On the Magic Mosaic Blanket news: That's how far I got! Sewing makes me sleepy, makes me want to do laundry, makes me want to cook a five course meal, makes me want to read ten books, makes me want to clean toilets, .... Sigh. I'm getting there, and I'm NOT complaining, really. I made peace with this project, and now I'm just waiting for it to be done, hopefully soon.
Sam looks just like some supervisors at work I've had! That blanket is a work of art - just gorgeous. Keep repeating "I'm almost done" I'm almost done"
The mosaic is lovely and yes, there are some very kind people about.
your blanket is coming along wonderfully!
I just want to hug that big ole Sam, he's so cute!
Yeah, but look how beautiful it's going to be!
How big is Sam? Unless that's a small couch, he's taking up an awful lot of it--he must be considerably bigger than the Ts!
He looks like he's about to snooze. One last hard look around.....
So sweet to get that mag! Very nice of Bea. The Mosaic blanket is looking good.
I like how Sam is sitting: paws together; serious face. He does take his supervisory duties to heart apparently, as the mosaic blanket is quite beautiful!
I don't envy you doing all that mattress stitching, but it sure is looking beautiful!
I love the blanket. Keep showing us the photos.
I love that pic of Sam, gosh, does he ever look tired! And yay for Bea to send you that mag!
That Sam is such a handsome dude :)
You need to get yourself some KnitKlips Monika! They make mattress stitching MUCH easier!
Also ich würde bei der ganzen Näherei eine kleine Abwechslung brauchen und ein Paar Socken stricken - das entspannt und macht Spass. Aber Du hast Disziplin - das muss man Dir lassen. Die Decke wir jedenfalls sensationell. Das Foto von Sam ist so süß. Ich kann mir genau vorstellen wie er danach den Kopf auf die Pfoten legt und wegpennt.
Viele Grüsse von der schwitzenden Heike
He looks like he is meditating with his little paws all pressed together. I hate seaming. Just keep your eye on the finished project. It will be so fantastic!
Lovely blanket. A;hough seaming makes me want to run screaming too!
Sam looks so content to stay right where he is for the duration. Maybe you should hae a quick map too.
Looks like the blanket is coming along well.
Die Decke wird richtig toll. Die Mosaike reizen mich auch immer noch, aber ich mache jetzt erst mal die Restedecken fertig.
Je länger ich bei Dir lese, desto klarer wird mir, warum Dein Blog so heißt, wie er heißt ;-) Aber Vorsicht:
The constant rubbing of two sticks together may produce fire. If this occurs you need more yarn.
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