This would be the right position for Happy to join me as I spin, but usually he's turned the other way around, with his head on my lap, which makes it impossible to spin. This week both dogs did everything in their whiny power to get me away from my wheel.
In the meantime I still had this ugly duck in my 2009 picture folder. I dyed this Shetland Humbug back last April or May. I liked it well enough as dyed fiber, but am not impressed with my yarn.
This is 5oz of Shetland Humbug. I spun it up as 2-ply laceweight yarn, 880yds.
I think I'm going to knit a shawl with it, and after that, if I don't like how it looks, I'm going to over dye it.
And on another Happy note, I taught our dogs to ring the bell hanging on the doorknob when they have to go outside to pee. Happy figured it out pretty quickly, but instead of using it, he would sit at the door and whine, or go in and out of the downstairs bathroom until I notice and take him outside. This last week however, he figured out, that I'll jump up for joy, whenever he rings the bell, but instead of having to go to pee, he just uses it to go outside to play. Now the bell is off the doorknob, because it was getting on my nerves. Of course he learned that from Biko!
How clever is Happy?? I love that he wants you to open the door so he can go out and play. He's smart, and Biko is smart too!!!
I hope your wool grow on you!!!
Oooh, I love your green lace yarn. The color is wonderful.
Call me strange but I really really like the color of the yarn! I can't wait to see it knit into a shawl! It's really lovely handspun!
Oh silly, Happy!I think the yarn looks lovely adn will make a beautiful shawl
I like the finished yarn color but everyone likes different colors. Makes the world go around. :-) I was going to say that we decided against the bell ringing for Nimitz knowing that dogs can abuse the bell to go outside just for fun. My friends boxers will do that when she's on the phone for too long.
I love to see Happy looking so relaxed ~ it's a fun contrast from him racing around I'm sure :)
The "ugly duck" will turn into a swan when you knit it into a gorgeous shawl! It is a beautiful sea green color ~
Too bad Happy only associated the bell with the door opening and not with peeing. He's way clever, that one, he knows that the bell means you will come.
Your shetland is lovely and I'm also sure that it will work up into something beautiful.
i think the yarn is very pretty. can't wait to see what you do with it! (and the marathon bfl as well)
Wie sehr hatte ich mich auf meine Humbug-Kammzüge gefreut, nachdem ich deine ersten gesponnenen Stränge gesehen habe. Das Ergebnis bei mir war niederschmetternd :(
Und nun zeigst du wieder so wunderschöne Wolle!!! Sie schaut so schön weich aus. Ich bin begeistert, kann gar nicht verstehen, wieso dir nur der Kammzug wirklich gut gefallen mag? Ich finde die Farbe toll!
Liebe Grüße, Juli
Sometimes I wonder if they're training us or we're training them!
Such a smart young man! At least you are giving the yarn a chance to shine all knitted up, it may very well surprise you.
I had the same problem with the bell. It didn't last long. My Murphy the Bichon started ringing it just to see me jump. When I got to the door, he was like "Cool" and he'd walk away. I decided that he taught me rather than the other way around.
I totally like the colors in your yarn. I've noticed that you like warm colors while I'll always love the cool shades.
Spot, the cat, would meow to wake me at 5-6 in the morning to let him outside (he does not like the litter box). This was a good thing. Then he decided to wake me if his food bowl was not sufficiently full. Then it progressed to waking me so he had someone to socialize with. I put a stop to that. It would not have been so bad except I work to midnight.
Love the green laceweight - it will make a beautiful shawl!
Too funny about Happy - we are still working on housetraining with our puppy - maybe having a bell would help - I'll have to try it!
After reading about Happy ringing his bell a while ago, I was all inspired to teach my new puppy to ring a bell to go out. Now, I'm not so sure. Perhaps I'll just continue with our 'quiet sit by the back door' that we've established. Now I'll have to think of another impressive trick to teach her. I'm very impressed with Happy's fetching skills. When I was growing up, my Shepards always loved it too. I'm not having very much luck with 'fetch' with this puppy, but I have a feeling that might have something to do with the fact she's a husky.
Oh, and the 'Ugly Duck' is quite lovely, even if it's not your favourite. It will be interesting to see how it knits up.
my guys did the same thing! now the chimes are on the pantry door, so I know they are serious when they walk over there and ring to go, not just play !
lots of the dogs we dog sit learned to ring the chimes too just from watching my guys.
Thats graet about the door bell training and so funny! I like the yarn, I hope I can one day get that yardage out of that amount of fibre.
I really like the colour of the yarn , hopefully you'll find it more appealing when you knit it up .
I think your yarn is pretty.
I never could get the Ts to get the idea of ringing the bell to go outside, so kudos to you! Even if Happy outsmarted you a little bit. ;-) What a great boy he is!
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