Yesterday these fine books, and magazine came into my hands, long awaited, and now I'm going to work through them. From what I've seen so far, there are many projects in them, which I want to make right now, or later. This will keep me busy for a long time.
Knitted lace of Estonia by Nancy Bush. This is a wonderful book. I've preordered it and now I have it, and I'll go and look for some yarn, to start right in on a project. Don't know yet, which one, because there are several I like.

This book I preordered
here. The title page picture was an unfortunate choice, but there are several projects in them, which I like very much. The colores, and yarn choices are not always what I would have chosen, but the designs are great. Can't wait to cast on for something from this book as well.

My son brought me home this magazine. Before I left for my trip I got one copy, which I sent off to Germany. This Holiday issue has several nice projects in it as well.
On the other hand, I saw the preview of IK Holiday Issue, and I'm very disappointed. There was only one project I would have liked to make eventually, and it turned out, that it starts with casting on over 900 stitches. Ahem, not exactly what I love to do. So no, this year I'll pass on this one.
Really, I'm off reading my new books, and trying to decide what I will be casting on first. Tough decision! :o)
Mmmm, I've seen that Nancy Bush book, and it is mouth-watering. Can't wait to see which you decide to do first!
I'm waiting for KP to carry that book. It's supposed to be available next week and I'll have to break down and order it. Maybe we can make it a personal KAL, because from what I've seen, this is going to be a great book.
I've heard so much about Nancy Bush and her book that I'm almost tempted to go get it.
Maybe I'll make that decision after I see how you rate the projects.
Welcome home!
Looks like you had a great trip!
I'm wondering about buying the VK magazine. I agree with you on the IK holiday mag, nothing much I wanted to cast on for.
The lace book looks wonderful. I can't wait to see what you chose first!
I feel the same about the IK holiday issue this year. Versus last year's which is full of great projects....which I will someday knit :)
I've also noticed the decline in designs over at Interweave Knits in the past couple of issues. Sad.
Looks like you might be getting some knitting mojo back :-)
It always takes time after a big trip!
Nice books! I always like my knittingbooks very much.
Enjoy your we wait to see what you end up making :)
I bought the Nancy Bush book too & waiting for it to arrive. Enjoy your new books.
I agree the IK Holiday Gift issues looks like a disappointment and I've been waiting for it to come out! I guess I'll go back through last years. I bet I know what the only thing you wanted to make was! ;-)
Liebe Monika,
leider hatte ich erst heute wieder mal Zeit, bei Dir reinzuschauen.
Mit großem Interesse habe ich Deine beiden Reiseberichte gelesen und habe so das Gefühl, dass da einiges in Dir "gearbeitet" hat, seit Du wieder zurück bist. Anyway, ich habe aber auch Deine große Freude daraus gelesen, Deine Familie wiederzusehen.
Aber es ist schon komisch, wenn man lange genug an einem anderen Ort lebt als in der Nähe des Elternhauses und sich an seinem neuen Ort zuhause fühlt, kann man sich gar nicht mehr vorstellen, woanders leben zu wollen. So geht es mir immer, wenn ich in Richtung meines Vaters fahre, ich fühle mich dort fast fremd.
Very strange, isn't it?
Ich freu mich jedenfalls, dass Du mit den neuen Strickbüchern wieder zu Deiner Passion "zurückgefunden" hast. Dabei kann man immer so schön ganz bei sich sein - You know what I mean ;-))
Liebe Grüße
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