After the furnace service guy came (late) and went, there was the Biko incident. She slipped out of her collar and took off. One last backward glance at me, and off she went for her trip down the road. At the first moment I thought my heart stopped. But we were in luck, because at that particular moment, there were no cars, no people, no distractions of any kind. I only got her, because she found a spot, where the scent was so intense, that she didn't notice me sneaking up on her. I knew she was a clever girl and all, but I never thought that she would ignore me like that. She listens at home, in the house and in the garden, she comes when called and so on. Well, after an hour, I was still shaking. Imagine what could have been! Needless to say, she was in the doghouse for a while.
Last night my husband came home from his trip to Europe. His luggage was in the hall, and I promptly fell over his f***** carry-on suitcase. I could see myself falling in slow motion, thinking how best to fall and land, with minimum damage to myself. Silly, really. I landed on my hands, and my right knee, both wrists hurt, and my knee as well, but the worst are my left hand and arm, they hurt real bad. At first I thought I can't knit, but I can. Typing is much harder, and still I'm doing it. While I was on the floor, Sam came, walked around me and had himself a fine drink of water, after that he slobbered all over me. Thanks!
I did not make any progress on my spinning, or my holiday knitting. In fact, I had an idea for something else, and had to start on it, right away. I'm having fun, and I'll share the outcome with you. This is a picture just to tease you. ;o)

Ouch! I hope you're okay. Yikes.
And bad Biko! That must've been very scary.
i'm not there either.
i am trying to write as one of the cats is "attacking" me. he makes it hard...
there are better ways to get your point of PUT YOUR CRAP AWAY to your husband, than falling a$$ over end. :) hope you start feeling better quickly.
love the little cable.
You poor gal! I am so sorry to hear of all those incidents you've been dealing with lately. Biko running off would have put me in a panic. And I hope you are feeling better very soon. No fair teasing us with just that picture, either And, no, you're not the only one not at Rhinebeck this weekend. Boohoo!
It's nice to know Sam cares so deeply. Maybe he thought you were thirsty, hehe. Glad you are fine though. Falling is scary. Love the little tease picture. Your stitches are so perfect.
oh be careful and keep an eye on those pains in your wrists, sounds like you could do with an exray to me. That sample of knitting is stunning, is that your own spun yarn? I reckon it might be some socks?
Thank goodness Biko didn't get into trouble on her escape!
And thank goodness you're ok Monika! I hope you feel 100% better soon!
I don't know what your secret project is but I LOVE that yarn!
Oh, oh, oh, Du Arme! Ich hoffe, Du erholst Dich schnell vom Schreck und vom Sturz!! Stricken geht noch?
Viele liebe Grüße
Those darn carry ons... I hope you are better, but as long as you can knit, you're good.;) To make you feel better, the mailman will be sent on his way on monday and yes, you are a tease. Whatever it is, it looks great.
Nice teaser!!!
I'm not at Rhinebeck and it's only 3 hours away from my door :-(
Family stuff got in the way, but maybe next year....
Bless your heart! Sasha has given us scares before! She thinks it is a game and will let us get within 2 feet of her and then off she goes. Thankfully it has been a year or more since she got out of her collar and last "ran with the wind." Hugs to Sam and Biko.
While our fellow knitters were spending loads of cash at Rhinebeck, we had time to finish objects and get in quality knitting time!
...I'm in denial!
You were lucky, don't you know by now that a knitter must fall on the body part that will cause the least damage!?! For me that would be my face...gotta keep hands and wrists intact!! :-)
I soooo love that little motif. Did you make it up? I've never seen anything like it.
Arme Monika!,
ich hoffe, dir geht es inzwischen etwas besser und es hört alles bald auf wehzutun.
Immerhin kannst du noch stricken, das ist doch super und so kann dich dein wieder da seiender Mann umsorgen :)
I totally sympathize with you. Mr Puffy will sometimes take off and so would Alex (our german shepherd (passed away). So upsetting. I'm glad he is home safe and sound. Love the new "mystery" project.
I'm hoping your are feeling better and weren't hurt too bad.
I always try and think that if the pup is dripping on me - it is probably saving the couch.
Ouch! I hope you're feeling better.
I'm so glad you were able to get Biko safe and sound, I think my heart tends to skip a beat or two whenever the dog gets away from me. poor thing. Hope things will be better soon. :-)
I'm not there either ;)
Glad you can knit after yuor little accident
oh Monika - ich wünsche Dir von ganzem Herzen gute Besserung - irgendwie hab ich sowas heute schon in einem Blog gelesen......
Liebe Grüsse - Manuela
I feel for you. I fell off of an icy walkway/staircase onto a large cement block. Let me say..ouch! So..I can really see what you're going through.
I panic whenever my cat got out. He loved to explore and would completely ignore me whenever I called for him. Now I live in the city I have to be extremely careful. So, I can see where you'd be a little peeved, talk about a heart attack!
Oh no! I hope your injuries are better now! Very naughty of Biko... Oooh, what's that cable?? I went to Rhinebeck yesterday, but have to get my pics organized before I blog.
Ich glaube, das war nicht Dein Tag! Hoffentlich hast Du Dich inzwischen von dem "Beinahneherzinfakt" erholt. Da wird einem ganz anders, wenn so ein Hund ausbüchst. Aber es ist ja Gott sei Dank nichts schlimmes passiert.
Ouch! I hope you feel better very soon. And lovely teaser, look forward to seeing more.
I'm a bit late on this but I hope you're feeling better!
Glad you got Biko back without incident, those are scary moments.
Sorry about your fall. You are so lucky could have been SOOO much worse. Glad you can still knit though :) Take care and feel better soon!
Now I wonder what's that your knitting there ??....very pretty cable???....I'll be patient...
I'm behind on my reading, and I'm really sorry that I couldn't jump in with sympathetic comments when you needed them! Yes--Biko would have scared the sh*t out of me! I'm SO glad there was no traffic at that time and you were able to get her pretty quickly!
How's your arm and wrists? Better, I hope. I'll go read some more and see. (The last little bit about Sam's sympathy was kind of amusing, though ;-)
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