(left over yarn and the buttons I didn't use for the cardi, there are two with a moose on them)
I spent Monday knitting the button band, button hole band and neck band. It took me quite some time to sew it all together, but as the pattern was so well written, the cables and the lace parts came together nicely, which makes me kind of proud, that it worked out that well. I was sure I would screw up the sewing part. The most pleasure was button shopping. In the book they used some red plastic buttons, they are so boring, you don't remember them at all. I quite like the ones I found. Even if the cardigan is not so much retro now, as more like a folk sweater, I don't care. I hope Hannah likes them too, since she's the one wearing it. But I asked her, if she would like plastic or metal or wooden buttons before I went to search for the right ones. At the store I never can decide which ones to take, so I always narrow it down to at least two kinds and take them with me. Of course the ones with the dogs on them appealed to me, but would not especially appeal to Hannah I'm sure. So they will be for another project way in the future. There was only one change I made to this cardigan and that is, I've made only nine button holes instead of eleven, but I think nine is enough.
As I write this the cardigan is blocking and drying. It had a good soak in "Soak" and smells heavenly. The yarn did bleed just a tiny bit. The blocking is more like pulling into shape, nothing more, but it really needed a bath. It's a pleasure to see how the yarn relaxes.
People, what can I say, one sigh escapes after another, I'm so terrible glad this is over. I have no clue why this is so hard for me. I'm proud, and ashamed at the same time, that I was such a whiny baby throughout. I knew I would do it eventually. I was tempted to start other things in between, just so it would make me feel better, but I think knitting the socks for my mom gave me the needed ease to go on with it. And all this for a cardigan! Ridiculous, no?

Anyway, as a gift to myself, I've signed up for Sockamania Club Knitalong hosted by Annie. As of July 1st I'm lifting the unofficial sock knitting ban I put upon myself. It's time to have some fun! ;o) It will be hard for me to follow instructions for a sock written by somebody else, but I'm determined to do so. Annie promised to send an invitation some time this week. I can hardly wait!

Sam is dozing in the morning sun, which was very strong today. No worries, we are not out in the blazing sun, we rather hide in the A/C cooled house. Several short trips into the back yard and pool to cool down, of course that's just for us and Biko. Sam still doesn't go near it. The SHE dog never gets enough of the water .... ;o) By the way, we were cut off of running water from 2Pm to 6 PM without warning! Boy that sucks! (construction work down the road)
Oh, I almost forgot! My puppies have been bad puppies! Yeah, they look innocent but they are thieves I tell you! A few days ago, we got home from grocery shopping, tired and hot and we dumped the bags on the kitchen floor to, how shall I put it delicately, go use the bathroom. When I came back, Biko was chewing on something rather intently, I grabbed it out of her mouth, while she hurried to get as much of it as possible. I was stunned. She's got a liverwurst out of one of the bags. You know the kind, which is wrapped in plastic and closed with metal clips on both ends? Maybe you don't know, anyway, I was mad (they were meant for my son's lunches). Suddenly I thought that it was funny that Sam's not there with her, sharing her loot. Of course I found him in the next room with the second, albeit with a different kind of liverwurst (with herbs), chewing away (he had more time than her). I yelled at him, which made him let it fall out of his mouth in surprise, and looking at me with guilt written all over his face (by then I almost laughed). Well, the funny part was soon over, as I realized the ends with the metal pieces where missing. To make a long story short, I was worried how and what way this would come out. Biko barfed it up the next morning, but Sam's part I never saw again. I hope he's alright, but since it's been a few days, I think he is. Now, who of the two came up with the idea of stealing? And who was the follower. How did they decide who gets what? And why the liverwurst, since there was a big Salami there as well! ;o)
Back to knitting: For a moment I thought, I'm free, free to do whatever I want! I took out Theresa's La Dentelle Belle lace scarf pattern and was on my way to my stash, when it hit me. I don't think I'll cast on for something big right now, or small. Have you seen all the ripple crochet blankets making the rounds? I can't believe it myself, but my fingers are itching to start one, yes me! I wont, however. I'd like to finish Hannah's magic mosaic squares first before I start another blanket, but I have at least four in my head. ;o) I might get it done in time for her, to taking it with her when University starts, or at the latest for Christmas. Don't laugh. I might only have 8 squares to knit, but there's ends to be woven in and I'm knitting a border as well.
