We found a pet friendly Hotel, and after a lengthy walk in the evening, Biko was quite content.
That could not be said of Happy. He was like a whirlwind, and could not settle down. He reminded me of a five year old on a sugar rush.
I tried to get a good picture, but he soon discovered that he could jump from one bed to the other, and for the next half hour or so, did just that.
He also learned something new on this trip; Biko ever so helpful showed him how he could drink from a toilet! Never before and never since!
These are the only pictures I took on this trip. And that's O.K. it's better forgotten anyway.
The pups behaved well, until about 2 hours from home on our way back. They just had enough of this never ending car ride. It was dark, raining, we've caught a cold, and felt terrible, and they started to fight. In my desperation I threw back my last apple, and that broke the spell. Happy was working on it for about 5 minutes, but that was enough to calm them down.
I even brought along some knitting, but needless to say, I never unpacked it.
Well, live and learn!
Wow! Happy never gets tired!
Oh no!! I laughed, which is wrong I know, but Gilly leaps from chair to chair and stool to stool in our house too!!! I love Happy's exploits. So glad you have Biko to set a well behaved tone!! Sounds like a great trip apart from the cold.
This is what you get when you have dogs "LOL" and even if it is stressfull, with the love they give you I am sure it is worth it .....
Happy adventures! Literally. lol. Love your stories about your busy puppy boy.
Um yeah--that's why I don't travel with the Ts. One GSD is enough to handle on the road.
Happy jumping from bed to bed sounds just like any other happy, energetic toddler after a long day in the car! ;-D
I laughed too. Still, it's easier than traveling with toddlers who have to sit buckled into a car seat for the whole ride. And you can't throw apples at kids. And a tossed apple wouldn't slow kids down anyway unless it beaned one of them in the head so hard that it knocked them out. And then you'd have much bigger troubles than restless dogs, my friend.
da musste ich jetzt aber grinsen.
Ja, ja, wer den Schaden hat, braucht für den Spott nicht zu sorgen.....
Aber ich finde deine Reisebeschreibung einfach lustig.
Liebe Grüße, die Bea
Happy is still so puppy! But, Biko looks like he could travel solo. At least until the wee one grows;-D
If your dogs were perfect and never gave you gried, you wouldn't have nearly as many funny stories to tell. And they are funny!
Glad to have you back blogging.
Ilove following Happy's growth. I am sure that a couple of years from now, when he has some years on him, he will be a better traveller.
PS Next time you are in Ottawa, stop in at janie h. knits in Perth.
Oh my! That sounds like a challenging trip. That Happy, he's like the Energizer Bunny.
Good thing you didn't pull out your knitting - who knows what he might have done to it! /shudder.
Oh, I feel for you in that hotel room with Happy bouncing from bed to bed! Reminds me of the car ride from Indiana to California with both dogs when we "relocated." A decided low point - LOL
I feel a little woozy thinking of my pack in that situation ;) They already bounce from couch to chair at home. I think Happy did awesome, and he looks like he's having so much fun in the blurry pics !
Too bad you can't tell them to sit on their paws.
Das Problem mit dem Autofahren kenne ich. Lilly und ihre Freundin zerlegen immer die ganze Rückbank, es wird ein Wrestling Ring draus - und dann schauen sie, als könnte sie kein Wässerchen trüben.
Und solange ihr nicht die Renovierung des Hotelzimmers bezahlen musstet :)....
LG Susi
Oh my, this sounds like a terrible trip. I am so sorry for you. I hope you will be able to laugh about it soon...
Oh my goodness - this post made me laugh out loud. Love, love, love that crazy blurred shot! :D
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