in the cuff part: row 16-18: Knit should read instead
row 16-18: P1, K5 * P3, K5 repeat from * to last 2 sts, P2.
The link on the side bar will have the new corrected copy as of October 30.
Also some have trouble with the bobble row. There should be 11 bobbles, each bobble uses up 2 sts NOT 3 sts. To make a bobble you (P1, YO, P1, YO) in 1 sts, P1 next stitch, turn, now you've got 5 sts to work with.

The three pairs are already spoken for. I have to take a break, knitting some other Christmas gifts, but I'm sure going to knit some more.

The variegated pair, was my first pair, which is not without mistakes, but it was the process. By the last pair, I didn't need to look at the pattern anymore. They knit up fast, and take not even the whole skein. I had 8-10g leftover yarn with all three of them. So, if you have a single skein Koigu kicking around in your knitting basket, you might want to give them a try. ;o)

Did I mention it's free? Here's the link to the download. I wish you lots of fun! And of course, send me some pictures for my Readers Gallery! ;o)
They are just beautiful! I downloade the pattern and I promise to get back to you when I have them completed. ;c)
Those are some really cute mittens!
oh wow...thank you for this gorgeous pattern, you clever girl!!
Oh cute! They look like so much fun to make!
Kyla is a wonderful new design. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
Wunderbare Handschuhe, liebe Monika!
Vielen Dank für die Anleitung!
Sie ist gerade am drucken ... passende Wolle sollte auch vorhanden sein!
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz - ZiZi
Thanks for sharing! It's a nice pattern for a nice little gift... Or just for myself! ;-)
They turned out perfect. I guess I'm not done knitting gloves yet after all.
They look gorgeous & these mittens are so useful during winter. Thanks for the pattern!
They are adorable! Thank you so much for sharing your pattern! I personally love the fingerless mitts and one can never have too many - they also make such great gifts!
I LOVE these Monika, thank you! I'll be sure to make a pair soon!!
They look great, I love the patterns, they look Grecian or something. I think that you are very clever!!!
those areso pretty... I'm sure I have some yarn that will be perfect for them!!!
liebe Moni,
die Handschuhe sehen abolut super aus. Wann machst Du das alles?
Fragende Grüße
They're really cute! Thanks for the download. Do you have any spare time I could download? I'm beginning to think the holiday knitting is going to take more time than I have.
It's printing off right now - beautiful!!
ohhhh i need to make those!!!
great pattern Monika!
Those are fantastic! I so love the fact that they are a one skein wonder. You can afford a really great yarn and not bust the buget... Yay!!
Superschön!! Ich bin ja auch gerade im Handschuh-Fieber und speicher mir Dein Muster gleich mal ab... es ist soooo schrecklich, dass ich so viel vorhabe, aber nur zwei Hände :-(
Liebe Grüße
They are very cute. Your design has convinced me that I need to knit some fingerless mitts. Thanks for the free pattern.
Hey... I could do with those red fingerless mittens! That would be great for winter biking! Maybe I can talk my sister into knitting them for me!
They are cute. I saw a photo of them on the Fingerless Mitts for Fall KAL and took the link to your blog. Thank you for generously sharing the pattern.
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. It will make a perfect Christmas gift for my daughter.
Monika, these are beautiful, thanks for sharing such a lovely pattern.
And your daughter looks great in her vest.
thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing! I need to knit these. . . .soon.
Thanks for sharing :)
Really nice ! Thanks for sharing the pattern. You certainly are a multi-talented lady .
What lovely mitts! Thanks so much for writing and sharing the pattern.
Those are gorgeous - great job!
These look great Woman!!! Oh yippee skippee. I've been wearing last years fingerless mitts but they are looking a bit shabby,time to make new ones, what perfect timing!
I'll definitely be knitting these! Thanks for sharing! named them after me! (The 'K' in TracyKM). Now I will definately have to make a few pairs!
Beautiful! Thanks for making these a free pattern! I really like the cable in the diamond motif.
funny... i was just thinking about what to do with my odd skein of koigu. you saved the day!
i can't wait to cast on.
Hi Monika
die Handschuhe sehen superstark aus. Vielen Dank, dass du uns das Muster zu Verfügung stellst.
Ich hoffe, dass ich mit der englischen Anleitung zurechtkomme ;-)
Liebe Grüsse aus der nassen Schweiz
Hi Monika
die Handschuhe sehen superstark aus. Vielen Dank, dass du uns das Muster zu Verfügung stellst.
Ich hoffe, dass ich mit der englischen Anleitung zurechtkomme ;-)
Liebe Grüsse aus der nassen Schweiz
I have just cast these on with some variagated sock yarn and the bobbles are each a different colour, absolutely gorgeous...I had to cast on 65 sts to end up with 45 sts not though. I incresed at every bobble and added one more to make 56sts and now I am off!! Loving the design so much, you clever girl!
Liebe Moni,
Aha! Das Geheimnis ist gelüftet! Diese Handschuhe sind genau richtig für mich - die stricke ich auf jeden Fall!!
Ich bin wieder schwer beeindruckt von Dir und Deinen Fähigkeiten. Boah! Schon alleine das pdf-Dokument ist der Hammer. Würde ich nie hinkriegen...
Liebe Grüsse von der Gealterten!
die sehen ja mega stark aus - liebe Monika - herzlichen Dank für die tolle Anleitung - die muss ich gleich drucken!
Liebe Grüsse - Manuela
Hello, I just saw your update with corrections to Rows 16-18 of your Kyla mitts. But I'm still confused about the make bobble and the bobble row. In your updated pattern can you please clarify the Make Bobble instructions? To me it still looks like the Make Bobble uses 3 sts. I guess the 'P1 in the next sts' phrase is what is confusing me. Thank you, Sue
thanks for the clarification Monika...I'll have to knit my other mitten my way and then I'll make more using your bobbles! I did get rather confused but it looks lovely either way! x
Oh, those are so pretty! I thank you and those who will receive some for Christmas thank you too! :)
These are the perfect practice mitts for violin playing! I can't wait to make a pair! Thank you for the pattern!!!
I can't seem to get the download to let me see the pattern. What do I have to do?
What a lovely blog and such lovely patterns! My friend Natalie from The Yarnyard told me about you :) I've added you to my favourites list!!
I just got done with my last project just minutes ago. These are next on my list. Thanks for the pattern!
Hallo Monika, ich habe Deine Kylas erst vor ein paar Tagen gefunden. Mit der englischen Anleitung hab ich mir anfangs schwer getan, aber der erste Probehandschuh ist fertig und schöne Wolle bereits bestellt. Außerdem hab ich auf Deinen Blog verklinkt, hoffe, das ist in Ordnung. Lieben Dank für die tollen Anleitungen. LG Hexe
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