I think I need a vacation from the Internet to calm myself. There's so much going on and I'm never satisfied with what I do at the moment, just because I see so many beautiful things and want to do them as well, or similar things. I'm sure you know what I mean. And there's lots of roving waiting to be spun, that's just the icing of the cake, pure pleasure. I use it as a treat for myself, to finish tasks and projects and other things in my life and when I've been good I treat myself to a round of spinning. ;o)
Not that I actually can stay away from the Internet - impossible!
Wow! what a beautiful cardigan.
Simply stunning and in my favorite color - red! I wish I had the patience to make and stick to a big project like that.
Such a beautiful stitch pattern too.
Delurking,...yes, so many gorgeous things on the internet, and your sweater is one of them! It's really, really beautiful. You should be SO proud! Now, breathe. It's finished! Yay!
I'm glad the slog of knitting your cardigan paid off in such a big way. It is truly beautiful and I can't wait to see it modelled by your daughter. I love the buttons too.
My dogs are grocery thieves as well and I've had bakery goods and meat trays stolen right out from under my nose! Everybody needs to be naughty occasionally. Rhonda
What a gorgeous sweater! I'm sorry it was a pita to knit, but I think the results were certainly worth it!
what a lovely long post!
thank you.
the cardigan is gorgeous!!!
hannah should be pleased.!
those dog of yours must have thought they hit the jackpot.
Oh my gosh, that is the most beautiful sweater!! I love it!! You did a fantastic job.
KH looks amazing! I am a little scared because that is my next sweater project after Thermal. I really want to love this project because I just think it looks lovely. You have me a little worried.
i completely love it monika! it's beautiful! and hannah is one lucky girl (as i'm sure she knows) that she gets it! WOWOWOW! i love you. cables are wonderful.
Congrats! A beautiful finish.
That is completely beautiful! Congratulations! ...and who needs to crochet a ripple blanket? just go ahead and knit one - you know you want to :)
The Cardi is absolutely gorgeous and so much work!! I know it is a relief but it is worth every c*ble(too scared to actually say 'c*ble. I do agree that buttons are the hardest thing really. Fancy Sam and Biko stealing!! Peri does it all the time in similar circumstances: she has a secret cache in the garage for food emergencies: she makes holes in tins of sardines and condensed milk with her teeth and then sucks out the contents. Harki never steals or joins in!! They do look guilty thoughwhen they are caught, don't they?? Hope the metal clip is through and out by now!!!
You did a gorgeous job!! I've been eyeballing that cardi for myself (although I'd have to upsize a tiny bit, I think) but after what you say, I might reconsider. Of course it'd be next year before I'd get to it anyway! LOL!
Great job!!
I know you had some issues with Katherine H., but it came out beautifully.
I like what you said ("There's so much going on and I'm never satisfied with what I do at the moment, just because I see so many beautiful things") and completely agree. Except here I am, reading my bloglines and dreaming of more things I'd like to make. Let me know if you figure out how to do it!
Breathtakingly beautiful sweater!
GORGEOUS!!! Just beautiful. I'm proud of you for sticking to it!
I'm envious because all my yarn (save the one ball of red cotton being knit into a dish cloth)...all yarn is in storage for whenever we sell our house and move into our new house (which we've not yet found).
Great work and I love your choice of buttons.
It's just beautiful -- I love the buttons, the color, the beautiful knitting...
My brother's Lab-Malamute used to take the whole bag of groceries out behind the garage to munch -- he got a few extra minutes before we'd discover what he'd done!
