edited: LEAH: I was not quite clear on that. I've used only 37g of the 4 oz of golden rod to get 193 yds, the rest of the "golden rod" went into the next stage, plied together with the natural brown, AND I have still some "golden rod" singles left on the bobbin!

... because I'm going to spin natural brown/natural brown as third part of this lace project, of which I don't know yet what it will be. I can spin as much as I need for the brown part, I've got tons of it left. Any ideas of how to transform these yarns into something spectacular?
But before I'll continue to spin for this project, I want to spin something else to have a change of color, and fiber.
A last word to my last post. I think this LYS visit and the thing the Lady said touched me at all, because I felt a little guilty for buying more yarn (which I really don't need, but desperately wanted), but she couldn't have known how big my stash is. In any case, it was NOT a big deal, the store is quite nice, I liked it because it was not a dark hole, but airy, light and cheery. I'll be going there for my fiber fix again, I'm sure. Can't keep an addict from the source of his fix! Ha!
But I'll be buying online most of what I'll need in the future, as I did in the past already. I can do it anytime I have the urge, and change my mind before I let my clicker happy finger go. ;o)
Thank you all for your comments on this issue!
Hallo Monika,
...musste mich gerade mühsam vom Boden hochrappeln *ächz* Ich bin nämlich umgefallen als ich diese wunderbare Wolle gesehen habe. Ich glaube es nicht - einfach fantastisch!!! Die Farben - ach, ich würde die Stränge gerne einmal bekuscheln.
Liebe Grüsse von Heike
Wow, you are an amazing spinner! The Golden Rod looks like wild turkey feathers, or maybe wild partridge feathers, I haven't seen one in real life, just pictures :) Whatever you make from it will be gorgeous. I had a little hiccup and couldn't send out the magazine yesterday, but I will do it today!
So pretty- but I can't quite put a finger on what the brown skein resembles. Al I know is that it is very pretty.
I'm looking forward to seeing you knit it all up into something wonderful.
Oh wow...the brown is gorgeous!! I love how it looks next to the gold color. What are you going to make with it?
How's the BLF spin up? I heard it's really soft, is it like merino or even better? Do I need to convince my husband I need more fiber? :D
Looks like you have been very busy.. the colors look beautiful. All those little tiny socks from a few days ago are just too cute as well! Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Ooooo la la, LOVE them!!
The goldenrod is beautiful! I find it interesting that I just spun and navajo plied 4oz of Amy's BFL and ended up with a sport weight yarn and 195 yards. If yours is two plied and lace weight, I would think you would have more yardage. Things that make you go hmm? Your brown and gold reminds me of a Hawk. What kind of lace project are you going to do with the three yanrs?
SUUUUUUUUUUUPER schöne Farben! Deine Garn sieht einfach Klasse aus.
That's not too much yarn and that's an odd thing for a store clerk to say. I'm just saying.
Oh, Golden Rod spun up so beautifully! I like it paired with the brown yarn. An owl maybe? Maybe.
I think your brown/goldenrod mix looks quite a lot like owl feathers. At least the owls that live near me. Its what I thought of when I first saw it.
Don't laugh to hard but the brown skein reminds me of a beaver :). Add me to the list of people who love the "golden rod" skein. They are both beautiful.
Your spinning looks great! I'm thinking brown fox?
Beautiful! The gold/brown reminds me of hawks. I think I'm going to copy your color combo, it's sooo pretty! Can't wait to see it knit up!
Your spinning is awe-some! I think the brown looks like the feathers of a Golden Eagle. At first I was thinking it looks a lot like the little sparrows we only see in the summer, but no, definitely a Golden Eagle. Thank-you for sharing something so beautiful! Cheers!
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