My next post was to be about something else altogether, but it often comes other than we'd expect it. And nothing, especially blogging, is written in stone. Above, you can see a picture of a wonderful bouquet of my 22nd Wedding Anniversary flowers. We celebrated last week.

Anyway, just thought you would appreciate them as I do. They smell heavenly by the way. Now here's a perfect example of how strong the influence of the Internet, and blogland in particular has become.
Mr. Puffy the Dog and his mom have a little tea break. I'm a tea drinker, and almond lover. I'm nuts about nuts! Her almond cake slice made me salivate (sorry for the visual), but since I've done my housework, did some knitt'n, played with the dogs, I thought a little baking couldn't hurt. Do you have always stuff in your pantry to bake cakes? Well, there's always enough to make some muffins. When I'm impulsive like this, I grab a bowl and throw in what is at hand. This time almonds was the theme, but the rest .... hm .... some apple sauce, some ground hazelnuts, oat flakes, vanilla extract ..... on top some chopped almonds, and we are good to go! Yeah! And they bake fast as well. As I'm writing this, I've got some fresh tea and a muffin on a plate next to me. I would invite you all over for a little tea party, but you know how it is.... ;o) (yeah right, I don't want to share!)

Isn't this just funny, and so typical of life! There I am, vowing to myself to never knit a cable again (or at least for quite some time). Now, I'm a very new member of the Sockamania KAL, and one rule is, you have to knit at least the first three sock patterns in consecutive month, or you'll be booted off. Naturally, July's sock pattern is "cables"! Go ahead, laugh your head off! It's a toe-up sock and I've tried out a new heel as well, not as written in the pattern. Let me tell you, I've never seriously suffered the SSS, but this will be a close one. But of course, knowing me, I'll be good and finish the pair. But please god, keep cables away from me in the future!!!

That's Miss Biko's big nose. I love her freckles.
Thanks, Nicole, for the offer, but I've learned how to cable without a needle, while knitting the cardigan. It's much better, but still a pita. ;o)
Heya -
Have you looked at cabling without a cable needle? That makes cables much easier for me... esp. on socks - I'll never use a cable needle while knitting socks again! Grumperina had a good tutorial on this, I think.
I can track it down if you want me to!
Mmmm. Homemade muffins and puppy freckles. Sounds like a good day :o)
yummm! Dang those look good, you actually made my stomach growl out loud. *drools*
Ya know I was gonna skip this months socks after seeing the pattern but I like yours so far so I think I might try, I've never done toe up before though. How in the world did you manage to get so much done already???
happy anniversary by the way :)
I love Biko's freckles too :)
Happy Anniversary!
Die Rosen sind wunderschön und sehen aus wie gemalt. Siehst Du, sag niemals nie: jetzt strickst Du doch wieder Zöpfe. Das Sockenmuster sieht super aus. Ich wünsche Dir noch viel Spaß und Freude mit der neuen Sockengroup.
Happy Anniversary :)
You muffins look so delicious!
I knew it wouldn't be long before you would be knitting your socks again...very pretty pattern.
Beautiful flowers! Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
I love that first pic of Biko. And her freckles are adorable!
Do white GSD's usually have light noses? My two (non-white) GSD's have had black noses. Except for Sam's right now....she got too close to a cat and got swiped. :)
That's a post for the senses, the smell of lovely flowers, the taste of delicious muffins, the feel of warm socks and the sight of a cute nose with freckles.
Congruatulations on celebrating your 22 aniversary.
Careful with the nuts. For 10 years I ate hazelnut bread and peanut butter with hazelnut coffee. Now I'm deathly allergic.
The pup's picture makes me smile.
Happy Anniversary, what lovely flowers too!! The nuffins sound delicious!! We love Miss Biko's nose as well!!! I'm off to have a cup of Orange Pekoe right now, the kettle has boiled and the teapot beckons!!!
Diese Nase - herrlich!
Die lädt geradezu zum Abknutschen ein ;-)
Glückwunsch zum Hochzeitstag und Knuddelz für's Hundeviech
Happy anniversary ! Twenty -two years deserves such a beautiful bouquet. Muffins and a sock almost done ... do you ever sleep ? Those muffins look yummy. Great picture of the cute doggie freckles .
Ich hätte da noch ein schönes Buch über Zöpfe anzubieten, das Cables Untangled ist wirklich schön ;)
Aber die Amistrickgroups haben teils wirklich seltsame Regeln, da muss man erst drei Monate jeweils das Muster mitstricken, damit man dabeibleiben darf?!
Und wenn das nächste Muster wirklich nicht den Geschmack treffen würde?!
Liebe Grüße,
(Und im nächsten Monat ein weniger verfilztes Monatsvlies! Die Farben von dem grün-roten waren nämlich sehr schön!)
Never say never....
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have many more wonderful years together. Those socks are lovely!! Biko is too cute. Those flowers are gorgeous.
Happy belated anniversary!
Awww, these muffins look ever so yummy! Like you, I'm a big fan of nuts - actually I'm eating nuts all the time though I can't pick a favourite, I love them all! And nuts in muffins - can it get any better? Yum!
Argh, cabling! I hear you! I tried hard to become better friends with that technique, but it didn't work so far! Actually I desperately hate it! Sometimes I see patterns that are so beautiful, but with cables, and just the mere thought of it turns me off! Yay for you to go through it, these socks are going to be awesome!
I love your dog photos, they're just so cute. I've just spent a good half an hour oohing and aahing over all their gorgeous pics and showing my DH - we have 2 GSDs, one white and one black and tan. They really are beautiful dogs.
Oh, and your knitting is gorgeous too! ;0)
Congrats on your wedding anniversary! Those almond cakes look amazing! I know I must be crazy because I think I can smell them!
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