Enough with the dogs, you say? Want to see some knitting? Here you go ....

yarn: Noro Kureyon # 150, 1 3/4 balls
needle: 5mm DP
mods: no modifications, it turned out BIG, but will be just right for cold, windy days.
Two words describing this hat - LOVE IT!

yarn: Patons Classic Wool Merino, color peacock, Noro Kureyon color # 150
needle: 3.25mm DP
I changed the needle size - this is another fun knit!
yarn: Patons Classic Woll Merino in black, Noro Kuryeyon color # 126
needle: 4mm 16" circs and DP
size: large - it really is large, just right for the recipients hat ;o)
It's a nice hat and I liked knitting it a lot!

Besides fooling around with the dogs, I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen the last couple of days. It's my sons Birthday today (22), and my husbands is tomorrow. I've been backing a "Punchtorte" as requested by my son (who usually likes his chocolate cake very much). The Torte tastes fine, but looks aweful. I couldn't get the glaze right. It's supposed to be a "Fondant glaze" where you boil water and sugar until when dropped from a spoon will make fine strings or something. After that drop some lemon juice on it, and wait for a fine skin to appear (or something), after that stir with a wooden spoon until it gets thick and turns white. Anyway, I've never done this before, and it did not work. It got all syrupy thickish, but never hard enough. I still put it on the Torte, but it ran off in a hurry, and even now, after a day in the fridge, it's still dripping down the plate (and it's pink)! ;o) As I said, it tastes good, it's sweet, that after a slice you'll be in a sugar coma. My son said, it's O.K., but he thinks change is bad, he should have stuck with his chocolate cake. Would have been easier for me too! ;o)
The other cake is a poppy seed Gugelhupf, which I made just in case the other one was not eatable. Now we have two. It's not necessary to put pictures of my failures up here, so use your imagination, if you can.
And of course, I always cook what the birthday kid wants for dinner. It's Schnitzel today. I'm ready to fall down on the couch and do something, other then cook, but first I've got to clean up the mess. Tomorrow smile and repeat! ;o)
Oh, before I forget, happy birthday David, happy birthday Karl! ;o)
Beautiful knits! I love the hats. Noro is one of my faves. So glad the pups had one last romp. We have snow. More on the way tomorrow.
Those are awfully beautiful knits, Monika! I'm really in love with the mittens - especially with the extra-long cuffs. A great way to use up remainder yarn.
Happy birthday to your son. I'm sure he knows how much love you put into making your torte *just* for him.
Happy Birthday David, Happy Birthday Karl!!
I cannot believe it is hot enough for your dogs to swim in Canada in October!!
I love all your "little" knits :)
You have been very busy indeed. How about a chocolate glaze, not the icing kind, on the Punschtorte. Sugar rush, here we come.
Those hats and mitts look so warm and cozy!! The recipients are very lucky!
I love that hat! I have bookmarked it cause I want one for me! Happy Birthdays all around and glad to hear Sam is feeling better. Strong dog.
Die Sachen sind total schön geworden. Das Muster und die Farben gefallen wir sehr gut, vor allem die Fausthandschuhe finde ich superschön. Habe mir das Muster schon abgespeichert, denn die werde ich garantiert auch stricken.
Gosh, that hat and mitten are so beautiful. They look complicated too - how did you ever manage to knit them so quickly? Poppyseed cake is my all time favorite. Yummmmm. Have a wonderful celebration with your son and hubby! PS I don't like change either.
wow! you've been busy! I'm very impressed.
A Norofest!! Love the hat and that mitten pattern is new to me - I'm going to check it out - looks like a slip stitch pattern?? I also want to make a Fake Isle soon! That's quite a few "fun little knits" - I have had family visiting and haven't touched needle to yarn in over 2 days - feels weird!
I love the hats and mitts. I have a lot of Noro yarn and now I know how to use some of it. Great doggie story - glad that Sam is okay. Shirley, in PA
The hat and mittens are gorgeous!
Happy Birthday to your son and husband.
You never cease to amaze me. Each and everyone of these hat's and mitts are FABULOUS!!!!
Dang Woman, you're good!!!!
I hope the guys each had wonderful celebrations. They should have from the sound of all the cooking. I'm glad to see your Fake Isle Hat. I've been toying with making it and now I'm sure I will, just not sure when.
you have been busy! those hats and mitts are amazing! i have been on a hat and mitten roll lately too... this time of year i guess- it's all i want to knit. happy birthday to the men in your life!
WOW! Those mittens are beautiful!!
I'll jave to knit some for myself :)
Happy birthday to your boys! :o) I just made a chocolate bread pudding for my husband's birthday and he's already asking for more! I love your hats and mittens, too.
Oh wow..the hat and mittens are gorgeous!!! I love the colors on them. Sorry your cake didn't turn out the way you had wanted. I remember one year, my husband's birthday and easter was on the same day. Oh my, THAT was a lot of cooking. I'm sure the cake will taste good though, I've never made fudont before, so I'm interested in trying it out. (my son's birthday is in 2 weeks!...1 year old!!!) wow..does time fly.
beutiful hats!
thanks for posting them, they are definitely on my list now.
happy birthday,david!
happy thanksgiving all.
cooked up a storm on saturday, i know how you feel, monika -:)
thank you for posting the links to the hat patterns.
very kind and thoughtful of you!
Your hats are wonderful. I've seen others knit the fake isle hat and have greatly admired it. One of these days I'll have to give the pattern a try...The mittens are another one to keep in mind to try too. So much to knit, but too little time. Looks like you'll be all set for winter ;)
Beautiful knits! I just love the colors in the Noro yarn.
Cute dogs, I'm glad that Sam is soing better. Enjoy the last bits of unseasonable weather.
Happy Birthday to your boys!
How do you get so much knit so fast?? I've been plugging away on these socks at least a month!
And as always, your work is stunning. You have a fabulous sense of color.
I'm so glad Sam is all healed up!
Oh, my word, they are beautiful! Just amazing!
Hallo Monika,
ich bin wieder mal überwältigt, was Du schon wieder in der Zwischenzeit produziert hast. Lauter wunderschöne Sachen, die Handschuhe, die Mütze, ach einfach alles. Kompliment von mir - wie immer.
Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar bei mir, ich kann Dir sagen, dass mich der Ringelschal auch wirklich entnervt hat. Ich war echt froh, als er fertig war. Sowas werde ich bestimmt nicht so schnell wieder stricken.
Bis bald und ganz liebe Grüße ais Old Germany
I've wanted to knit both of those hats for awhile! I',m going to have to just sit down and do it soon. They came out great. I love the mittens - perfect sets.
Wow! Those hat/mitten combos are beautiful! Those cakes sound yummy too...
Wie wunderschoen! Du bist eine Eingebung - ich bin gerade nach Finnland umgezogen und deswegen brauche ich was warmes...vielleicht stricke ich was aehnichles!
I love your Newfoundland mittens. I think I needs me some of them. By any chance would you have an idea of how much Kureyon you used? Would one skein be enough? (I'm trying to avoid the YS - LOL!)
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