I might have mentioned that Happy is obsessed with Frisbees. He likes many toys, but for outside Frisbee it is (and if I don't give him his Frisbee, he'll take away Biko's ball).
I love this photo! Happy will do anything to get you to throw the Frisbee. Look how nicely he's come to sit in front of my son. Only after a nice eye contact the Frisbee will be thrown. O.K. here it goes:
Happy with his bunny impression.
The next picture is another favorite of mine. Happy has only one paw on the ground. Sometimes he looks like a flying squirrel from behind. Biko is in her own world, totally ignoring him, chewing her tennis ball.
And I like this photo, because the sun shines on Biko.
Last night I finished reading a book at around 1:30AM, I was tired all day. Am I getting too old for staying up after midnight? I'm a morning person and like to go to bed early, and have no trouble getting up early too. Besides the usual things to do, I decided to finally give in and cast on for another shawl today. It's Hamamelis designed by Kirsten Kapur. Love the shawl! Did only get to row ten, before I felt guilty, because I wanted to finish my BFL spinning project this week, and it might not work out as I thought. I'm on the last 4oz of 24oz and it's getting a little bit boring.
We got Happy a new soft bed. The old one was getting too small for him. He likes it so much, that he went in there with a chew bone during the day and didn't come downstairs for a while.
Now I'll stick my nose outside for a while, to check on the new snow. I might have to wake my son in the morning to do some shoveling. :o)
Happy definitely looks like he's having fun!
I love seeing pictures of Biko and Happy. Happy is so fixated on his frisbee and I love his excellent sitting with eye contact and his running in the snow. The Sun is indeed shining on Biko!! The Big Dogs here try to ignore the young one. It doesn't always work!!
Hope you have perked up a little now!!!
I love the dog pictures! I especially love how Biko is totally ignoring Happy. :)
I love your doggies in the snow pictures! How many times do you have to throw the frisbee before Happy finally gets tired? He doesn't look like a puppy anymore!
Great action shots! Why do you need a new camera? This one seems to work great.
I can't comment on your needing to go to bed earlier. I'm older than you and I normally stay up until at least 2:30 a.m. However, don't ask me to get up before noon or I'm exhausted. I've always been a night person.
Super Fotos! Vielen Dank dafür.
Hach - ich würde auch einmal zu gerne mit den Hunden im Schnee herumtoben...
VG von Heike
Ohja der liebe Schnee. Bei uns regnet es seit Tagen nur noch. Es wird Frühling.
Paladin and Shea look the same way when they run! like hoppity bunnies ;)
I will stay up late reading too and be sorry in the morning. But I like my sleep and have always been like this ;)
Great pictures! So much fun to play in the snow with the dogs.
I know what you mean about being sleepy from stayig up so late. I've been up til midnight watching the Olympics nearly every night.
Dogs feel such honest emotions that it's fun to watch them really enjoy something. I used to be a night person, and can easily still be one, but I feel better and get more done as a morning person. No more late nights reading for me either!
love the dog shots! :)
we haven't gotten much snow this winter, but according to the Farmers Almanac we are supposed to get it in March...we'll see.
We all love playing in the snow, except for Valentine the Chihuahua. Mind you, I can understand, for her it is more like snow snorkling!
Beautiful beautiful pictures! I can't get over how much Happy and Biko are starting to look alike.
That's a very nice obedient Happy we are seeing too :) I am taking notes....
I'm always tired. I'm tired now and I only finished breakfast an hour ago.
What book kept you up that late finishing it? Sounds like a great book!
I love your pictures of Happy & Biko.
Lovely photos - of course you know how much I would like to be looking at snow right now!
I love your dogs, and spinning! So glad to have discovered your blog. :)
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