the color in this picture is way off
This will be the last FO to show you before my trip. It's called Raspberry Rhapsody scarf by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer and it's REAL lace! You don't get to relax on the wrong sides, but have to do patterning as well. I adore this little scarf! There will be another one in the future.

the color in this picture comes close to the true color
It's on the short side, but it will have to do, since I only had 3 balls of the yarn. I made it for my godmother, who I will see back home. I haven't seen her in years, and years, so I'm looking forward to it. I hope she likes the color, I don't have a clue what her favorite colores are.
This pattern can be found in the book "The Knitter's Book of Yarn" by Clara Parkes. It has 40 patterns in it, and this is the third pattern I've knit from it. And there are still more I want to do. This book is definitely worth its money.
pattern: Raspberry Rhapsody scarf by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer
yarn: elann Baby Cashmere, 60% Baby Alpaca, 30% merino wool, 10% Cashmere, 3 balls ~ 327yds
needles: 4mm (used my KP Harmony straights)
size after blocking: 11" x 50"
start-finish: Oct. 04-10
Since it's written instructions I made myself a sheet with the main body instructions, giving every row a different color and printed out in landscape format, so the instructions could stand in one row for each row. Yes, I need aids like that sometimes, it made it a much more relaxed and fun knit. The pattern is very well written and I especially like the built in border, so clever!
I noticed that one of the pictures of this scarf in the book was taken around the same time of year in a similar setting as my first picture.
Now, I still have to finish my Terttu shawl II. I underestimated knitting a triangular shawl again. The rows are getting long and longer. I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow, and after a bath and a stretch it should be dry by Tuesday. After that I'm done and ready to go.
I will have to knit the TTL Mystery Socks when I get back. I'm itching for sock knitting real bad.
So very pretty! She'll love it - who could not like blue?
I'll have to drag out that book again - I don't recall this pattern. I really like your idea of printing the rows in different colors. I generally just use large spaces - but like your idea better.
I'm off to SC so will say goodbye now. Have a wonderful, wonderful time and be well!
the scarf is truly lovely! have a wonderful time on your trip!!
Wow, that looks soft as a cloud. I'm sure she will love it. Aren't you bringing any knitting with you? Why not bring some socks to do on the plane?
Gorgeous! You do such beautiful work. :)
I love that cornflower blue color. It's strange how it didn't come out in the first photo. I have the book but haven't made anything from it yet. I'm hoping to soon though!
Very, very pretty--she will love it!! Your trip sounds like it is going to be all kinds of fun!
I'm sure your grandmother will love anything she gets from you. I hope she is not like my dad and wants to save it for when times get bad. I hope you enjoy your trip. Your suitcase must be so much lighter on your way back with all the goodies you are taking. I wonder what the airlines says when they x-ray your bag with knitted gifts. :)
A lovely scarf! Have a great trip, enjoy your time with your family in Europe.
Thats crazy how white it looks in the first picture. Lovely background, all the leaves are pretty much gone here, my view looks like a bunch of leafless trees *sigh*
Beautiful scarf!
Your scarf is awesome. Your godmother is going to love it ...I'm sure of that :)
Good luck getting ready for your trip!! Have a great time :)
What a lovely scarf. I hope you have a good trip.
Hi Monika, Wow, your scarf is beautiful. You did an outstanding job on it. Love the color and the nice setting for your photo, too. What a nice gift for your godmother. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Jackie E-S/HeartStrings
Very beautiful.
Lovely scarf. Is this what they call knitted lace?
mppgoBeautiful! What a thoughtful gift!
mmmmm...cashmere and alpaca!!! it must be so soft - i want to reach out and fondle it!
Liebe Monika,
wie immer bin ich überrascht über Deine Kreativität und Schaffenskraft, die Du in den wenigen Tagen, an denen ich nicht online war, an den Tag gelegt hast. Deine Mittens sind wundervoll fruchtig und fröhlich, wunderbare Herbstbegleiter eben.
Dein hellblauer Laceschal sieht aus wie vom Himmel geflattert und die gestreifte Lacestola verfehlt ihre Wirkung nicht minder. Aber dass Du die schöne Decke aufgeribbelt hast, schaaade! Die fand ich einfach toll und hab schon überlegt, ob ich nicht auch so eine mache. Ich bin natürlich gespannt, was Du Dir für eine Jacke stricken wirst.
Aber jetzt wünsche ich Dir erstmal eine gute Reise in Deine Heimat mit schönen Begegnungen und Erlebnissen, die Du wieder mit nach Canada nehmen kannst. Hab eine schöne Zeit in Österreich und komm gut hin und wieder zurück. Ich freue mich schon auf Deinen Reisebericht.
Bis bald und allerliebste Grüße
Love the scarf & you have done a beautiful job again!
I love the color of the scarf and the pattern is wonderful. I bet your godmother will look great wearing it.
Have a great trip!
I've been thinking about you and your trip--I hope you have a wonderful time!
And it's a gorgeous scarf--wow!
Wunderschoen, dein luftiger, zarter Schal .
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