I'm working on several things, a little bit at the time. That's why nothing gets done any time soon.
On the left are the four main squares for a blanket. I'll repeat them until the yarn runs out. I've deceided to knit them in fours, weave in the ends and so on. I just couldn't face all the ends in the end!
On the right you see my courthouse steps. Growing very slowly. I'm afraid I'll have to order some additional yarn to make it a decent sized blanket. At least this one's soooooo soft and warm (cotton/microfiber) But I'm taking a break from blanket knitting for a while. I need to do some small projects I wanted to do for some time otherwise I'll be too restless to enjoy the knitting process.
The Not-Quite-Straight Scarf is my latest project. I've started it last night. You can find the pattern at Nicole's blog. Thanks Nicole! I'm using Queenland Collection Kathmandu DK a blend of merino wool/silk/cashmere from my stash. Had this yarn some time now and it was indented for a scarf anyway.
My DH socks are coming along nicely too. One's got the gusset done, the other's still waiting for it. I like sock knitting again. I see many pairs of socks in my future - hard not too with all the sock yarn piling up around me. ;o)
This green squirly thing is a mystery project. I'd like to show it when it's totally done. It's made of cotton and it seems I've gotten a blister or something on my finger where the yarn runs over. It's knit with two strands and I've run out of yarn, drats. Have to wait for more supplies to arrive. But I can tell you, that I love this project, even though it hurts my fingers.

Last but not least, this is a multidirectional flying V scarf (by Iris Schreier) from her book "Exquisite Little Knits". Made with two balls of mohair/wool/acrylic blend. It's 5" X 76" long and will be nice and warm for the recipient I'm sure. Hope she'll like it.
So, you see, there's lots going on. Making progress on all fronts. Thanks to A/C the heat is not bothering me much. And a dunk in the pool makes life that much easier too. Have a nice summer day y'all! By the way, I friend of mine started her own new blog. You can see Sybille's nice projects here. She makes wonderful shawls (and has the cutest dog-after mine of course) ;o)
The blankets are coming along nicely. I love your color selection on the courthouse steps blanket. I'm taking a break from my log cabin knitting as well. I have that urge to knit something that I can quicker results with. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets restless with her knitting.
OMG! You're the first person I've seen actually knitting my pattern! That's so exciting to me! Thanks so much - I'm so glad you like it! I'll check back to see how it progresses!
What a great idea about knitting the blanket in squares. I think I will try that with my next Curve of Pursuit. Your color selection is lovely! And I've put Courthouse steps on my list of "blankets to-do".
Thanks for the scarf pattern link - now if I can find some appropriate yarn in my stash....
The green swirly thing looks interesting...
Love the courthouse steps too.
Wow, you've sure been busy, such a heap of amazing projects - I love all of them! The blanket's going to look so lovely, and wow, that scarf really rocks! Thanks for sharing the link, this one's certainly a project I'll do for winter - huh? Winter? What's that? Hard to think about it when it's almost burning outside! Stay cool!
Hallo Monika,
die Quadrate für Deine Decke gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut. Die Farbzusammenstellung ist perfekt! Sieht wirklich traumhaft aus. Bin schon gespannt auf die fertige Decke.
Gruß Sybille
PS: Ist es ok, wenn ich in Deutsch schreibe, oder soll ich lieber in Englich schreiben?
I love your wonderful blankets. How long did it take to knit such a big blanket? I would love to knit one for myself.
Have a good time
Kristin from Germany
Nice looking projects! That swirly one looks intriguing.
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