Wow, wow and wow! I know that cardi was a huge job for you, but let me tell you, it turned out just great. Be so proud of your accomplishment. And don't blame the pups for liverwurst. Wolfie couldn't get enough of the stuff. We used to have to wrap it in plastic so he couldn't smell it. It's hotter than snot here, too. So much for summer in the high desert. Socks will calm you down.
I love the sweater, but I have also struggled to get into the pattern. I couldn't get past swatching, so I admire your perseverence. It really looks beautiful. As for the overage, IK pads the yarn quantities by 10-15% so the knitter doesn't run out. That might be part of the reason you have some left over.
The cardigan looks fantastic! I really like the buttons you chose for it too! Well done!
The cardi is BEAUTIFUL. It is okay to whine through a big project, it makes us feel better.
Love your pool!
WOW!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I am working on this sweater as well and I don't think you're whining at all, it is HARD, so much to keep track of!! Your sweater is stunning--maybe because I'm trying to make it and know how hard it is I am loving it all the more. Great post, and congrats!
The Cardigan is beautiful. I can't wait to see a picture with her wearing it. Now I see why you thought I was nuts for wanting to knit my cable cardigan.
Our dog gets food off the counter all the time. So frustrating!
I love the cardigan, those fine delicate cables and the rich colour. I know exactly why you say it has a folk look. Congratulations on the whole thing.
well it was definately worth it. The Cardi is beautiful, I'm sure Hannah will absolutely love it.
I had to laugh at your naughty pups! They know the good stuff when they see it hehehhe
Wow, only a month to finish the cardigan, that's amazing! It looks so beautiful. Sorry about the Interweave Mag, I think that box is still in our storage unit, we haven't totally finished moving in :P Life with an infant has totally put me in some weird time warp! Can't wait to see the KH on Hannah!
OMG, that is so beautiful!!!! I love that Gems red - it calls to me every time I go to my LYS! I guess you'll have to make some socks to match. ;-)
I'm going to link to your cardi in my next post - that is just too beautiful!!!
Schon fertig?? *ungläubigguck* - gerade das Zusammennähen und Blende stricken dauert doch schon soo lange. Deine Hannah wird bestimmt AUSFLIPPEN wenn sie die Jacke bekommt. Die ist Dir wirklich gut gelungen und ich überlege schon die ganze Zeit, ob das Muster auch für eine dickere, ältere, deutsche Hausfrau geeignet wäre. Aber ich kann Dir ja nicht alles nachmachen.
Ein Traumteil hast Du da wieder gestrickt!!
Liebe Grüsse von Heike die jetzt Lust hat ein Mosaik zu stricken
The sweater looks great... it was well worth the time and effort you took!
Oh Monika - it is beyond beautiful! I am so sick - haven't gotten out of bed since yesterday, but I just came to the computer to see if you put a picture up - GORGEOUS!!! Now I'm going back to bed (not even knitting)Enjoy your freedom in knitting now that you are done!
The cardigan looks great! I love that pattern. LOL my boys are the biggest thieves, I learned never leave groceries on the floor even groceries you think thy have no interest in like cucumber.
Congratulation and well done ! The sweater is just beautiful ; lucky Hannah. Can't wait to see a model pic .
The cardigan is a beauty. It's lovely birthday gift.
Your dogs are hilarious. Shame on the liverwurst thieves!
Toll, Monika - Dein Cardigan ist ein echtes Prachtstück!!
Liebe Grüße
Congrats on the sweater, it's gorgeous! Now's the time to sit with a glass of ice tea and do something completely different! I hope your daughter likes the sweater.
I'm sure your dog will pass the small metal pieces, if not already has. I had that happen with a cat once. Except he got into the refrigerator and attached himself to the salted ham. Try pulling a fat kitten off of a ham as big as him when he eating, growling and hissing. :D
I can only imagine your dogs faces. I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face.
My oh my. That sweater is a thing of beauty! May Hannah wear it in good health and feel all the love that helped create it! BTW, I'm going to check out sockamania - sounds like fun!
