It was April 2006, when I started this blog. Right now I don't feel the love for continuing with it, so I think I'm going to take a break for a while. I thank you all for coming by, reading, and leaving comments, and/or keeping contact via emails. It really meant a lot to me to hear from you! Blogging without all of you is not worth doing it. I'm not sure when I will be back or if at all.
Here's the gang saying Goodbye for now! Wishing you all the best! I'll be over at Ravelry and on Flickr with photos.
Thanks, and take care!
♥ ♥ ♥
I understand, but I hope you come back at some point - if for no other reason than to post pictures and give updates on the pups! I starting coming here for the knitting but stayed for the dogs!
Oh, Monika, I will sure miss your lovely spinning, and the dogs! Where can I find you on flickr/ravelry? I would really like to keep up with your doings, and the life story of your dogs which I have enjoyed immensely! I would appreciate you drop me a note...
Best wishes to all of you,
Kathe Lewis,
You will be missed!
Be sure to keep up updated about the pups in our Ravelry group!
I totally understand. I'm finding blogging to be a chore lately myself. But I'll miss seeing your fiber activities and your lovely dogs! Take care.
Hello Monika
I understand you decision but please don't give up on ravelry as well.
You are an inspiration and I don't comment more often because my English is so bad.
Thank you so much for the lovely photos and posts and, above all, for being such an inspiration!
Rosario, from Portugal
Oh No! You will still be on Ravelry, won't you? Where will I see the doggies and the lovely fiber and yarn???? Altho I haven't commented (bad reader!), I have enjoyed your blog so much.
I'll miss your blog, your knitting and your dogs, but I understand where you're coming from. All the best for the future!
Oh no! I do hope you come back but if you don't, I do want you to know that your blog was one of my 2 must reads which I checked almost daily. I loved keeping up with your knitting and indeed, even with the dogs (and I am such a cat person but you really inspired in me a great fondness for your three dogs and makes me think that we should have a dog!).
Thank you for your efforts and your honest and sincere posts over the years. They have meant a lot to me.
I'm sorry to see you go, but I totally understand. Best wishes to you and the doggies!!
See you if/when you return, if not I'll be following you on Ravelry and looking forward to pictures of the doggies!!
Thank you for all of the time you have spent on your blog. I will miss your wonderful knitting and of course your pups. Best to you.
Hi Monika,
Thank you for sharing your comments, photos of the pups and creative projects for so many years!
I will miss you and the pups dearly but I wish you all the best in your bloggie retirement.
Please give the dogs a big hug for me!
Take care,
I will miss you so much Moncia, I love being inspired by your beautiful spinning and excellent taste in fibre, but I completely understand your decision, having given up blogging myself. If it is time to stop, it is time and good on you for not keeping on doing it out of obligation.
I'll keep watching what you are up to on ravelry.
Much love XXX
Ohhh wie Schade, ich mochte doch Deine Hundebildchen sooo sehr, auch die anderen mit der Wolle, die immer so toll gesponnen ist, aber die 3 Fellnasen mag ich. Aber gut wenn Du für Dich so entschieden hast, dann ist das auch gut so.
Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Spaß mit Deinen Tierchen und Deinem Hobby.
Sei lieb gegrüßt Marita
How sad! I do hope it's only a holiday.
Bimbi x
Monika, ich werde Euch aber arg vermissen !!! Knuddel die Hunde von mir ... und lass mal wieder von Dir hören / lesen.
Alles, alles Gute
Oh, I am sad, but you must do what you feel is best. The Labradors send special tail wags to Happy, Denny and Maggie, your wonderful animal companions. I shall watch out for your lovely knitting on The Ravelry.
Best wishes, Monika! I understand, completely. I'll miss seeing the gang, but will look for you on Ravelry. I've enjoyed reading your blog these past few years. Thanks for taking the time to share your life and your knitting.
I will miss the puppies in the pool this summer!!!
:( Do keep in touch and of course plenty of pics on Flickr!!
Thanks for all the fun times with your dogs in the snow. Thanks for all your photos of yarn and spinning and knitting and color fabulousness in all forms. Thanks Monika ~ see you on Ravelry!
I've enjoyed reading your blog and admiring your photos over the past year or two - I hope you decide to come back to it eventually!
Totally understand the decision. I don't regret my blog retirement at all. More time to craft and enjoy life! I'll see you over on flickr and ravelry. :-)
Your blog always reminded me that I should pull out my spinning wheel and get out in the backyard and play with my goofy dog! Thank you, and good luck!
Wie schade! Dein Blog war einer von ganz wenigen, die ich überhaupt noch lese! Ich werde ihn sehr vermissen - nicht nur aber vor allem wegen der traumhaften Hundefotos! Aber ich kann Deine Entscheidung auch gut verstehen!
Viel Spaß weiterhin und man sieht sich bei Ravelry!
LG Michaela :-)
Liebe Monika,
und fast genauso lange lese ich in Deinem Blog mit. Schade, da kann man wohl nichts machen!?
