I can't quite believe it myself, but it's true, the blanket - c'est fini! It took me only about seven month to do so. ;o) What can I say, I can't stand looking at it for a while; have stared at it for too long. The colors - meh - not my thing. I hope Hannah likes it, because she choose the colors. At the beginning I thought I would do 63 squares, but around the 2oth square I decided that 4o squares would do just fine. And it really is big enough. It's heavy too, and very warm, which is good. She'll need a warm blanket out East, during winter time.

It was a nightmare to finish. Not because it was so difficult to do, but I had to drag myself to the dining room table, where it was waiting like a house guest long overstaying her welcome. I had to go by my lovely roving stash, and the gorgeous Hand Maiden Sea Silk, alluring sock yarn and whatnot, every time I sat down to work on it. I was dreaming what I would like to do instead, and I had to muster all my willpower to stick to it. No casting on for something to distract me, that was the HARDEST part!

Let's get the specifics right out of the way, because I'm sure someone will ask for any or all information:

yarn: Peruvian Collection Highland Wool, 100% wool, from elann.com. colors # 100, 2117, 1112, 9165, 4144, and 401. I've used about 4,796yds or 44 balls (1 ball = 50g/109yds). Might have been a couple more.
needles: I've used straight US 7 (4.5mm) for knitting the individual squares, and two circular needles for the borders , same size.
pattern: from the book: Mosaic Knitting by Barbara G. Walker. In the back you'll find magic mosaic squares, over 100 designs to choose from.
For the border I've used the following designs: Band 9 and Band 29, which has the name "Watchdog".
size: after washing and letting it dry flat (on the roof of my mini van, banged my head on the garage door opener, still seeing stars) : 52" (~132cm) x 92" (~233cm)
start-finish: November 28th '06 - July 21st' 07

Since I made this especially for my daughter Hannah, I incorporated a square with an "H", also the "Watchdogs" border was chosen on purpose. She's an adult now, and I can't protect her anymore, but I sure wish I could. Knitting this blanket, I thought of her with Love and I hope she's feeling that, when she's cuddling under it, in upcoming cold winter month.

It makes me happy, that even my husband thought, that this is a wonderful blanket. He rarely voices any opinion on my knitting.
So, what do YOU think?

