Sometimes though, I regret my decisions on how to spin a certain fiber. This Chimera would be one of those times. With all that orange and green(ish) colors going on, I felt like making some cabled yarn. Unfortunately the colors got all muddled up.
I spun fine singles, made two 2-ply yarns, and cabled those together for a kind of 4-ply yarn. The color in the finished skein of the last picture (on the right) is pretty accurate, the other one was taking early morning, before the sun (which I didn't think I'd see that day) came out.
With all the spinning and plying there's a tiny bit too much twist in the yarn, even after washing.
I'm not very fond of this yarn, but it might surprise with knitting, who knows.
fiber: FatCatKnits, Chimera, 8 oz BFL (I had BFL spun before, and this was not as soft as I thought it should be), ~ 550yds, 14-15 WPI
The actual skein weighs 202g or 7 1/8 oz before I washed it. I had some left over singles, and some left over 2-ply which makes up the difference to the 8oz.
Right now I have no idea what this yarn will be used for, so off it goes into the handspun bin.
When I saw Happy concentrating so hard on his electric slide, I was thinking of signing him up for line dancing lessons. The only problem I see is, how will he keep his cowboy hat on?
LOL! He'd probably have to have slits in the hat and a chin strap for sure!
I am very sure you will find a pattern to compliment the wool you ahve spun.
Oh he's dreaming of a life on the stage!!! You could knit him a hat!!
As much as I love the multi color fibers, I always hope that the color I like will dominate. It never does. Your yarn is lovely and I hope orange-ish is what you were going for.
It's time to start turning Happy's antics in to Animal Planet. That boy's got talent! :)
I think the yarn looks lovely...
And to Happy... duct tapes works for everything!
Happy looks so happy!!
I really like the way the finished yarn turned out! Though I've totally been digging the rusty tones lately.
Funny ~ as soon as I saw the picture of Happy I thought ~ gosh he looks like he's ice skating! Great capture :)
I'm sure that beautiful handspun yarn will surprise and delight when you knit it into something fabulous!!!
I think we all have "spinner's regrets" from time to least I know I do. But, with that said, I like the mingling of the colors! Looks beautiful! I have not yet attempted a cabled yarn. I look at each new spin as a learning experience if nothing else....and just dance a happy dance if I get decent yarn out of it!
Sofee thinks Happy is nuts...dancing in the snow! She avoids it at all cost (which has been pretty hard this year. Basically I carry her out, sit her down, pick her up, and carry her back inside). Can you say "spoiled pooch"?? LOL
Schönes Garn. Das Projekt dazu findet sich bestimmt noch.
LG Susi
I'm starting to notice that anything with orange will become muddied when plied. So frustrating! I'm sure the perfect use for that yarn will pop up eventually. Happy is so multi-talented!
I love your handspun. Although I have to be careful not to show it to my daughter, who really wants to learn (and is 4).
It's amazing how much our furry friends love the snow.
I love the Happy dancing and the yarn. One day I'll finish spinning my pretty fibers.
Happy Dance :-)
I really like the way your cabled yarn turned out. The colors are subtle, and remind me of fall.
Chimera was beautiful top! It made a rich tonal yarn - again, an unexpected result! It will grow on you, I'm sure! You'll find the perfect project for it, i just know it! I'm also working on a 4-ply cabled yarn - takes forever, doesn't it?
You are the only knitter/spinner I know who would still have lots to post about even when their hand is out of commission! You are so prolific! LOL! You're an amazing gal!
hhmm,the yarn looks interesting. I wonder how it will knit up.
Happy will def need a chin strap for his 10 gallon hat ;)
LOVE the photo of Happy!!
Electric Slide! That is hilarious.
I still love your yarn and just wait until you'll have it knit up.
happy does his part of the Olympic Games, anyone can dance on ice, HE dances on snow. great picture!
thought of you during the opening ceremonies!
That is such a cute picture of Happy!
Wow, your handspun is just unbelievably beautiful.
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