I've still not shown you this little scarf, I made back in early December '09. I dyed this yarn last summer, along with other skeins. One was made into my bloody toes knee high socks. Another into my version of the Baktus scarf. I didn't want to make another pair of socks, but was curious how the colors would present themselves.
This scarf turned out a little small, more like a kerchief, but that's O.K. I like how the colors behaved. It was dyed in two 5og balls. This was another of my projects, where I started out with a shawl in mind, but discovered quickly, that it would not be enough, so changed plans and made another slip stitch thingy. I had just about a foot of yarn left over.
pattern: my own
yarn: Opal sock yarn, dyed by me
needles: 3.25mm
size after blocking: 23.5" x 49"
start-finish: Dec.'09, 1-8
Monika, I love the color and the way the pattern striped the different shades. No one would ever know it wasn't what you started out to make.
Beautiful.....and just in time for Valentine's Day
The color in that is so absolutely beautiful! I am positive that your scarf is one of the nicest ones I have ever seen.
Gorgeous! Love it!
das sieht ja toll aus! die Kombination von Farbverlauf und Muster ist perfekt gewählt. Applaus! :)
liebe Grüße - gila
Sooo wunderschön! Die Farbe und das Muster dazu - einfach perfekt.
Very pretty...love the color :)
Definitely looks a bit like a Valentine's Day scarf. :-)
Great colouring! So beautiful dyeing result!
wow - these colors are really great - your scarf looks gorgeous! greetings - gudrun
Neat! I love the way the colours progress
This is soooo prettty. In my favorite colours too!
WOW... That's all I can say is WOW.. Love all I'm seeing here and hope it's OK to follow along. I have dyed my own yarn, but not taken up the spinning part yet. Sure want to give it a try after looking around here.
Stop by my garden any time.
Love the colors here.
Those colors are so beautiful! I love that.
That shawl is stunning. The yarn and pattern are perfect together.
Die Farben sind sehr harmonisch. Das Tuch gefällt mir sehr gut. Wunderbar.
Grüßle, die Bea
Wow, those colours are fabulous and I love the way the border colours repeat too. Very nice!!
Monika, I just can't describe how beautiful this shawl is. In my oppinion, is one of the most gourgeos I've seen around here!
Congrats =D
It's so interesting how you got your dye to do what you wanted it to. I need to learn that trick!
Your scarf is lovely!
Die Socken waren schon geil. Der Schal ist ein echter Hingucker.
LG Susi
I know I sound like a broken record, but I'll just have to say it again: that's beautiful!
Love it - and it was fun seeing Happy as a puppy again.
Another Work of Art!!!! You have such a talent for dying and matching yarns with shawls. Enjoy :)
I love the colors. They look perfect in the scarf. I can't wait to try this type of dyeing again.
you dyed that yarn? it looks so cool! I think smaller shawls are perfect for under coats
sehr harmonische Farben mit einem tollen Farbverlauf...das Tuch gefällt lmir sehr...
Liebe Grüße
And the colours are wonderful!
Love the colors - gorgeous. You have done a beautiful job.
wow I love it
I already admired it in Ravelry.
Your shawl is absolutely great. I love the greys and reds and its simple look.
It looks very nice. The color is so beautiful and your pattern is so good for it.
Wonderful or in good old German, wunscherschön.
Best wishes from Germany
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