Well I think Hannah's blanket is Spectacular! You DID do a great job and I applaud you for sticking to it when you would rather be doing something else. Don't I know :) my poor Curve of Pursuit....
I am in AWE!!! It ist just lovely...and that is an understatement. Hannah will LOVE it. No doubts.
WOW - I am speechless, absolutely gorgeous.
love the watchdogs, how fitting!
It certainly was a labor of love and worth it!!!
Just in case Hannah does not want it, LOL,
I can take it off your hands, you see my middle name is H elga :=))
That is quite frankly amazing! What a beautiful accomplishment! You should be so pleased!
Liebe Monika,
ich sitze hier mit runtergeklappter Kinnlade und staune! Mir fehlen die Worte - diese Decke ist ein absoluter Traum geworden. Ich hatte schon erwartet, dass sie schön wird aber das ist einfach unglaublich schön! Hoffentlich wird meine auch annähernd so toll.
Hannah wird bestimmt immer an Dich denken wenn sie sich hineinkuschelt und sie wird ausflippen vor Freude! Deine Decke ist so ordentlich geworden - jetzt muss ich mich aber ganz besonders anstrengen. Ich findes es sehr schön, dass wir dieses Projekt zusammen gestrickt haben.
Ganz liebe Grüsse von Heike
What a work of love! ...and very beautiful! (even if the colors aren't me so much either)
Oh wow, it looks great! I was actually looking at that book and thinking about the quilt you were knitting. You've been working on it for a while...now THAT'S dedication! Maybe that's what I should do with all my little scraps of yarn is just knit them up into squares and then sew them together into a quilt.
I love it by the way!
I think it's absolutely gorgeous. I love those colours -- soft and soothing. Thanks so much for also sharing a photo of the reverse. I haven't yet done any mosaic, and was wondering what the back was like. A masterpiece like this just about convinces me to try it, except I don't think I'd stick with it. I say, "Well done!"
What a feat! And such a loving gift! I think it's stunning! I hope she does too!
OMG, Monika! It's just exquisite. What an heirloom. I really think all your hard work is worth it. What a fantastic gift for your daughter. I am blown away.
WOWeeee!! Your blanket turned out fantastic! Kudos to you!! I know it must have been torture to not spin or knit and force yourself to sew it but it was SO worth it in my opinion! It's such a gorgeous creation! Now go and reward yourself by casting on a pair of socks with that yummy Trekking yarn or something else you've been dieing to do!! You deserve it!!
Delurking to say OMG!! The squares were pretty by themselves, but that blanket is gorgeous!! The colours ARE right up my ally. I just bought a whole bunch of knitting books, and that one wasn't among them...darn!
Just stunning. What a great thing to have for generations to come. You put a lot of love into that and it shows.
It looks amazing! Wow, Monika. I love that the border is watchddogs - her mom is always trying to protect her!
Drying & blocking it on top of your van is inspired - sorry to hear you bonked your head!
That is a really cool blanket! Totally a labor of love!! Good job!! I really like the different blue colors - they go together so micely. I know it was hard to keep going on it when there are so many other things to do. :-) Now you know what kind of self control you have - we never find out just how far we can go until pushed! ;-)
wow, ich bin echt geplättet!
Das war ja eine wahnsinnsarbeit, da hast du wirklich ausdauer gehabt - glückwunsch zu diesem tollen teil!
This is absolutely wonderful, it came out beautifully. I can't beleive there was a doubt in your mind.
Hannah will be thrilled to have this and I think it will become a truely cherished item.
Are you kidding! THAT is a piece of art! she will treasure it forever. Well Done!!
WOW! I've been watching you knit it but the whole is so much more than the sum of the pieces. It's amazing!
It's a beauty, you should be sooo proud,,, thanks for sharing, Judy from Alaska ~~~
Truly magnificent!!!!! She has got to love it!!!!
I love the blanket for a number of reasons...I like blues, I love geometric things and the blanket satisfies that on several levels. It's a wonderful job. Congratulations on it. Gillian
That is an astonishingly beautiful work of art. I love the colors, but I am quite partial to blue (one look in my closet will reveal that). I am in awe of your accomplishment.
That is the most fantastic blanket I have even seen!!!! Congratulations on finishing it, Hannah is going to flip her lid when she see's it, that is if she gets it before I come and kidnap it.
A good fabulous well done!!!
Voller Ehrfurcht kann ich sagen: Das ist eine wundervolle Arbeit und eine echte Ausdauerleistung!
Ich würde die Decke auch gerne nacharbeiten, aber ich habe einfach Angst, nicht die nötige Ausdauer aufbringen zu können... Respekt!
Liebe Grüße
It's spectacular! I love all the different mosaic squares together. And I can only imagine how hard it was to stay faithful to this project and see it through to the end. But well worth it!!
Monika....that is a spectacular blanket and an amazing labor of love!!
The edging....I LOVE the edging it just makes it perfect. Hannah will think of you whenever she wraps up in her very special blanket. YAHOO - it's done!!!
It is absolutely beautiful! Every inch of it is awesome!
Very lucky girl.
I think Hannah's blanket is amazing. You did a marvelous job on the squares and the border. It's truly a work of art.
Oh my god, that is too gorgeous! What an amazing amazing project. Congratulations!
Monika, you've done a wonderful job! It's absolutely beautiful :)
OOOH MEIN GOOOTT!!! Die Decke ist ein absolutes Traumteil gworden. Ich habe ja schon vorher gewusst, dass die Decke wunderschön wird, aber dass sie so toll wird… Dieses Mal hast Du Dich selber übertroffen. Die viele Arbeit und Zeit war jede Masche wert. Und wie gleichmäßig und ordentlich Du die Decke gearbeitet hast! Der Rand gefällt mir auch supergut. Ich bin echt beeindruckt und sprachlos. Genial!
Oh my goodness!! That is one spectacular blanket! I'm so impressed that you did it so quickly, too!