Ich wünsche Dir, Deiner Familie und der "Rasselbande" alles nur erdenklich Gute. Auf ein Wiederlesen.
(aka Slowlybutsteady)
aww, i will miss you and your pups. and of course photos of your beautiful handspun!
I'll miss you and the pups! I will see you on Ravelry and Flickr regularly.
I will miss you when you are gone, and I totally understand wanting a break - permanent or not. Sometimes you just have to do your life and cut down on things that aren't necessarily critical to the process.
For the time being, I wish you well, and with that peace and happiness. Your at have some idea of how much your friendship and your blog have impacted my life - so thank you for all that you have given of yourself.
My best to you.
I am so sad. I will miss your wonderful photos of pups and yarn. Thank you for sharing with us. Anita
I read this blog all the time (because you post more often than other knitting bloggers), but I rarely comment. Just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed it, and hope you get your blogging mojo back someday.... All the best!!!
Like many here, I love to read your blog, but rarely comment. I have really enjoyed the knitting (I knit), the spinning (someday) and the dogs (my lab is lounging on the couch)...I know I couldn't blog myself, soreally appreciate all you have shared...thank you and all the best...j
All my best wishes to you and your family. I loved your Blog and enjoyed all your creative energy. I was inspired by your beautiful knitting and crocheting designs. Good Luck for all your future endeavours. Will check you at Ravelry and Flicker. Will miss you. CroKnitKris
Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas and your family photo's. Your creative designs have inspired me to be more adventurous with my knitting and crocheting. Best wishes in all your future endeavours. Thanks for the link at Ravelry and Flicker.
Thanks for the blogging and the "puppy" photos and the lovely colors and the handspinning pix.
I'll miss your blog too, but will look for you on Ravelry.
Wishing you the very best,
Thanks so much for posting all the times you did. I always enjoyed the photos of your dogs almost as much as I did of the knitting and spinning that brought me to your blog. Stay well, and I hope you'll post again in the future.
Schade - ich hab so gern bei dir gelesen und deine Handspinngarne bewundert.
Liebe Grüße, die Bea
I always read your blog with pleasure - I enjoy your craft and the love the pups! I have never commented before - I don't comment on blogs usually as I don't have one myself, but I did want you to know how much I have enjoyed a glimpse into your part of the world. I am in the South Island of New Zealand. Enjoy the break and if you come back to blogging someday I will very much enjoy following you again.
I will definitely miss this blog and the beautiful pictures, especially of your handspuns. - However, there's still Ravelry ...
I'd like to thank you for sharing and wish you all the best!
Take care
Thank you for the time that you dedicated to your blog. It has been such an inspiration.Although I've been more of a lurker than an active participant, your blog has been the one I look forward to the most. I loved the updates on the pups and seeing the project you were working on.
Good luck and all the best.
It was nice to know your world! But I can understand! Will miss you all!
Oh , and just as I became a follower of your blog. Okay, well, I wish you and your doggies all the best ! :)
Thanks for all the inspiration your blog provided to me. Best wishes.
I'm just getting caught up with my blog reading due to a busy week and weekend. Sorry for your post. I really enjoy seeing things you spin, knit and the doggies. I will miss your blog, but I understand, I don't update mine anymore. Glad we have Ravelry to share pictures and projects. Best wishes, Chery.
I'll miss you here. And the pups. And the wool. And colour. And humour.
The best
You will be missed as will your sweetie puppies. Take the time you need and come back when and if you feel like it. I have so enjoyed all your posts and I will miss them showing up in my reader in box.
I'll miss browsing the blog each week, but I understand the feeling. I don't blog as often as I did a few years back. I blame it on Ravelry, which I love to distraction. See you there.
Ah, your blog, your decision. But I will miss the Handspun Fridays and the pictures of the furry gang. Hope you come back soon, full of inspiration and knitting, and the usual gorgeous photography of your FOs. Enjoy the time off!
I will miss you! But I know the feeling. The same thought has crossed my mind too :(
You'll be missed, but I'll follow you on ravelry,
Well, I hope you'll be back but I understand the need to take a break. Hugs to you!
<3 you. Hannah. x
Thanks for sharing your love of fiber, your furry family, the happy times and the'll be missed and your little furry gang will be missed too!
I felt the same heaps of times but still plug along cause mine is my sanity at times,good luck and I hope you do come back and visit us!
Selfishly I'm so sorry you're not going to blog for awhile, but I understand the amount of work involved in keeping a blog going. I hope you do decide to come back, I'll miss seeing your pups and your wonderful knitting projects.
Ironically, I just found your blog again after losing all my links when my computer died. Oh well. You're one of many that seem to be saying goodbye. At least you said goodbye! Thanks for the posts over the years.
Terima kasih untuk seluruh inspirasinya.
keep checking in, hope all is well in your world.
I'll miss you! Even if I've only been popping in occasionally and checking up on your pups. And the knitting.
Thank you for sharing both with me!
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