Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadians! and (happy Columbus Day to you folks in the US)!
edited: October 14th: A very attentive and critical reader of my blog made me aware of what Columbus Day and it's controversy is all about. Ignorance is never an excuse. And I'm always happy to learn new things. Even if only meaning well, one can step on someone else's feet. I'm not deleting it, so you know what I'm talking about.
I have other, older stuff to show you, but I finished these mittens last night. I call them Phoenix mittens, after the name of the fiber.
I made some basic mittens, no pattern, just of the top of my head. I cast on 54 stitches and knit them on 2.75mm needles. They turned out a little wide around the palm, so I decreased to 50 stitches after I separated for the thumb.
They looked boring to me, so I decided to embroider them a little bit. I'm not good at this, and I don't enjoy it. A million ends to weave in, urgh! They are O.K. but I'm not thrilled. Love the strong colores though. I had lots of left over yarn for at least a pair of baby booties, if I wanted to make some. Not that I do.
Just short and sweet today. Need to enjoy the lovely weather. Sam's limping along fine, enjoying life, Biko is up to no good as always, if left to her own device. No gobble-gobble for us, just plain old chicken.
Hallo Monika,
ich glaub, ich kann auch deutsch schreiben *hoff*, ich meine, ich hätte schon deutsche Kommentare hier gelesen!
Also diese Handschuhe sind ja sowas von schön. Da ich selbst mit dem Spinnen angefangen habe (Dank Wollhuhn Tanja :o) ) überlege ich auch schon, ob ich mich mal an Handschuhen versuchen sollte. Wenn ich jetzt Deine sehe, MUSS ich da wohl ran. Also ich bin ganz hin und weg und musste das jetzt hier mal schreiben!
einen lieben Gruß
Oh, I really like the mittens and the embroidery. I don't know that I'd liek to do it, buit now that I've seen yours I'll have try. They are jsut so cute.
Love, love, love these colors (they just pop!) and the embellishments are the icing on the cake. Beautiful.
Well the extra embroidery end sewing in was definitely worth it. They are fabulous!! Love the green pompoms!!
Glad to hear Biko and Sam are managing to be OK!!!
I love the colors in those mittens! Great job -- and the embroidery was a surprise! I like what it adds.
I knew that this yarn would make toasty mittens. Your embroidery is nice. I don't know what you are complaining about. :)
I love the mittens!! You may not liked to do the embroidery but it makes the mittens very special! Well done Monika.
Oh oh oh!! I LOVE these. I adore bright colours,and I love the little flowers. They just make the mittens PERFECT. Fantastic!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you,too.
Oh I LOVE them!!!!! They are stunning!!! Love seeing from start to finish. Nice!
I love them - they are sooooo cute!
The embrodiery and the pom poms make them so special :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you! But no turkey????
I love the colors and have grown attached to embroidery on knitted items - great mittens!
I LOVE the mittens, they turned out great!
They sure will be an eye catcher.
Ich kann mich gar nicht sattsehen an diesen Handschuhen! Ich hab ja vom Sticken überhaupt keine Ahnung, aber das macht doch echt was ganz besonderes aus diesen Handschuhen!
Liebe Grüße
Looking back at your pictures I saw the Chocolate and Cherries roving. Oh wow! Would I love to have some of that. I looked at Sunshine Yarns and apparently they don't have it any more. I sure hope you enjoy spinning those beautiful colors. Let us see it when you are done.
The mitts are great and the embroidery really makes them special. Well done. Gillian
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love the mittens. The orange is so cheery! Your embroidery is simple and beautiful; it makes the project truly special to have that final touch. You should be proud. =)
I think the embroidery looks good but my favorite part is the little pom poms.
I love your mittens and you spin so beautifully (come teach me!). The embroidery and the pom-poms really make a difference. It's too bad I can't get anyone in my family to wear mittens!
oh la la!!!
They look fantastic, I love the embroidering details!!
Oh Monika,
ich lese ja schon lange heimlich bei dir mit, aber zu diesen Handschuhen muss ich heute auch mal was sagen:
Wunderschpn sind sie geworden, ich bin total begeistert!!!!
Einen lieben Gruß aus dem Rheinland von Andrea
I think the mittens are beautiful!
The flowers are so cute.
Those mittens turned out gorgeous, the colours, the embroidered flowers and the pompons, congratulations!!
I often look into your blog and admire your many creative ideas.
Thank you for sharing your patterns!
Your mittens look good!
Biko is so cute.
I love your mittens. They are so cute with the embroidery and pompoms :)
Oh my, those are lovely too! Guess it's cold where you are, huh? Um, Canada...yes...cold...
Talk about your smokin' hot colors!!! Spectacular!! The embroidery adds the perfect touch! Kudos to you! :o)
Wow, I love those mittens! The emboridery looks awesome on them.
Well I realize I'm a good bit late but Happy Thanksgiving!
I *heart* your mittens... those will chase the winter blues away!!
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