Happy Birthday!!
First I wish you a happy birthday!
I am very surprised by your decision to say goodbeye. I feel rather sad because your blog is one of my favorite blogs.
I sure hope we will keep in touch...
Happy Birthday. That is a sweet picture.
I enjoy reading your blog. I wish you all the best.
Hallo Geburtstagskind...
...alles Gute vor allem Gesundheit wünsche ich dir aus Österreich.
Liebe Monika,
zuallererst herzliche Glückwünsche! Für das neue Lebensjahr wünsche ich dir Glück, Liebe, Gesundheit, Erfolg und stets genug Wolle vor den Nadeln bzw. der Spule!
Ich habe hier immer gerne gelesen und wünsche dir, dass du die auf das Bloggen bislang verwendete Zeit zu deinem Besten verwendest. Schön, dass du dank Ravelry nicht komplett aus der Strick-Welt bist.
Alles Liebe!
Happy Birthday !!!!
Hope you do keep up the blog , but sometimes a break is a good thing and just what you need ....
Happy birthday Monika. I will miss reading your posts - you were the first knitting blog I read and are the reason that I am addicted to them now. Thank you, and I will miss you!
Michele W.
Herzlichstens Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!!
Happy Birthday Monica and happy trails for wherever you life leads you. Thanks for being my blog friend. Rhonda
Dear Monika, you were such a sweet little girl!! That's a lovely picture. I will miss your blog and all it's craft and German Shepherd delights. The Labradors send big Tail Wags to Biko and Sam.
I'm sorry you are giving up on your blog. Let us know your Ravelry name so we can watch for you there.
Happy Birthday to you & hope that you have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Monika!
Not sure what to say, just hope and pray everything is ok with you. I won't say goodbye...I will look for you in ravelry :) Hugs :)
Happy Birthday! I'll miss you and see you on Ravelry.
Happy Birthday Monika!!! I hope you had a great one!!! We will certainly miss your posts! and do hope to see you back.. but, good luck with whatever your expected endevours!
Happy birthday, and all the best to you in your future pursuits. I hope you can always keep smiling like you did back then! Best to you, and see you on Ravelry!
Happy birthday! I'll be here when you get back. :)
Happy Birthday, Monika!!
Hope you have a wonderful year.
I also hope that you someday return to blogging. I 've really enjoyed Smoking Hot Needles.
Margie in Maryland
puh, vor lauter Entsetzen über den Abschied habe ich die Geburtstagsglückwünsche vergessen *ascheaufmeinhaupt*
Alles Liebe zu Deinem Geburtstag, nachträglich.
Grüßle, die Bea
Happy birthday! You share the same day as one of my little sisters. Hope your day was great!
Happy Birthday!!!! I love that little photo of you. I had the same haircut as a child. We must be close to the same age, the "pixie" was all the rage in those days!
I am so sad to see your blogging days end. I will certainly keep an eye on your beautiful projects on Ravelry!
I'm so sorry I missed your birthday Monika. I hope you had a wonderful day and all your birthday wishes come true!
I'll be sad not to read your fun anecdotes, knitting tip and of course seeing Biko and Sam...Hope you all say hi even now and then.
I hear ya on the "I'm done with blogging" tho...I'll never shut FKD down completely but it just seems like such a chore these days.
I'll be waiting to see those Dalmation Socks someday :)
Happy Birthday!
bonjour de Paris et bon Anniversaire ... vos créations sont vraiment magnifiques
au plaisir de vous revoir
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