1. Noro 10-stitch blanket (knit on it almost every night)
2. SWS 10-stitch blanket (on hold)
3. Terttu Shawl II by Lankakomero (I LOVE this shawl!)
4. Bliss entrelac blanket (scroll down a bit) - it's on time out. I wanted to rip it, but I'm more than halfway done, so I'll finish it someday.
And - I'm happy to say, that I'm back in the spinning groove! I navajo plied the Light Coopworth I've spun some time ago. It's for the mittens I wanted to spin for (and I will finish spinning for this project!). It's the second skein with ~ 245yds. With two of those that's more than enough for mittens.
I had fun spinning Phoenix. I didn't mind what the outcome would be, I just had to get back into spinning. The skein is still a little damp, and it's a little over twisted, but not too much. I've got ~ 366yds, 2-ply yarn. It will stripe, if knit in the round for mittens or socks. It's not going to be socks though, maybe mittens. I'm looking forward to knit with this yarn. It's superwash merino, and very soft. On a grey, rainy day, looking at this yarn makes me happy.
I've already started spinning the chocolate and cherries fiber! Can't wait to see how that will come out.
Lots to do, so I better get going.
That yarn is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the mittens!
I love that shawl pattern, too. If only I didn't already have too many projects!
Have fun spinning that yummy roving. I knew the Phoenix was going to come out nice. I love it.
I would say you were busy :)
That cuff is very interesting...can't wait to see the rest...
happy knitting :)
I'm making my Mystery sock with sage green Lorna's Laces - not an easy decision without knowing the outcome :-)
You can't go wrong with white though!!! I love mysteries!
Can't wait to see your new freshly spun mittens!
The Phoenix looks good. I think you're inspiring me back to my wheel.
Looking at your pretty yarn makes me happy too!
Your mystery sock along looks fun. The cuff reminds be of what is called twined (sp?) knitting.
Mmmh, das selbstgesponnene Garn sieht ja richtig fruchtig aus. Ganz tolle Farben, die gerade in der grauen Jahreszeit einen echten Farbakzent setzen.
Auch wenn Du mir mit solchen "Spinnereien" immer ganz schön Lust machst, es auch einmal auszuprobieren - ich werde es wohl nicht machen. Denn dann wüßte ich nicht mehr, wo ich die zusätzlichen Wollvorräte lassen sollte. Außerdem hätte ich dann noch weniger Zeit zum Stricken als ich ohnehin nur habe. Also bleibt es beim Bestaunen Deiner wunderschönen Kreationen.
Liebe Grüße
Nice yarns. I am very pleased to read your getting into the spinning again.
My spinning has been nonexistent lately but wow looking at your pretty yarn is starting to inspire me again.
I look forward to seeing how the mystery sock turns out.
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