This is sock yarn from my super swap. I had to hand - wind it, because it was so tangled, and I didn't have the patience to work it on the swift. Didn't matter, although I like to work with a center pull ball the best.

yarn: Storm in Wolhalla, color Hollandse Luchten or "flour mill", 75% wool, 25% nylon, 100g, 460 yds.
pattern: Hypnosis by Janel Laidman from her book "The Eclectic Sole"
needles: 2.25mm, 5DP
size: for my 10 1/4" feet
start-finish: June 18 - 20

I liked the pattern in the book, and when the socks are on the sock blocker, but not so much when they are on my feet. They are too short for my liking. I wanted to follow the pattern first, before I could think of making changes to it, to fit me better, but now I'm thinking, I don't want to knit this pattern a second time. As they are, you have to follow the chart 4 times, and that's enough for me. I found a tiny printing error in the chart 1, page 50, round 23, stitch 20. This stitch should be a purl instead of knit, but everybody can figure that one out. I love how the chart is printed big enough to read comfortable. I also like the Chart Key and Techniques in the back of the book. Great pictures to show how to do the techniques used in the book.
One thing was irritating to me, and that is that from the 14 sock pattern in the book there are
1 pattern with 58 stitches
6 with 60 stitches
1 with 62 stitches
1 with 63 stitches and
2 with 64 stitches, there are also the cool looking patterns knit sideways, I haven't figured out yet. They are all made for one size, you can play with yarn weight, and needle sizes to get them bigger or smaller.
I usually need 64 stitches for the leg for my socks, on 2.25mm needles. That means I have to do something to fit my feet with almost all the patterns. They seem to be also on the short side on the leg, again, with time, and a little thinking you can make them longer.
With this Hypnosis socks, from the nature of the pattern, there is a ridge forming on top of the foot, where the leg ends and the foot starts. I've read on ravelry, that others have that as well, so there's not much one can do about it.

I must say, that I'm a tiny bit disappointed in these socks. I love the yarn and the colorway, the socks look good on the blockers, but not on my feet. Maybe one day, when I'm really, really bored, I'll frog them and knit something else. I do have yarn left over, but realistically, I don't think I ever will.
That's too bad the pattern didn't work out for you. I think the socks look wonderful.
My sock preference is 64 stitches also. If the pattern calls for a different number I start to look closer at it questioning whether the pattern is right ;).
I just received my copy of "Eclectic Soles" and immediately ordered yarn to do three of the patterns...this one included. Loved your version.
ein Knäuel zum aus-der-Mitte-stricken bekommst du auch von Hand hin. Du nimmst einfach einen Besenstiel oder ähnliches und wickelst da drum den Knäuel. Geh mal unter Nostepinne googlen, da findest du Infos dazu.
Zum Beispiel da:
Schade, dass dir die Socken am Fuß nicht gefallen. Aber mal ehrlich, aufribbeln lohnt nicht wirklich, oder? Und in Schuhen siehts doch keiner ;)
Ich finde sie schön.
Grüßle, die Bea
Well dang, I'm sorry you're less than pleased with your socks. You're right they do look wonderful on the sock blockers and there isn't anything that bugs me more than socks that are too short. sorry about that.
Me too, 64 sts makes for the best socks for me. Some patterns are very stretchy, though, for example Hedera from Knitty or Roza's Socks by Grumperina, but 60 sts at a cast-on edge are NOT enough! I have to fudge most patterns.
They turned out beautifully, though. I know what you mean about not looking good on you. I made Pomatomus and because of the curving stitches, they are tight in some places and loose in others, making them look terrible on my feet, particularly around my ankles! All bulgy and weird!
They look fine on your feet but the shortness thing is hard to argue with. Most socks look best on blockers, don't they? Annoying.
64 st is my go-to sock sts too. There's just more you can do with the patterning.
Maybe use a thicker yarn for the socks w/less sts?
Also, mir gefallen die Socken.
Und das Muster sieht auch interessant aus. Und irgendwie passen sie auch zu den holländischen Holzschuhen.
I have to say they do look great on the sock blockers. The stitch pattern is lovely. They are a little short, but they look just fine on your feet.
Sorry you are not happy with them.
What a shame. I like the colors of the yarn. Good thing you can recycle.
A dear friend just gifted me this book and I am looking forward to digging through it sufficiently over the holiday. Nice to have your input before casting on!
I just bought that book--that's a handsome sock. 64 is what I use for Roy, so I will have to improvise, I guess.
while i love the socks and the yarn, i don't know if i love the two together. perhaps the pattern in a solid color, so you can really see the stitch work?
i love it with the klompen, though! ;)
I agree with you that these look better on the blockers than on the feet. I have the same problem as you. I need at least 64 sts around for a sock to fit me. Really, I prefer a little bigger than that. Maybe you can gift those to someone with smaller feet. They really are beautiful.
Rather than ripping them, I'd suggest just to wear them in shoes where you can't see the pattern, but you still have the feelf of the handknit socks. :)
They do look great on the blockers, I'm sorry they didn't work out for you.
That is a very cool pattern design - what ashame you aren't happier with the fit/look on. They look nice in your dutch clogs :) BTW, congratulations on your surf scarf making the magazine - I'm not in the least surprised. I have the yarn that will be perfect for that scarf and will someday knit it for my mom.
The colour of your new socks is fantastic and the stitch looks great. Your socks turned out beautiful. They look fine on your feet :o).
They are lovely socks. (and I am fortunate to have three daughters floating around whose feet are not exactly the same size as mine. They have been known to relieve me of any socks that don't fit)
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Too bad you are disappointed in this pattern. They look real nice on the blockers.
I am happy though you like the yarn! This colorway is called 'Korenmolen' (flour mill) by the way.
The other one is called Hollandse Luchten (Dutch Skies)
Those socks are gorgeous! I'm sorry the sock patterns in the book are so restrictive in their sizing...
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