I had a short night, only a couple of hours sleep. So I'm not really functioning very well today. I asked David, whether he has the right "socks" for the car. Naturally I meant tires, since he's doing car service today. Not good! I should not operate machinery today, don't you think? ;o) I wonder if it's save to knit or use the sewing machine.
See, I wanted to tell you about those pretty tulips, almost forgot about it. At Easter I've got a huge bunch of tulips from Karl (via flower delivery service). Now they have only a short time left. Yesterday most of them opened up, so lovely. They look like paintings. Mother nature is incredible. So, I go now. Need more tea or something. I'm such a child, do I really need my six hours of sleep?
What a beautiful, colorful post! Between the sock, the flowers and that gorgeous shot of Sam, your post is a wonderful way to start the day. I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep. Really, that shot of Sam is an art piece. That would be a 24x30 above my fireplace.
Hannah's socks are fabulous! She is quickly becoming an expert just like her mother!
Monika, you are not alone...sometimes I say the wrong(retrieve)word,too and my boys (including my husband) never let me forget it! ;)
happy knitting :)
Those socks are completely gorgeous! And the flower shots really do look like paintings. beautiful.
fantastic socks, hannah!!! you must tell her i think they are fab.
great shots of the flowers and sam, as always.
Woo ... that's a pair of smoking hot P-socks!
Hannah's socks are beautiful. You must be sooo proud!
expsueHallo Hannah, hallo Monika,
Hut ab! Die Pommes-Socken sind nichts für Anfänger. Ich weiss nocht gut, dass ich ganz schön genervt war und mir geschworen habe, das Muster niemals mehr zu stricken!
Die sehen SUUUUUPER aus!!!
Das Foto von Sam habe ich mir gerade geklaut. Das ist so schön geworden. Man sieht richtig die Muskeln unter dem Fell und die markante Kopfform. Ich bin ganz begeistert - und die Stricknadeln im Hintergrund... Da ist die wieder ein schöner Schnappschuss gelungen.
Viele Grüsse von heike
ich war gestern mit Jamie bei der tierhomöopathin und -osteopathin. war sehr interessant, mal sehen wie es anschlägt. ausführlicheren bericht hab ich ins katzengeflüster gepackt, wenns dich interessiert.
die pomatus deiner tochter sehen toll aus - und auch die shawls werden irre! kriegt man das muster irgendwo frei?
liebe grüsse, silke
muss ich dir eigentlich endlich ein paar sonnenstrahlen schicken oder habt ihr inzwischen selber? ;o)
I love the socks and how you coordinated them with the flower pictures.
I love the picture of the yellow and red tulip. But in the end Sam steals the show!
Those socks are fantastic! I love the bright, vibrant red.
Sue is right: the photo of Sam is a work of art. Just gorgeous.
The socks are gorgeous! Sam is even more so. :)
Great socks! I love the color red!
What fantastic socks!! She had a good teacher I see. Love the tulip photos too!
Erst einmal ein große Kompliment an Hannah: ihre Socken sehen super aus und sind toll gelungen. Die Fotos sind wirklich beeindruckend. Ich musste zweimal hinschauen, da ich zuerst dachte, Du hättest wieder was gemalt. Aber nein, es sind Blumenfotos. Sehr gute Aufnahmen und echt irreführend. Und Sam sieht auf Fotos sowieso immer gut aus, wie ein Modell.
oh hannah!!! i LOVE them! they are fantastic. let's knit together again. while eating a loaf of bread and sipping more coffee. you're fantastic! and monika... hopefully this comment with work. i've had problems with commenting lately and i have tried to comment on your last several posts. you've been doing LOVELY stuff!
How beautiful! All your things, photos, patterns! Wow. I just discovered your site.
I'm particularly interested in your smoking hot socks pattern. It's very nice. I'm confused though because you only give a row gauge, not a stitch gauge and you don't say if the gauge is for stockinette or garter. Could you clarify that for me? Thanks.
Oh. I'd like to translate this pattern to Spanish and write a Spanish tutorial for it on my Spanish Sock Blog. I would give you full credit. Would that be okay with you?
Wow! Hannah's socks are beautiful! She must have had a great teacher ;)
Those socks are wonderful! Pomatomus is one of my all-time favorite socks patterns, and I totally love the color she used. It shows the pattern very nicely.
Your photos are gorgeous, btw! :)
Wow, what gorgeous socks! Hannah keeps knitting such beautiful things! (Do you think she might start her own knitting blog someday?) I love those tulips; such vivid colors. And Sam is so statuesque and handsome in that pic!
Wow, Hannah's knitting fabulously. I'm just a wee bit jealous, it didn't come that easily or quickly to me! Go, Hannah!
That shawl is just gorgeous! Looks like the pups are doing well.
Beautiful sock, Hannah! did you put the knitting needles in the background of Sam's picture on purpose? Very cool.
Beautiful, beautiful socks. Love the color.
Sam is looking so good, too. Great picture.
You have had so many great posts lately. Sorry I haven't been commenting as much as I'd like, but I have been reading and enjoying watching you create :-)
My gosh, these socks are absolutely awesome! The pattern really jumps out in this color - Hannah did the most amazing job knitting them up! Congrats!
And my, these flower shots are so beautiful too - what an amazingly colorful post this is, and highly inspiring indeed!
... und das Foto von Sam ist einfach göttlich *g*
Viele liebe Grüße
This is one GORGEOUS picture. He looks sooo regal!
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