Cheers for you! It's beautiful, and I'm sure Hannah will feel very special and very loved when she cuddles under it. It's an amazing blanket.
Absolutely Amazing! The blanket is beautiful, I love the initial and the Watchdog border. A very precious gift.
It's so beautiful Monika, there are hardly words!
I think your great-grandchildren will admire it and be just as awestruck because clearly this is an heirloom that will be enjoyed by many generations!
You are an expert knitter! This is a true masterpiece, a blanket that will be tresured by your family through generations.
Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations on finishing it and doing such a fabulous job. Hannah will be warmed not only by the blanket, but also by the love in every stitch.
Just spectacular! In this case the sum truly is greater than all of the parts. While beautiful individually all the squares together really make a special blanket. Congratulations on finishing it no matter the temptations. Lucky Hannah!
The blanket is beautiful! The design and colors are stunning.
Hallo Monika!
Da kann man Hannah wirklich nur beneiden.... Ich habe ja immer wieder die einzelnen Quadrate bewundert und war schon ganz gespannt auf das Ergebnis und du hast wirklich alle Erwartungen übertroffen! Muss mal nachsehen, ob man das Buch hier auch irgendwo auftreiben kann...bin mir aber nicht so sicher, ob ich Deine Ausdauer habe!
Liebe Monika,
na bitte, wenn man sich nicht ablenken lässt, dann klappt es ganz schnell und jetzt kannst du ganz in Ruhe und ohne schlechtes Gewissen gaaaanz viel neues anfangen ;)
Die Decke ist grandios und auch so verdammt groß! Wahnsinn!
Ich denke, Hannah wird sie sicher zu schätzen wissen.
Liebe Grüße,
Hallo Monika,
die Decke ist sowas von schön. Sowas hab ich noch nie gesehen. Ein Traum von Traum. Ein ganz dickes Kompliment an dich.
Oh, my ...I'm speechless. Hannah's blanket is the most beautiful blanket I have ever seen!! I love the border. Perfect. She will love it. This is an heirloom piece. I bet you can't wait to give it to her :)
Congratulations...you are amazing :)
happy knitting :)
Holey fabulous blanket batman.
It came together soooo well!
Stunning! This a treasure for lifetimes!
OMG! It is incredible! I haven't done anything more than a little swatch in mosiac knitting, I can't fathom the work involved. I've only made a couple afghans (well, 2 crocheted, 2 knitted) and they are not high on my list.
I hope she loves it with a capital L.
That is absolutely stunning!!! Hannah is one lucky girl :-)
Holy Crap! I'm in awe! That is absolutely divine.
What do I think - that is unbelievable!! You out did yourself with this one. Hannah will feel well and truly loved when snuggling under that beautiful knit creation. LOVE IT!!!
That is beautiful! I love the border; it looks so finished. It was utterly worth all the time and aggravation, imho, and I bet Hannah is going to treasure it.
How fortunate I feel to live in the Internet age so that I am able to see such beautiful craftsmanship and be inspired - not only by this current project but your painted shawl (which I'm still planning on trying some day) and your many other projects that I would love to be able to do!
Wow, your blanket is amazing!! You did a fantastic job!! It is beautiful!!
OOOOOOOH is the right word for it. You really outdid yourself. I hope it will be treasured
It is wonderful! I love it very much.
Ich war wirklich langsam irritiert was aus den immer zu sehenden und brav gestrickten blauen Teilen denn endlich werden sollte ---- ufff!
Ein wunderschönes Teil von einer sehr liebenden Mutter. Es wird über Generationen vererbt werden....
Phenomenal. I saw it on Ravelry and almost passed out. The love and workmanship in this will make it a loved family heirloom. Absolutely gorgeous!
I know the feeling of wanting to turn to something new... kudos to you.
I'm so late to the party Monika. Completely and totally impressive! The 58 comments before mine have said it all. Wow!
"WOW" was the first word that popped into my head. I feel inspired....
It is a true Labour of Love and Hannah is very lucky and you are very clever!!!!
Wow - it is absolutely gorgeous! I love the colors and your beautiful knitting!
Oh Monika,
die Decke ist ein Kunstwerk - ich bin sprachlos. Allein die Strickweise ist schon sehr bemerkenswert, vor allem sieht sie ja von links auch so toll und ordentlich aus... und die Farben finde ich wunderschön - ich liebe blau. Wie groß die Decke ist! Wahnsinn, was für eine Arbeit. Die Einfassung ist auch sagenhaft, ach einfach alles daran ist perfekt!! Deine Tochter wird sich bestimmt riesig freuen und sie für immer in Ehren halten.
Ich finde auch, dass eine Decke ein sehr schönes Geschenk einer Mutter an ihr Kind ist. Es heißt soviel wie "Ich werde Dich immer beschützen, warm halten und ich bin bei Dir".
Also, ich schwärme genauso wie viele vor mir, das hast Du einfach phantastisch gemacht.
Bin gespannt auf die vielen neuen Projekte, die so lange in Dir schlummern mussten...
Viele liebe Grüße von
P.S.: Habe gestern meinen kurzen Urlaubsbericht eingestellt, würde mich über einen Besuch von Dir sehr freuen.
Wow! I've been watching the blog to see the squares and they look great all finished!
I'm behind on blog reading, so am just seeing your blanket.
It truly is a work of art. Puff out your chest and be proud!
I know Hannah will love it.
I just about lost my jaw when I saw this blanket of yours. It's a dream. And I want to make one too.........no, I HAVE to make one too.......LOL. Now just a matter of getting my hands on that book, that's another problem right now. But I will one way or another and I WILL make one of those blankets :)
Beautiful blanket!!! Great job!
It's amazing! I kept seeing all those swatches on the Walker Treasury Project, not realizing that you were compiling them for the blanket. The final result is beautiful, I'm sure your daughter will love it!
Hallo Monika,
per Zufall bin ich heute auf deinem blog gelandet. Eine wirklich schöne Decke ist es.
I would tell its great!
Wow! Just Wow! Worth the struggle and I hope she loves it.
monika, i am speechless. this is such a lovely heirloom. well done creative you.
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