On the right you can see the green and blue roving, with the truest color I could get. My camera didn't see what I saw, but this came close.

I love the green one. It's soft colors, nothing like the picture on the left. I'm looking forward to spin it.
Both colors combined are 8oz of Corriedale roving.

The blue is lovely too. The phrase "first come first serve" came to mind. I pushed the white roving into the pot, but not quite all the way. I wanted to see how the rest would be soaked slowly into the colored water. At first you could see the progress, but after a while nothing happened, so I pushed the rest under, but by that time, the water was almost clear. That's why the color is so uneven, but that's O.K. I could have added some more color, but I like experimenting.

I stopped dyeing, even though the weather is just perfect for it. Dry in a jiffy. I didn't get to spin this weekend at all. And I've got so many colorful roving to work with, I'm burning to sit down and spin. But, I've got some BFL in natural color in the works, and until this is done, I can't start something else.
Anyway, the KH Cardigan got my full attention and I've knit all five pieces! Yeah! Now for the finishing act! I've got to get some buttons as well. I can't wait to put this cardigan behind me.
*Gorgeous* colors!
yummy roving, it will look totally different spun up.
Can't wait to see that cardi sewn up, your putting me to shame was the ufo cardi's I have laying around.
Your roving looks gorgeous! I really like the green one too. It's so sad about the baby bunny, though...
Such beautiful and vibrant colors! I just love the green.
Poor baby bunny, I hope the others are ok.
What beautiful colors! ...can't wait to see them spun!
Monika, your roving is so beautiful it almost makes me want to learn to spin....almost :)
The KH is so gorgeous, try to love it a little now that it's almost done!
Deine selbst gefärbte Wolle ist wunderschön geworden. Jede Farbe für sich sieht toll aus. Bin schon echt gespannt, wie die Wolle gesponnen aussieht. Und mit Hannah's Jacke warst Du auch richtig fleißig!
Oh my, I totally adore your roving. I have to say my favourite is the purple/black one from the last post, though. Scrumptious!
I have a question for you - I'm in total awe of your Sakura shawl, and wanted to see if I could make it, and so I went to your patterns site. But when I clicked "to download the pdf file" from underneath the picture, this weird site came up and no pdf file to download. Did you maybe remove it? If so, is there anyway for me to get it? It looks great, and I would love to gove it a go!
Oh das arme Bunny! Ich kann verstehen, dass es dir da schlecht geht, ginge mir auch so. Und rausholen aus dem Pool muss man das arme Ding ja auch noch...
Ich hoffe, die tollen Farben muntern dich auf... Wahnsinn. Nur was machst du mit so vielen 100g-Knubbeln zum Schluss? Hier in Dtl. scheint man immer gleich ein Kilo zu spinnen von der gleichen Sorte/Farbe. Zumindest kauf ich die Wolle so :)
LG Maria.
mit dem neuen Buch von den Cables... ich werde wohl den Rock stricken.
absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see it spun up!
All your roving looks wonderful! Can't wait to see the finished cardigan...you are almost to the finish line :)
happy knitting & spinning :)
Your dye jobs are amazing, they turned out so well. That is so sad about the bunny :-(
And Woohoo on finishing up the knitting on the sweater.
Your roving is gorgeous! I've only dyed roving once and it was a flop job. It was too saturated with colour so the roving was too hard to spin. Must try again soon.
Can't wait to see the cardi sewn up and modelled. ;)
Poor bunny :(
The colors look awesome. I was wondering what you are using to dye your roving with?
Beautiful dyed rovings. Can't wait to see them spun.
I'm sorry about the baby bunny. I was so excited about my nest of babies, so I can imagine how sad you'd be about finding one drowned.
I LOVE the blue and white roving--it looks like a summer sky. Can't wait to see how it spins up
Your blues roving will be lovely spun up - tone on tone, I'll bet! And your cardigan - oh my! Absolutely gorgeous!!!
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