You did it :) The cardigan is gorgeous. Hannah will love it. Two bad boys in your house. Growing up we had a food thief in our house. My dog (part dalmation) one time got a whole bag of donuts from on top of the bread box( pretty high up) ate the donuts bag and all :)
Congratulations! It might have been torture, but that cardigan is a work of art!
I had to laugh about the dogs and the liverwurst. Liverwurst is one of the Ts' top three favorite treats (ice cream and pizza are the other two). I use it as bribe food for nail-clipping and slice it up and nuke it in the microwave to make training treats. They would love to have an entire tube of liverwurst to eat!
Gorgeous! I'm glad to hear it uses less yarn than called for.... but that is odd that the requirements were so off.
Oh Mann, Hannah kann sich glücklich schätzen, so eine schöne Jacke zu bekommen. Wenn es auch viel Arbeit war und Du auch nicht so gerne Zöpfe strickst, aber das Endergebnis kann sich sehen lassen! Die Jacke ist Dir supergut gelungen. Tolle Arbeit!!
You did a wonderful job! When you're back to doing cables again, will you knit one for me? :)
Gorgeous cardigan. Even if it was a pain to knit! I have to agree that the internet is a dangerous tool. My queue keeps getting longer and longer....
Wear it well :-)
fing about! You make some really beautiful stuff. I have never tried spinning, but you have made me want to give it a try! I love your handpainted shawl as well. You use some beautiful colours. PS Wish we had some of your weather here in the uk..rain, rain and more rain here at the moment!
The cardigan is absolutely gorgeous. Oh sure, you made a mistake. And you're intimidated? Good gravy.
Biko and Sam! Of course they took the liverwurst. Liverwurst is better by FAR than salami! I'm sure the metal rings...ah, worked their way out without mishap. You can always X Ray for 'em.......
Beautiful! It is just so gorgeous - your daughter is going to love it.
That cardigan is STUNNING! I LOVE IT...yes, simply LOVE it! Did I mention how much I really, really adore it??? It's too bad you didn't think it was overly enjoyable though. I for one am going straight to Amazon to order the book!
The cardigan is beautiful! Hannah is one lucky girl :).
absolutely love the cardigan. i know it was a pain to make but i think it was worth it. just love it.
Gorgeous! You've done an amazing job, and now you're free to play with what ever you would like :-)
Wow - Dein KHC ist absolut toll geworden! Und Deine Fotos sind echt klasse.
Bewundernde Grüße
Monika, your Katherine Hepburn Cardigan is gorgeous. The buttons your chose are perfect. I think those leftover skeins of yarn would make some lovely socks. I'm sorry to hear that it was so tedious to knit. (I'm feeling the same way about my Icarus right now, so I understand.)
What a funny story about the dogs and the liverwurst! I had a cat who at a lasagna once. My husband and I laughed so hard when he showed up with tomato sauce all over his little white face!
That is truly gorgeous!
I've been under a rock (apparently) and just found your blog through the Spunky Club. Your KHC is gorgeous! It was worth the time you put into it. Love the color, too. All you knitting is so nice! The socks for your friend are very neat and nicely done.
to knit a cable cardigan!! you're my hero!! it's beautiful!
Very, very beautiful work as always! I really love the pattern, and it looks even more special with this gorgeous color! Fantastic job!
That cardigan is gorgeous. And I agree about red - it is very hard to capture. Best of luck with the sock KAL.
The cardi is absolutely beautiful! Well worth the agony of knitting it (easy for me to say since I didn't knit it). Love the color too. Socks will seem like a vacation after an entire sweater. the rovings look nice too. I've got a bunch of natural roving and need to get out the dyepot soon.
Breathtaking!!! Congrats on that marvelous cardi!!!
WOW!!!!I LOVE the cardigan. Absolutely gorgeous, Monika! And the mini-socks are adorable, I will have to make some of those :o)))
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