So far, I'm really happy with the summer weather. Except for a few days, where it was too hot for me, it's been great. We've had it all, sunshine, humidity, rain, storm, hail, and rainbows! In the picture above, there are two rainbows to see, below a closer look at the stronger one.

The other day we had hail. My son had to grab one of the icy missiles. He showed it to Sam who promptly took it from his hand, and crunched it with a wagging tail. I think he thinks, everything offered to him is eatable.

There will be no more bunny tales to tell. At first I thought I'd let you be in blissful ignorance, but I'm sure some of you wanted to have an update. The morning after I posted about them, we discovered, that the nest was empty - except for a little bloody piece of bunny. It must have been wild cats. I heard them fighting during that night, so they were near. What other animal could have done this? We had raccoons in our neighborhood, but I haven't seen nor heard any in a long time. Same goes for coyotes, too much development going on, which pushes them further north. Our backyard is fenced in with a 6 foot fence. There are only a few holes, where the bunnies can slip through. We DO have skunks around here as well. I was shocked at first of course, but that's nature. The wild cats don't have it easy themselves.

You can laugh if you want, but I've decided to start on my Christmas knitting. Even though I'm thinking of keeping this scarf for myself, and give my Noro striped scarf to my husband, since he liked it last winter. I'm using up some Noro Silk Garden for this one. I've been wanting to knit this stitch pattern for over two years now! Yeah, and finally I've decided, it's now or never. I like this tilting block pattern a lot. It's easy to memorize, and I think it looks good with this yarn.
Now, I'll go and enjoy this lovely summer day some more. Dogs will be happy too, because we're heading outside! ;o)
That scarf/stitch pattern is really pretty. Where does it come from or did you create it? An those are good photos of the rainbow. It reminds me to set my camera to charge as well.
Poor bunnies. Life really is tough.
Hail? Wow! I love the rainbow and your rainbow scarf.
Great rainbow photo and that hail is huge. No wonder Sam thought it was a treat. Sorry about the bunnies, but you're right- it is nature...survival of the fittest!
Love your new scarf...awesome stitch pattern and looks so nice with your yarn :)
That's too bad about the bunnies. But the cats have to eat or die. Though eventually something bigger might eat the cats and so on.
The scarf looks good. I tend to not knit for gifts but I'll be doing a gift shawl for my MIL for the Ravelympics.
Oh no! I loved your pictures of those bunnies! I've never seen a bunny nest before. It's so sad...but I suppose wild cats gotta eat something.
Sadly nature does take its' course.
We've also had several double rainbows this month and the Noro looks great in the Tilting Blocks pattern. Now is a good time to get started on Christmas.
I won't laugh. I started my Christmas knitting this past weekend too.
boo hoo. That is sooooo sad. Nature can be cruel.
Just got back from a visit in Santa Barbara - they are having a very mild Summer too.
Beautiful photo of the rainbow :)
Poor bunnies :(
Love that scarf tho!
What a sad ending of the bunny story!
Lucky for you that it is not too hot weather this summer. In the Netherlands we usually never have too warm summers but at the moment it is too hot for me (almost 30 degrees celsius). And thunderstorms always come along with that kind of weather. Just another few days and then it will be cooler again.
Good idea to start your christmasknitting already.
What a beautiful scarf pattern!
Sorry to hear about the bunnies...
And I can't belive you got so big hail.
Those are wonderful pictures of the rainbows. That's funny that Sam ate the hail chunk. I guess it's mother nature's treat.
Sorry to hear about the bunnies. It amazes me that there is such a thing as wild bunnies. They seem to be at the bottom of the food chain.
I think you are smart to start Christmas knitting now. The yarn you chose is perfect for the pattern, very pretty.
Gorgeous scarf!!! I am as curious as lookingout - where does the pattern come from???
As for Christmas knitting - I have been thinking about mine for a couple of weeks now. I still have to finish 2 August-September projects before I can get to the wintery stuff, thought.
I'm soon starting my Christmas knitting, too. Every year I leave it too late, then I'm in a big rush.
Probably wild cats or even house cats will kill baby bunnies. Poor little things. I was at a friend's place a loonnggg time ago. They had baby bunnies under their doorstep. We were watching a movie, and we saw their neighbor's cat going with one in it's mouth. We tried to save it, but the cat got away. :(
Awww poor bunnies, but wow a double rainbow, how cool is that!?!
I'm not going to laugh at you staring your x-mas knitting. In fact, I think it is a great idea. The stitch pattern look nifty. I bet it has a really nice rhythm to it, and the Noro is playing so nicely!
I love your new scarf project. Where can I find instructions for the pattern stitch? Do tell us in your next blog post.
I'm using the same pattern with sea silk - I love it.
I too have started on my Christmas knitting! I even have some of it done and it feels great. I love the rainbow pictures. I think the weather this summer has been awesome, I've barely had to turn the air conditioner on.. I'd much rather have the windows open.
I love the yarn and pattern you are using!
Where is the pattern for this scarf? It's pretty and looks like fun!
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